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- name the lipids with 12 cs
- Lauric Acid
- lipid with 20C
- Arachidic
- 16C lipic
- palmitic
- 14 c
- myristic
- 18 c
- stearic acid
- What is the shorthand for Palmmitoleic acid?
- 16:1
- What is the fatty acid that has 16 c and 1 double bond?
- Palmitoleic Acid
- What is the shorthand for oleic acid?
- 18:1
- What is the shorthand for linoleic acid
- 18:2
- What is the shorthand for alpha-linolenic acid?
- 18:3
- what is the shorthand for gamma linolenic acid?
- 18:3
- What is the shorthand for arachidonic acid?
- 20:4
- Is oleic acid saturated or unsaturated?
- unsaturated
- Is arachidonic acid saturated or unsaturated?
- unsaturated
- Is lauric acid saturated or unsaturated?
- Saturated
- Is arachidic acid saturated or unsaturated?
- saturated
- is myristic acid saturated or unsaturated?
- saturated
- is palmitic acid saturated or unsaturated?
- saturated
- Is steric acid saturated or unsaturated?
- saturated
- Is linoleic acid saturated or unsaturated?
- unsaturated
- How do saturated fatty acids exist in our body usually?
- Attached to a carrier molecule or part of a larger molecule
- Are unsaturated or saturated FA more abundant?
- unsaturated
- name an essential fatty acid
- linoleic acid
- fatty acids are precursors for what, name three molecules
- eicosanoids, triglycerides, glycerophopholipds
- All ecosanoids are derived from what FA? common name and short hand?
- arachidonic acid (20:4)
- What are three classes of ecosanoids?
- protaglandins, tromboxanes and leukotrienes
- Each palmitoyl-coA produces how many ATP, Co2 and H2O?
- 108 ATP, 16CO2 and 23 H20
- what is the parent molecule of glycerophospholipids? Describe the structure of the parent molecule.
- Phosphatidic acid. glycerol backbone with two fatty acids and one phophoric acid. attached to the phosphoric acid
- common head groups of glycerophospholipids are choline, ethanolamine, serine, glycerol and inositol. what are the charges on those groups
- +1, +1, (-1,+1), no charge for the last two
- when considering the overall charge of a glycerophospholipid what two parts of the molecule are important to add up the overall charge?
- negative charge of phosphoric acid and charge of the head group
- what is the overall charge of phophatidylinositol?
- -1
- what is a phopholipase?
- enzyme that breaks down phospholipids in the body.
- what type of lipid is a plamologen?
- ether glycerophopholipd
- describe differences between glycerophopholipids and ether GPL
- ether linkage between alkyl group of FA chain at pos 1 on the glycerol backbone rather than and ester linkage (the ether linkage is a fatty alcohol instead of a FA.)
- what is the name of the structure of terpene with two terpene molecules
- monoterpene
- how many terpene molecules is in a monoterpene?
- two
- how many terpenes are in a diterpene
- four
- how many sugars are attached to a ganglioside
- three or more
- what is a characteristic feature of the sugars on gangliosides
- some are negatively charged like sialic acid
- which of the sphingolipids are probably used for signalling
- gangliosides
- two components of a wax?
- long chain fatty acids and long chain alcohols
- where can you find 2 isoprene unit molecules?
- monoterpenes are found in plants
- where can you find monoterpenese?
- plants
- where can you find diterpenes
- retinoids
- where can you find triterpenes?
- cholesterol
- where can you find tetraterpenes?
- biosythesis of retinoids and beta carotene
- steroid hormones come from which type of lipid
- terpenes
- many vitamins and coenzymes from from terpenes t or f?
- true
- where do we use coenzyme q
- e- transport and biosynthesis of atp in mitochondria
- coenxyme a is a terpene, sphingolipid or cholesterol?
- terpene
- vitamin e is what type of lipid
- terpene
- what does vit E do?
- tocopherol; reacive oxygen species and protection of biological membranes
- what does vitamin k do?
- blood clotting
- dolichol phoshate is a glycolipid, sphingolipid, wax or terpene?
- terpene
- what coenzyme acts in biosynthesis of membrane proteins or proteins for secretion/circulation
- dolichol phosphate
- what type of reactions in the er does dolichol phosphate do?
- glycosylation reactions in the ER
- biological function of vit A
- retinoic acid - powerful regulator (retinal)
- vit d biological function?
- bone formation, calcium homeostatis
- vitamin k biological function?
- essential for clotting.
- if there is a deficiency of vit K then what might be a problem experience during the healing process?
- clotting could be slowed and that could be fatal
- coumadin works how?
- by reducing the recylcing of vit k after it is oxidized during corboxylation reactions. this helps to some extent to prevent small clots
- what is the parental compound of steroids?
- cholesterol
- steroids are polar, non polar, or amphipathic and why?
- the -oh group on the 3rd C of a ring makes it amphipathic
- what do bile acids do?
- digest lipids by making fat more soluable. bile is secreted into the small intestine after a fatty meal and acts as a detergent to emulsify dietary fats to make them more ready accessible to digestive lipases
- name phospholipids that are as a rule on the part of the outer leaflet
- sphingomylein phosphotidylcholine