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Japans 173


undefined, object
copy deck
itsumo no (何時もの)
itsū (胃痛)
a stomachache
itarikku (イタリック)
itazura o suru 悪戯をする()
to be mischievous, to play a practical joke, to play with; to have an amour with
iteza (射手座)
the Archerm Sagittarius
itatamarenai (居たたまれない)
to feel too awkward to remain [in the presence of]
itsu (何時)
when, (at) what time
itchūya (一昼夜)
a whole day and night
Itaria no (イタリアの)
itchidanketsu (一致団結)
solidarity, union
itsukushimu (慈しむ)
to love, to be kind to
itchōra (一帳羅)
one's best/Sunday clothes
itsuwa (逸話)
an anecdote
itazuragaki o suru (悪戯書きをする)
to scribble
itchokusenni (一直線に)
in a straight line, directly
kane ni itome o tsukezu (金に糸目をつけず)
regardless of expense
itaru (至る)
to go, to come, to arrive at, to reach; to extend; to come to believe in, to learn, to end in, to result in
itsutsugo (五つ児)
ito (糸)
a thread, yarn, a string, a (fishing) line
itoyanagi (糸柳)
a weeping willow
itarutokoroni (至る所に/で)
everywhere, throughout, all over, wherever
itowashii (厭わしい)
itoguruma (糸車)
a spinning wheel
itensaki (移転先)
one's new address
itasu (致す)
to do, to bring about, to cause
itoguchi o mitsukeru (糸口を見つける)
to break the ice
itsumo no tōri (何時ものとおり)
as usual
itsu made (何時まで)
until when, how long
Itariajin (イタリア人)
an Italian
Itariago (イタリア語)
the Italian language
kage de ito o hiku hito (陰で糸を引く人)
a wire-puller
Itaria (イタリア)
itchaku (一着)
a suit [of clothes]; the first to reach the goal
itchō koto aru toki ni (一朝事ある時に)
in case of emergency
itoshii (愛しい)
dear, beloved, darling
iten (移転)
itchōissekini (一朝一夕に)
in a day
itsutsu (五つ)
ito (意図)
an intention, a design, an aim
itosugi (糸杉)
a cypress
itareritsukuseri (至れり尽せり)
to leave nothing to be desired, to be perfect
itoko (従兄弟/従姉妹)
a (first) cousin
itchi suru (一致する)
[意見が] to agree
itazurani (徒に)
in vain, to no purpose, idly
itchi shite (一致して)
unitedly, unanimously
itowanai (厭わない)
to do not mind [doing], to be willing to do
itou (厭う)
to dislike, to hate, to grudge, to be/get weary/tired/sick of; to take good care of oneself
itsunandoki (いつ何時)
(at) any moment
itemotattemo irarenai (居ても立ってもいられない)
to be quite impatient/restless
itokuzu (糸屑)
waste thread
itchi (一致)
agreement, consent, coincidence
itoshigo (愛し子)
a beloved child
itawaru (労わる)
to take (good) care of, to treat kindly, to be kind to, to console, to speak kindly to
itokiriba (糸切り歯)
an eyetooth, a canine tooth
itonami (営み)
business, occupation
itazurahanbun ni (悪戯半分に)
for fun, in joke
itoguchi (糸口)
the beginning, the first step, a clue
wakage no itari de (若気の至りで)
on account of one's youthful indiscretion
itsudemo (何時でも)
at any time, always, whenever
itomaki (糸巻)
a spool, a reel
itsuka (何時か)
some time (or other), some day, one of these days; once, at one time; the other day
itazura (悪戯)
mischief, a trick
itō ni (以東に/で)
east [of a place]
itsumo (何時も)
always, all the time
itsumademo (何時までも)
as long as one likes, forever
itsudatsu (逸脱)
a deviation
itoma (暇)
leisure, time to spare, leave(-taking); dismissal, discharge
itaranai (至らない所)
one's shortcomings
itsu kara (何時から)
from what time, since when, how long
itonamu (営む)
to conduct [business], to carry on, to engage, to run, to practice
o itoshiku omou (を愛しく思う)
to think tenderly of
kage de ito o hiku (陰で糸を引く)
to pull the wires
itsunomanika (何時の間にか)
before one knows, before one is aware, unawares
iten suru (移転する)
to move (to)
itchōittan (一長一短)
the merits and demerits
itazurakko (悪戯っ子)
a naughty boy/girl, an urchin
kōei no itari (光栄の至り)
to feel highly honoured
itomagoi o suru (暇乞いをする)
to say good-by
itsubusu (鋳潰す)
to melt down
itashikayushi (痛し痒しである)
to be in a dilemma/fix
kinodoku no itari (気の毒の至り)
to be extremely sorry
itsuni (一に)
solely, wholly, entirely
itomagoi (暇乞い)
leave-taking, a farewell call
itetsuku (凍てつく)
to freeze

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