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- Passover
- A Jewish holiday that is a feast for remebering that God brought his people out of slavery in Egypt.
- Palestine
- Where the Phoenicians live, it is located on the east coast of the Mediterranean.
- David
- Saul's son-in-law, another king who was extremely popular, united tribes, established Jerusalem as the capital, and founded a dynasty.
- Israel
- The new kingdom the Jewish people unite under.
- Synagogue
- A place of worship.
- Kosher
- Dietary loss.
- Judah
- The Southern region of the two divided kingdoms.
- Sarah
- The wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac.
- Bar Mitzvah
- A Jewish celebration for a thirteen year old boy, he accpets the responsitbilty of fullfilling the Torah.
- Isaac
- Abraham's son, he is sacraficed, he founds the Hebrew people.
- Moses
- He led the Jews out of Egypt and he was the prophet who received the Ten Commandments from God.
- Yishmael
- The child of Hagaar and Abraham, he was later kicked out into the desert.
- Monotheism
- The Belief in one God.
- Saul
- A king who was successful in drving the Philistines out.
- Abraham
- The father and founder of Judaism.
- Ten Commandments
- The laws God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai.
- Solomon
- David's son, another king whowas the most powerful. He built a trading empire, beautified the capital, and built a royal palace.
- Shabbat
- A day of rest, worship, and celebration.
- Talmud
- A Jewish Law.
- Rabbi
- Like a Priest but they can marry.
- Torah
- The hebrew name for the first five books of the Bible in the Old Testament.