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- militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism
- causes of ww1
- big four
- george clemenceau (france), david lloyd george (britain), vittorio orlando (italy), woodrow wilson (us). france and britain wanted to punish germany and italy wanted austrian territory
- espionage and sedition acts
- laws passed that limited freedom of speech during ww1
- 14 points
- wilson's plan for the postwar world
- league of nations
- desired by wilson to prevent another world war
- lusitania
- ocean liner whose sinking killed 128 americans
- selective service act
- created a draft for ww1
- treaty of versailles
- treaty that officially ended ww1
- russia revolution
- country whose revolution in 1917 removed an absolute monarch
- neutrality
- most americans saw no reason to join a war 3,000 miles away. and divided loyalties