Spanish- 10/28/04
undefined, object
copy deck
- Barrer el piso
- to sweep the floor
- cortar el ce'sped
- To cut the grass
- hacer la limpieza
- to do the cleaning
- lavar los platos
- to wash the dishes
- limpiar el cuarto
- to clean the room
- pasar la aspiradora
- to vaccum
- planchar
- to iron
- quitar el polvo
- to dust
- sacar la basura
- to take out the trash
- limpio(a)
- clean
- sucio(a)
- dirty
- los quehaceres
- the chores
- acostarcse (o-ue)
- to put yourself to bed
- arreglarse
- to get yourself ready
- cepillarse el pelo
- to brush your hair
- quitarse la ropa
- to take your clothes off
- afeitarse
- to shave yourself
- ban~arse
- to bathe yourself
- despertarse (e-ie)
- to wake yourself up
- ducharse
- to shower yourself
- lavarse
- to wash yourself
- lavarse los dientes
- to brush your own teeth
- levantarse
- to get yourself up
- maquillarse
- to put makeup on yourself
- peinarse
- to comb your hair
- ponerse la ropa
- to put on your own clothes
- secarse
- to dry yourself
- acabar de
- to have just
- ya
- already, still