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Health (2) - Smoking


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what type of drug is nicotine?
nicotine triggers the release of...
stress hormones
nicotine increases what?
heart rate and blood pressure
nicotine does what to your tastebuds?
dulls them
how many chemicals are in cigarette smoke?
if a person smokes ___ cigarates a day they can add ____ lbs of tar to their lungs each year
20-60 cigs a day
1/4-1/2 lbs
common additives in cigs?
flavor, ammonia, moisture, etc
2 effects of tar
1.makes mucas thick
2.slows sweeping action of cilia
how can smoking soothe the urge to cough?
paralyzes cilia, numbs throat
a person with emphaysema breaths __ times a minute. this is ___ times the rate of a healthy adult
30 times a minute
1/2 to 2 times more
a person with emphysema will die from..
suffocation or heart failure
COLD stands for
chronic obstructive lung diseases
how many deaths in the US come from heart disease and stroke?
smoking does what to the oxygen in your blood?
decreases the amount of oxygen that the blood can carry
what happens to the red blood cells of a smoker?
CO2 replaces O2
nicotine triggers the formation of...
blood clots
what does smoking do to the hearts blood flow?
drastically reduces blood flow to the hearts own arteries
chewing tabacco causes tumors to form in..
nasal cavity, cheeck, gum, and throat
2 effects of chewing tobacco
1.wears away tooth surface
2.eats away at jawbones
smoking increases risk of ulcers
smoking does not effect fertitlity in women
smoking causes increased bone loss in women
smoking has no effect on memory
women who smoke while using birth control pill are at a greater risk for heart attack or stroke
smoking increases persons tolerance to drugs
smoking slows the growth of lungs in adolescents
the immune system is not effected by smoking
smoking causes men to produce abnormal sperm
smoking can increase hearing or vision loss
low nicotine or low tar cigs are better for a person
cigar and pipe smoke have a low risk of causing cancer
an addictive drug present in tobacco
chemical present in tobacco, burning releases carcinogens
cancer-causing agents
mainstream smoke
smoke that flows through cig and into a smokers lungs when they inhale
sidestream smoke
smoke that escapes into the air from buring tobacco
second hand/passive smoking
smoke exhaled from smokers lungs and smoke in the air that other people breathe in
irritablity, restlessness, anxiety, craving for nicotine

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