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- Parnoid PD
- - Inappropriate suspiciousness of others' motives - Takes extraoridnary precautions to avoid being exploited or injured - Overly reactive to minor slights or insults - May create self-fulfilling prophecy (their behavior causes others to become annoyed & cautious towards them, thus confirming their suspicions)
- Schizoid PD
- - Pervasive pattern of indifference to others - Diminished range of emotional experience and expression - PREFERS social isolation
- Schizotypal PD
- - Peculiar patterns of behavior - Perceptual and cognitive disturbances - unusual speech - vague or disjoint - unusual but not actively psychotic or out of touch with reality
- Antisocial PD
- - Irresponsible and antisocial behavior beginning by adolescence - Disregard for and violation of others' rights - Irritable, impulsive, aggressive, reckless, irresponsible; frequently involved in fights
- Histrionic PD
- - Pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behavior - Self-centered, demanding, vain, dramatic; constantly seeking approval - emotions are shallow and easily aroused
- Narcissistic PD
- - Pervasive pattern of grandiosity - Exaggerated sense of self-importance - Preoccupation with own achievement - Unable to empathize with others
- Borderline PD
- - Pervasive pattern of instability in mood and interpersonal relationships - Intense relationships with vacillation between unrealistically positive and negative feelings toward others - Rapid, inexplicable mood changes, sometimes involving feelings of rage - Identity disturbance - difficulty maintaining an integrated, coherent sense of self
- Dependent PD
- - Pervasive pattern of submissive and clinging behavior - Anxious and helpless when alone, needs others for advice and support - Easily hurt by crticism
- - Pervasive pattern of perfectionism, inflexibility, orderliness, and need for mental/interpersonal control - set overly ambitious, unobtainable standards - preoccupied with details and rules, often loses sight of the main point of an activty or project - emotionally restricted, excessively conscientious, moralistic, judgmental, intolerant of others' emotionality and imperfection
- Avoidant PD
- - pervasive pattern of social discomfort, fear of negative evaluation, timidity - tendency towards social isolation, althought desire to be liked - very sensitive to crticism, avoids contact with others
- Major Depressive Disorder
- at least one major depressive episode (at least 2 weeks duration) without any manic episodes
- Dysthymia
- Less severse symptoms, but predominantly depressed mood for at least two years
- Bipolar I
- person has experienced at least one manic episode
- Bipolar II
- person has experienced at least one major depressive episode, at least one hypomanic episode, and NO full-blown manic episodes
- Cyclothymia
- chronic, but less severe mood swings - at least 2 years with numerous hypomanic episodes and numerous periods of depression but NO MAJOR OR MANIC episodes
- symptoms of reexperiencing a traumatic event, avoidance, and increased arousal or anxiety, for at least one month
- Acute stress disorder
- occurs within the first 4 WEEKS after exposure to trauma and includes symptoms similar to PTSD and dissociative symptoms
- Dissociative Fugue
- sudden, unplanned (but purposeful) travel away from home, inability to recall the past, and confusion about identity or the assumption of a new one
- Dissociative amnesia
- sudden inability to remember extensive and important personal information, generally related to a traumatic experience
- Depersonalization disorder
- persistent and sever feelings of being detached from oneself or social/physical environment - limited splitting between conscious and unconscious mental processes; NO MEMORY LOSS OCCURS
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- two or more distinct personality states in an individual that take control over behavior with some memory loss occurring between personalities
- Conversion Disorder
- psychological conflicts are converted into physical symptoms, often mimicking those found in neurological diseases or disorders (ie. paralysis, but may make no anatomical sense)
- Somatization Disorder
- multiple somatic complaints (over time or simultaneously) in the absence of organic impairments .. include pain, gastrointestinal, sexual and pseudoneurologic symptoms
- Hypochondriasis
- persistent, intense, and disturbing fear or belief that one is suffering from a physical illness - lasting over 6 MONTHS
- Pain Disorder
- excessive preoccupation with pain that is motivated partly by psychological factors
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- preoccupation with an imagined defect in physical appearance-typically focuses on a facial feature
- Malingering
- Pretending to have a disorder to achieve a tangible benefit
- Factitious Disorder
- a feigned condition that is motivated by a desire to assume the sick role
- Schizophrenia
- Positive, negative, or disorganized symptoms in the ABSENCE of other disorders (mood & substance) for 1 month followed by overall dysfunction for 6 months
- schizoaffective disorder
- symptoms of schizophrenic disturbance OVERLAP with a depressive or manic episode, BUT psychotic symptoms are present at some point WITHOUT mood disorder symptoms
- delusional disorder
- preoccupation with nonbizarre delusions for at least one month
- brief psychotic disorder
- exhibit psychotic symptoms for at least one day but no longer than one month
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- presence of EITHER obsessions orrr compulsions. Patient must recognize at some point that they are excessive or unreasonable - obsessions must be intrusive, unwanted, and unreasonable - compulsions must be "driven" by an obsession or a rigid rule - and must be aimed at reducing or avoiding distess or anxiety
- Panic Disorder
- Recurrent unexpected panic attacks, one of which is followed by a period of ONE MONTH or more in which patient continues to have problems related to the attack (worry, anxiety, avoidance) - can be with or without agroaphobia
- Agoraphobia
- with our without panic attacks - anxiety about being in situations from which escape might be either difficult or embarrassing
- Specific Phobia
- fear that is excessive or unreasonable, related to a specific object or situation
- Social Phobia
- similar to specific phobia, but performance or interactions in social situations are the focus of fear
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- excessive anxiety and worry about a number of distinct events or activities that is debilitating over a period of at least 6 MONTHS
- Substance abuse
- pattern of abuse associated with interference in fulfilling obligations, use of a drug in dangerous situations, or legal difficulties connected with drug use
- Substance dependence
- repeated use of a drug that often results in tolerance, withdrawal or compulsive behavior..commonly called addiction