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Japans 557


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unchin (運賃)
[旅客の] a (passenger) fare, [貨物の] freight rates, goods rates, carriage, shipping expenses
unaru (唸る)
to groan; to roar, [犬が] to growl; [弾丸が] to whiz; [風が] to howl; [機械が] to roar, to buzz, [独楽/こまが] to hum
undōsenshu (運動選手)
a sportsman, an athlete
undōshinkei ga hattatsu shiteiru (運動神経が発達している)
to have good reflexes
uni (雲丹)
a sea urchin; paste of sea urchin eggs
unmei (運命)
fate, destiny, fortune, one's lot
unsōhi (運送費)
cost of transport(ation), freight rates, shipping expenses, carriage [-> 運送料]
unchiku o katamukete (薀蓄を傾けて)
with one's rich/profound knowledge of
undō (運動)
movement, motion; (physical) exercise, sports, an outdoor game; a movement, a drive, a campaign, an agitation
undōbusoku no tame ni (運動不足のために)
through lack of exercise
unpan suru (運搬する)
to carry, to transport, to convey
unadon (鰻丼)
(a bowl of) eel and rice
unaji (項)
the nape
undōshikin (運動資金)
campaign funds
rikujōunsō (陸上運送)
ground transport, land transportation
unsei ga yoi (運勢が良い)
to be lucky
undōgutsu (運動靴)
sports shoes
undōjō (運動場)
a playground; a gymnasium, [Infml.] a gym
unten suru (運転する)
to run, to drive, to operate, to employ
unchinshiharaizumi (運賃支払済)
carriage paid, freight paid
unohana (卯の花)
[Bot.] a deutzia; [豆腐の] bean-curd refuse, bean-curd leavings
unsōryō (運送料)
cost of transport(ation), freight rates, shipping expenses, carriage [-> 運送費]
untenmenkyoshō (運転免許証)
a driver's license, a driving licence
Panamaunga (パナマ運河)
the Panama Canal
unten (運転)
operation, service; employment
bukka ga unaginobori ni agaru (物価が鰻上りに上がる)
Prices soar sky-high
unchinseisanjo (運賃精算所)
a fare adjustment office
un'ei (運営)
management, operation
unabara (海原)
the ocean, the sea
unten o ayamaru (運転を誤る)
to lose the control of the steering wheel
undōkai no hi (運動会の日)
a sports day
un'eiiinkai (運営委員会)
[国会の] the Steering Committee
unmei o kirihiraku (運命を切り開く)
to seek one's fortune
uneune shita (うねうねした)
winding, undulating
unchin senpōbarai (運賃先方払い)
carriage forward, freight forward [-> 運賃先払い]
unazuku (頷く)
to nod; to nod in assent, to nod one's approval
unmo (雲母)
unsō suru (運送する)
to carry, to transport, to ship
unadareru (うなだれる)
to hang one's head, to droop one's head
unagi no kabayaki (鰻のかば焼)
broided eels
unmei o tomo ni suru (運命を共にする)
to share the fate with
uneri (うねり)
undulation, [波の] a swell, winding
undōshinkei ga nibui (運動神経が鈍い)
to have slow reflexes
unga o hiraku (運河を開く)
to dig/cut/make/build a canal
undōkai (運動会)
an athletic meet(ing), a sports meeting
unkō (運航)
operation, service
uneru (うねる)
to undulate, [波が] to swell, [道/川が] to wind
unchin atobarai (運賃後払い)
freight to collect
unsei ga warui (運勢が悪い)
to be unlucky
unsei (運勢)
one's fortune
unagi (鰻)
an eel
kaijōunsō (海上運送)
ocean transport, water transportation
un'ei suru (運営する)
to manage, to operate, to conduct
unkyū (運休)
suspension [of the railroad/railway service]
unsō (運送)
transportation, shipping, transport
undei no sa ga aru (雲泥の差がある)
There is a great/marked/radical/tremendous difference
unkō (運行)
movement, [Astron.] revolution
unsōgyōsha (運送業者)
a forwarding agent
unmeironja (運命論者)
a fatalist
unometakanome de (鵜の目鷹の目で)
with sharp eyes, with keen eyes
unchin sakibarai (運賃先払い)
carriage forward, freight forward [-> 運賃先方払い]
unkyū ni natteiru (運休になっている)
[The bus service] is suspended
unagasu (促す)
to urge, to press, to demand, to prompt, to quicken, to stimulate, [注意を] to call one's attention
undōin (運動員)
a campaign agent, a canvasser
une (畝/畦)
a ridge [in a field]
unomi ni suru (鵜呑みにする)
[食物を] to swallow, [話/知識を] to swallow, to believe
unnun (云々)
so and so; and so forth, and so on, et cetera, etc.
unkō suru (運行する)
to go round, to move round, [Astron.] to revolve
unkō suru (運航する)
to operate, to run [ships]
unsui (雲水)
an itinerant priest
unari (唸り)
a groan, a moan, a roar, a howl, a growl
Suezu'unga (スエズ運河)
the Suez Canal
undōbusoku (運動不足)
lack of exercise
unsanmushō suru (雲散霧消する)
to disperse like mist
undōkyōgi (運動競技)
athletic events, track and field events
unasareru (魘される)
to have a nightmare
undōguten (運動具店)
a sports store
undōgu (運動具)
sporting goods

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