roots 1-64
undefined, object
copy deck
- astr
- star/heavens
- retro
- backwards
- chron,chrono
- time
- ana
- back/against
- geo
- earth/ground
- -ium
- chemical element
- gyn,gynec
- woman/female
- log
- word/reason
- psych,psycho
- mind/spirit
- gam
- united/joined
- hypo
- under/below
- bio
- life
- the,theo
- god
- -y
- act/state/quality
- a,an
- not/without
- er
- one who/that which
- meso
- middle
- scop,scope
- look/view
- ant,anti
- against/opposite
- center,centro
- center
- ops,opt,opto
- eye/vision
- -ic
- like/related to
- onym
- name/word
- ant
- one who/that which
- naut
- sailor/ship
- chrom,chromo
- color
- phon,phono,phone
- sound
- path
- feeling/disease
- eu
- good/well
- gen,geno
- birth/procedure/race
- epi
- on/outside
- crac
- government/rule
- de
- away/down/not
- ics
- science related to
- andr,andro
- man/male
- therm,thermo
- heat
- -ism
- act/state/condition
- ous
- like/related to
- macro
- large/great
- meter,metr
- measure
- -oid
- resembling
- hydr,hydro
- water
- by
- side/close/near
- pachy
- thick
- auto
- self
- derm,dermant,dermato
- skin
- hyper
- over/above
- poly
- many
- -ia
- condition
- mis/miso
- to hate
- -al
- like/related to
- -ology,-logy
- study of/science
- self
- by oneself
- anthrop,anthrop
- man/mankind
- neo
- new/recent
- ist
- one who
- amb,ambi
- both/around
- ate
- to make/to act
- gram,graph
- write/written
- cosm/cosmo
- universe/harmony
- nom
- law/order
- paleo
- ancient
- mono
- one
- sym,syn
- with/together