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Chadwick sign
congestion & bluish discoloration of the vagina
Hegar sign
softening of the cervix
Nagele's Rule
Due date: LMP + 7 - 3 months
postpartum vaginal bleeding resulting from sloughing of the decisua

- normally heavy for 2-3 days, but can last for 6-8 weeks

consumption of non-nutrient substances like clay, starch, dirt during pregnancy
Ashkenazi Jewish - 4 screening tests offered
1. Tay-sachs
2. CF
3. Canavan
4. Familial Dysautonomia

"Tay is familiar with his (cys)ter's cans"

Chorionic Villus Sampling
10-12 weeks

- chromosome analysis, molecular genetic testing, mosaicism screen (like PUBS) to see if placental cells match fetal cells

15-22 weeks

- chomosome analysis, molecular genetic testing
- open neural tube defects!!!

Structural abnormalities like anencephaly, hypoplastic L heart, etc.
18-22 weeks via US
Antinausea/antiemetic.. now currently used for TNFalpha-antagonist properties

**A teratogen!**

Oxidative DNA damage
- Causes phocomelia (shortened limbs)

Accutane - acne medication

**A teratogen!**

Contains Vitamin A
- Spontaneous abortions
-Microtia/anotia: small or absent ears
- Rentina/optic nerve defects
- Decrease thymus so decrease immune

Used for seizures

**A teratogen!**
Valproate acid is VERY BAD - causes neural tube defects

Deficient in epoxide hydrolase.. thus can't make Arene Oxide into an inactive/nontoxic compound
- Causes Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome


**A teratogen!**
Wait until 2nd trimester if u need to use it
- Baby: causes yellow-brown teeth
- Mom: fatty degeneration of liver, pancreatitis, GI intolerance, Photosensitivity

Folic acid antagonist


Hyperviscosity syndrome
*Due to Intrauterine Growth Restriction*

- polycythemia, multiorgan thrombosis, heart failure, hyperbilirubinemia

Kleihauer-Betke Test
Determines if there are fetal erythrocytes in the maternal circulation


4 drugs to delay preterm labor to increase maturity of the fetus..
1. Mg Sulfate - most often used, decreases contractions, safe (flushing, HA, nausea)

2. Indomethacin - 2nd line, increase side effects (an NSAID)

3. Nifedipine - Ca2+ channel blocker, for chorinoic contractions (hypotensive and HAs)

4. Terbutaline - beta adrenergic

Erb-Duchenne Palsy
Brachial plexus injury

#1 reason OB docs get sued

Postterm pregnancy (>42 weeks) - associated with macrosomia --> shoulder dystocia

Dysmaturity Syndrome
in Postterm pregnancies

- umbilicial cord compression - oligiohydraminos (AFI < 5cm) - Hypoglycemia - Seizures
Measures uterine contraction frequency and duration (but strength can't be quanified)

an external tool along with doppler and real-time US

Strength of contraction measured by Intrauterine Pressure Catheter

Cardiff Method
Minimum of 10 fetal movements in a 12 hour period
NST (non-stress test) resulting in a "reactive" test

2 FHR accelerations, 15 bpm above baseline lasting 15 seconds in a 20 minute period (> 32 weeks)

Friedmans Curve
Rate of cervical dilation

- 1.5 cm/hr (multiparous
- 1.2 cm/hr (nulliparous)

Bishop Score
*Helps determine if induction will be needed*

Based on: 1. cervical position 2. cervical effacement 3. cervical dilation 4. cervical consistency 5. fetal station ..
Nitrazine test
ph > 7.1

.. a test used on the amniotic fluid in the vagina to see if it is amniotic fluid or not

Homans Test
Positive in DVT - pain at squeezing of achille's tendon

DVT also associated with pain, edema, and redness!

Caudal regression
Degeneration of the cauda equina and portions of the sacrum

**Seen only in babies of DM mothers**!

Glyburide and Metformin
Oral hypoglycemic agents used to decrease blood glucose (instead of gold standard insulin)

They do not cross the placenta like insulin

Magnesium sulfate
used to prevent convulsions from HTN in pregnancy

**Antitdote = calcium gluconate - tx MgSO4 toxicity (if patient loses reflexes)

Tx for HTN in LABOR
Administer if BP > 180/100

- Hydralazine: vasodilatory
- Labetalol: beta blocker

GOAL: 160/110 (too large of a decrease can affect placental perfusion)

Antepartum/Postpartum Outpatient Tx for HTN in pregnancy
Tx chronic pre-existing as outpatient (not PIH)
GOAL: 160/90-110

Prazosin (alpha 1 antagonist)

**Do not use Ace inhibitors or diuretics**

Obligation to keep promises
Right of patient to be provided complete and honest information
Vasa previa
when the umbilical cord vessels go over the cervical os

.. when someone checks to see dilation, there will be massive amounts of bleeding (from baby).. these vessels are predisposed to rupturing

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