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Metallo Unit 1: The 6 Principles of Government

We will NOT fail his first test!

From The 6 Principles of Government worksheet.
The 6 principles are:
Popular Sovereignty
Judicial Review
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances
Limited Government


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Reserved Powers
powers not denied to the states by Article 1, Section 10
to petition the government with the signatures of registered voters for an addition or change of a law or ordinance
Delegated Powers
powers that are specifically written into the Constitution and given to the 3 branches of government
Popular Sovereignty
The right of the people to determine their own destiny by the use of the vote; Popularized by Stephen A. Douglass during his debates with Abraham Lincoln in 1858
Judicial Review
The right of the supreme court to oversee any and all actions of the president and the congress; Precedent established by the supreme court case Marbury vs. Madison
Separation of Powers
The division of powers of the government into 3 separate and distinct branches
Limited Government
the power of the people to limit the power of the government by the use of initiative, referendum, and recall
Concurrent Powers
powers that are shared by both the state and federal governments
Implied Powers
powers that are not specifically written into the Constitution but are granted to the 3 branches by the "Elastic Clause" (McCulloc V. Maryland)
the overturning of an old law or the removal of a government elected official
the process of voting a proposed law or ordinance initiated by the general public
Checks and Balances
powers given to the 3 branches of government that enables them to "keep an eye on each other"
A dual system of government that enables the government to function on both the state and the federal level.

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