zert zoology
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- characteristics of sarcopterygii
- all living osteichthyans except ray finned fishes, unique supporting skeleton in fins
- what are the three geological eons of the earth
- archean, proterozoic, phanerozoic
- what of the three eons contained vertebrate life?
- the phanerozoic
- What are the three geological eras of the phanerozoic?
- paleozoic, mesozoic, cenozoic
- when approximately did the continental drift begin?
- during the paleozoic time period about 540 MYA
- When was pangea formed?
- approximately 300 MYA
- When did pangea begin to break apart?
- approximately 150 MYA
- What are the features of all chordates?
- a notocord, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, a postanal tail, and an endostyle
- what is an endostyle?
- glandular groove on the floor of the pharnyx that secretes mucus, similar to our thyroid gland
- What phylum is the sister group to chordata?
- hemichordates
- what are thehemichordates said to be the sister group to chordata?
- pharyngeal slits
- What are the three main groups of the Phylum Chordata?
- Cephalochordatas, Urochordates, Craniate/Vertebrata
- what is a blastopore?
- opening to the archenteron or primitive digestive tract
- what is a protostome?
- the blastopore eventually develops into the mouth
- what is a deuterostome?
- the blastopore eventually develops into the anus
- what is a coelom?
- body cavity lined with mesoderm
- what is an enterocoelomate?
- the mesoderm pinches off and then migrates to form a new set of tissue
- what species exhibit the characteristics of enterocoelomates?
- echinoderms and chordata
- what is schizocoelomate?
- the mesoderm forms by part of the endoderm and ectoderm, the coelom forms by the splitting of the mesoderm
- what phylums exhibit characteristics of schizocoelomates?
- mollusks, annelid and arthropods
- what phylums exhibit radial cleavage?
- chordates and mollusks
- what phylums exhibit spiral cleavage?
- mollusks, annelids, arthropods
- what are naural crest cells?
- stem cells that have branched off of the ectoderm and surround a newly formed hollow tube
- what are some of the fates of neural crest cells?
- schwann cells and melanocytes
- what are HOX genes
- control the basic structure of all genes, the more complex your HOX genes the more complex the organism
- What is phylogenetic and evolutionary classification based on?
- morphology, development, biochemistry and genetics
- what is evolutionary distance
- the distance in genetics, not time
- paraphyletic group
- ancestor is present but not all descendants
- polyphyletic group
- all descendents are present without the common ancestor
- what is apomorphy
- a derived characteristic
- what is pleisiomorphy
- in herited unchanged characteristics from the ancestor
- what is synapomorphies
- derived characteristics shared by many species
- what are symplesiomorphies
- shared ancestral characteristics
- what is an outgroup
- group of organisms that are phylogenically close but not within the group being studied, they are used as a reference
- What events play a role in where certain species of animals are located?
- movement of continents, mountains
- what are the two zoogeogrpahic region defined by animal distribution?
- north america- neartic south america- neotropical
- what was wallaces line
- on the right side of the line were australian types of species and on the left were asian fauna
- when did the paleozoic era occur?
- 542-251 MYA