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middle passage
the journey of slaves from Africa to the Amercias, so called because it was the middle portion of the triangular trade route
a spanish conqueror of the Americas
balance of trade
the difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports over time
a large agricultural estate
Portugals capture of the spice trade
Malay peninsula was a thriving port for spice trade for Albuquerque, control of Melaka would help destroy Arab control of the spice trade and provide the Portuguese with a way station on the route to Moluccas, then known as the Spice Islands
a set of principles that dominated economic thought in the seventeenth century; it held that the prosperity of a nation depended on a large supply of gold and silver
Explain Columbus search for Asia
Knowing that the Earth was round but not knowing how big its circumference was Columbus was sure he could reach Asia but instead sailed to Cuba and the Island of Hispaniola
triangular trade
a pattern of trade that connected Europe, Africa and Asia and the American continents
idenitfy the points of exploration for the Dutch, English, and French
HEY!!! stop being lazy and look on page 190
look on map as well India and Africa
page 190 highlited in red
identify the geographical regions of Africa
sahara, sahel, Rain forest, Savanna, Steppe
identify spains points of exploration
one page 109 highlighted in yellow
economic gain, religious conversion, glory and power
the main motives for exploration
Importance of spice trade
Used to help preserve and flavor food
identify the means in which
any means your brilliant minds can think to think of
Spain, Dutch Republic, England, Portigual
the three major powers that participated in global exploration
a settlement of people living in a new territory linked with the parent country by trade and direct government control
cultural impact of spanish exploration and colonization
in 1550 Spain had control over Northern Mexico and the colonization of Americas caused; forced labor starvation and disease among the native Americans

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