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History - Ch. 12 Quiz


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leaving a bitter legacy of religious hatred on the Middle East
The Crusades affected the evolution of religion in Medieval Europe by
Antinoch; Edessa; Jerusalem; Tripoli
The feudal states established after the First Crusade were:
The Crusades helped to break down feudalism for all the following except: a) the failure of the Crusades isolated Western Europe from the western world b) Peasants were released from their feudal bonds if they went to the Holy Land c) Strong monarchs directly taxed their subjects and raised large national armies d) to obtain money for weapons and supplies, many nobles sold their estates.
Feudal kindoms in the Holy Land evovled into permanent European colonies
One of the lasting economic effects of the Crusade was:
the city of Jerusalem
"Do not drem that we shall give up to you... It belonged to us originally, and it is you who are the real aggressors." What is the quote referring to>
Frederick Barbarossa; Philip Augustus; Richard I
These monarchs led "The Crusade of the Three Kings"
Which of the following is NOT a result of the Crusades: a) Trade between Europe and Palestine revitalized the city of Constantinople b) Europeans translated the works of classic scholars from Greek and Arabic c) Crusaders learned to use the magnetic compass and created more accurate maps d) Evolution in castle design, weapons, and gunpowder changed the art of warfare.
Urban II
"I exhort strive to expel that wicked race from our Christian lands...Christ commands it." The Pope inspired his listeners to volunteer for the First Crusade.
Christians were tolerated and allowed to live in Jerusalem
After the Palestine fell to Arab invaders in the A.D. 600's, ___________________.
Saladin; Richard I
During the Third Crusade, Muslim leader ___________ squared off against English king ________________.
the Muslim Sultan broke his promis to yeild the city to Crusaders.
According to Beha-ed-Din, one of the reasons the King of England executed Muslim prisoners was becuase:
Medieval knights were motivated to join the crusades except: a) the chance to gain freedom from feudal bonds b) the opportunity to employ their fighting skills c) the economic lure of plundering foreign lands d) the promis of forgiveness of all earthly sins.
Women without their gaurdians and clergy wothout the consent of their bishops
Which group of Christians did the Pope exclude from his call for the First Crusade.
Marco Polo
The experiences of the Crusades inspired travelers such as ____________, who set out for China in A.D. 1271 with his merchant father and uncle.
The Fifth Crusade was launched against Muslim power in _________.
the Crusaders were defeated by the Turks and returned home in disgrace.
The result of the Second Crusade in A.D.1149 was
Alexius I
After a disastrous military defeat at the hands of the Turks, Byzantine emperor _______________ called on the Pope for aid.
In A.D. 1191 after a two-year siege of the city of ______, negotiations for a truce broke down and Crusaders killed 3,000 Muslim prisoners.
Slaughtered the inhabitants
After the seige if almost two months, the victorious Crusaders entered Jerusalem in 1099 and
The Knigts of Malta
After the end of the Crusades, the Hospitalers moved their headquarters to an island in the Mediterranean and became known as
Crusaders on the __________ Crusade sacked the city of Constantinople, an atrocity that led to the downfall of the Byzantine Empire.
Seljuk Turks
In A.D. 1000's, the _________ __________ conquered Palestine and attacked the Byzantine Empire.
Clermont Council
Calling on Christians to drive infidels from the Holy Land, the Pope convened _________________, a great meeting of French nobles and church leaders in 1095.
The Templars
After the First Crusade, new military-religious orders arose to offer safe escort to Palestine, the earliest of which was _____________.

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