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Several states dropped the requirement that you had to own land to vote
When Jackson was finally elected, it was because more three times more people voted in that election than the previous one. Why was this?
The federalists
the people who believe the British should be supported more belong to which political party?
Nation's capital was put in south
How Hamilton win the South's support for his economic plan?
--The Mississippi River --The port of New Orleans --Vast lands between the Mississippi river and the Rockies
What did The Louisiana Purchase gave the United States control of?
--it drove up prices of things they used to trade for, thus decreasing the value of their own products
Why didn't the South like this tariff?
South Carolina
Which southern state in the south passed a law declaring the tariff unconstitutional?
Tariff of Abominations
What was this Tariff known as in the South?
--He believed in strict interpretation of the Constitution which did not grant clear authority for a President to negotiate such a purchase
Why was making the Louisiana purchase a difficult decision for this Jefferson to make?
- Pass a lower tariff - get authorization from Congress to use force, if necessary
What steps taken by Jackson to resolve the Nullifcation crisis?
________ is when a law is declared null and void.
the BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS (part of War of 1812)
What famous battle did Andrew Jackson fight which made him a national hero?
A civil War
Because of the way Jackson handled this conflict what major conflict may have he (temporarily) prevented?
the federalists
the people who believe in stong federal governement belonged to which political party?
merchants and manufaturers in big cities such as Boson and New York.
what type of people supported Alexanader Hamilton?
he refused to shine a british soldier's shoes.
HOw did andrew jackson get the scar on his face?
the federalists
the people who believe that manufacturing, shopping, and trade should be encouraged belong to which political party?
A LOG CABIN on the Carolina Frontier
Where was Andrew Jackson born?
Old Hickory- Tough as the wood on the hickory tree
What was Jackson nick-named by his troops? and what did it mean?
Alexander Hamilton
Who was George Washington's Secretary of the Treasury?
the Federalists.
the people who believe that the Constitution should be interpreted loosely belong to which political party?
John Calhoun
Who was the person who led the South's fight against this tariff?
the Cherokees
Name the tribe that had to go on the Trail of Tears.
What year did Andrew Jackson first run for President?
- American desire for revenge against Britain for forcing some Americans to join the British Navy--- the belief of War Hawks that Britain was arming Native Americans to fight against American settlers
Two causes of the War of 1812 were...
the Kitchen Cabinet
What term described Jackson's unofficial group of advisors?
What year was he elected President?
the Democratic Republicans
which political party were made up of farmers, craftworkers, and some wealthy planters?
the Federalists
the people who believe that a national bank and protective tariff should be established belong to which political party?
the Corrupt Bargain
What was the name of the deal between John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay that "cheated" Jackson out of the presidency?
(speaker of the house) (secretary of state)
in the corrupt bargain, Henry Clay used his influence as _________ to get John Quincy Adams elected President. In return, Adams appointed him __________
the Democratic Republicans
Which party supported Jefferson's campaign?
Name the first seven Presidents of the U.S. (in order, first and last names)
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson.
the Democratic republicans
the people who believe the Constitution should be strictly interpreted belong to which political party?
There was no northwest passage, they opened up the west for settlement, eventually, they divided up the louisiana territory into states, and paves way for "manifest destiny"
what was the impact of this exploration of lewis and clark?
Federalists and Democratic Republicans
What were the first two political parties?
the Democratic republicans
the people who believe that the state governments should rule belong to which political party?
What political party was George Washington a member of?
_______is when a state leaves the union.
stay neutral in foreign affairs.
what did washington say in his farewell address?
He started the tradition of the State of the Union Address, the Inaugural and Farewell addresses, how to addresss the president (Mister President), the use of a Cabinet (head of departments that give the President advice), and the tradition of only running for two terms.
What precedents did Washington create as America's first president?
What is a tax on foreign goods that protects a countries industry?
How many terms did Andrew Jackson serve?
Who was the leader of France at the time of the Louisiana Purchase?
James Madison
Who was President during the war of 1812?
when was the louisiana purchase made official?
Jackson was a member of what political party?
the Democratic Republicans
the people who believe that the French should be favored in foreign affairs belong to which political party?
In late 1814, the British planned an attack on New orleans. However, they were unsuccessful because Andrew Jackson was already waiting for the British. He had turned his frontier fighters into a strong army. to keep the British from usuing it as a base, he took Pensacola in Spanish Florida. Jackson's force included thousands of frontiersmen. many were experts at using a gun. in addition, many citizens of New orleans joined the army to defend their city from the british. many of the volunteers were african americans. the american soldiers dug trenches to defend themselves. more than 2000 british fell under the fire of the sharpshooters and cannons. only 7 americans died. From this battle, America won an important battle, and Andrew jackson became a national hero.
How did Andrew Jackson get national attention?
What country sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States?
On September 13-14, 1814, the British bombarded Fort McHenry. Francis Scott key, a lawyer and hostage of the British, who witnessed the battle, wrote a poem about the bombardment. Later, this poem was adapted as the national anthem.
When, where, and who wrote the Star Spangled Banner.
When was the War of 1812 ?
No, because of the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution
Can states declare Federal laws null and void? Why or why not?
the Democratic Republicans
the people who believe that agriculture should be encouraged more belong to which political party?
The treaty of Ghent was signed in Ghent, Belgium.
What was the Peace Treaty that ended the War of 1812? and Where was it signed?
What is the term describing rewarding of government jobs with loyal political supporters?
because the americans were concerned about the european nations interfering with the western hemisphere, in 1823, monroe sent a message to congress. in it, he made a bold foreign plicy statement. in this statement, it said that the US would be against anyone who attempted to colonize the americas. also, the US would not interfere in the affairs of europe and other colonies. at the same time, european nations were warned not to interfere with newly independent nations of south america.
what is the monroe doctrine?
John Calhoun
What was the name of Jackson's first vice president?
Thomas Jefferson.
Who was the president of the US during the Louisiana Purchase?
more people gained suffrage, and instead of using caucus to find the leaders of the states, they used a nominating convention, where delegates from all the states vote on the president.
how did the nation become more democratic in the 1820s?
when did washington swear into office?
Trail of tears
What was the long, tragic march that Native Americans were forced on because they were relocated?
make maps, find the north west passage, observe the natural phenomena (animals, weather, land), make freinds with native Americans and vaccinate them against small pox, be safe!
What were jefferson's orders to lewis and clark?
the Federalists
the people who believe that a strong central government should exist belong to which political party?
King Mob
What was the nickname Jackson got from critics who thought he too popular with poor, uneducated working class people?
the Federalists
the people who believe that the wealthy and well educated should lead the nation belong to which political party?
Merriwether LEWIS and William CLARK
Who did the President of the U.S. send to explore the Louisiana territory after it was purchased?
Disagreed with Jackson over Nullification issue/Tariff of Abominations
Why did John Calhoun resign from office?
Shay's rebellion took longer. therefore, the Whiskey rebellion showed that the new government is stronger than the old British one
How is the Whiskey Rebellion different from Shay's rebellion?
start at st. louis/missouri River, go to missouri to the rockies, cross the continental divide, to to the columbia river, and enter the pacific ocean. 1804-1806
lewis and clark: where to explore? how long did it take?
Alexander Hamilton.
Which candidate did the Federalists support?
Indian removal act
What is the name of the 1830 law that kicked Indians off their land to be relocated?
the Democratic Republicans
the people who believed that the people should have political power belong to which political party?
Pet banks
To hurt the Bank of the United States, Jackson deposited government money in state banks known as ___________
the Democratic Republicans
the people who believe that a national bank and protective tariff should not be there belong to which political party?
What national financial institution did Jackson try and destroy?
15 million dollars.
How much did the United States pay for the Louisiana Purchase?
The Judiciary Act
What law, passed by Congress in 1789, set up the Federal Court system?

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