undefined, object
copy deck
- agranulocytes
- leukocytes without granules
- band
- immature neutrophil
- basophil
- granulocyte; anticoagulants to inflammed tissues
- blast
- germ, bud
- chrom/o, chromat/o
- color
- chyl/o
- juice
- chyle
- white/yellow substance in lymph that contains fatty substances from lacteals
- clotting
- coagulation
- eosinophil
- granulocyte; allergic reaction
- erythrocyte
- granulocytes
- WBC's with granules
- hem/o, hemat/o
- blood
- hemoglobin
- transports O2
- immun/o
- safe
- lacteals
- lymph vessels in small intestine that absorb fat
- leukocyte
- lymph
- fluid circulated through lymph vessels
- lymph capillaries
- small vessels that draw lymph from tissues
- lymph vessels
- recieve lymph and circulate it to the lymph nodes
- lymph/o
- clear fluid
- lymphocyte
- T cells, B cells, NK cells
- monocyte
- phagocytosis
- morph/o
- form
- neutrophil
- granulary WBC, phagocytize bacteria
- phag/o
- eat or swallow
- plas/o
- formation
- plasma
- liquid portion of blood and lymph
- platelet
- thrombocyte; cell fragments in the blood essential for clotting
- polymorphonuclear leukocyte; neutrophil
- reticul/o
- a net
- serum
- liquid portion of the blood left after clotting
- spleen
- filters out old blood cells, removes cell debris, houses lymphocytes
- splen/o
- spleen
- thromb/o
- clot
- thym/o
- thymus gland
- thymus
- produces T lymphocytes