Early Colonies
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- Why did the Virginia Company send men to settle Jamestown in the New World?
- To find gold.
- Why did the colonists of Jamestown build a fort around the settlement?
- Fear of Indian attack.
- What word was carved on a post in Roanoke Colony?
- Croatoan
- Why was John Smith not killed by Powhatan.
- Powhatan's daughter, Pocahontas, pleaded for her father to save his life.
- Although they did not find gold, what crop did they grow that made them rich?
- tobacco
- Who was the man who began to grow tobacco at Jamestown?
- John Rolfe
- What is a separatist?
- In England, a separatist was someone wo wanted to have their own separate church. They had secret meetings.
- Why did Powhattan and his sons want to kill John Smith?
- He had killed two of their people.
- Why did the colonists of Jamestown force Africans to come to America?
- The tobacco plantations needed many workers.
- What did John White find when he returned from Roanoke?
- The settlers had vanished
- What are Pilgrims?
- Someone who goes on a long journey.
- What is the name of the man who left Roanoke Island Colony for England, and returned three years later?
- John White
- Where was the first place the Pilgrims landed?
- Cape Cod
- Why did the Pilgrims settle at Plymouth?
- Running brooks, cleared fields, harbor safe for small boats, two rivers, and they didn't see any Indians.
- What is the Mayflower Compact?
- It is an agreement of laws between the Plgrims of Plymouth that stated majority would rule, and gave them the right to choose their own leader.
- Why did the Pilgrims not work from Saturday afternoon to Monday morning?
- To worship God.
- What did Squanto teach the Pilgrims?
- To hunt and fish. He taught them that if you plant corn with fish, it will grow better.
- Who was the English speaking Indian who introduced the Pilgrims to Squanto?
- Samoset
- What is the name of a territory settled by a group of people froma distant land who usually remains loyal to their parent country?
- Colony
- Why did Jamestown almost become a ghost town?
- Starvation, illness, and Indian attack.
- How many men survived the journey to the New World?
- 100
- What is the name of the first child born in America?
- Virginia Dare
- What Jamestown leader made peace with the Indians and gained protection from Powhattan?
- John Smith