WWII Chapter Mr Vernon
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- Democracy
People control government
Freedoms & rights granted to citizens
US, Great Britian & France - Faict
- an extreme nationalist type gov. no tolerance of opposition
- fasicim
used military power to gain 7 maintain control over a country
dictators had complete control, people have no rights, Germany,Jsapan & Italy - Nazi
Hitler's National Socialist Party
used fear & military to gain control of Germany, created a totalitairian state
Goal: World conquest - Communism
Gov. controlled PARTY & dictator
no freedoms given to the people
Soviet Union - Dictator
- Leader who controls their nations by force
- anti-semitism
- hatred of jews
- appeasement
- accepting a nation's demands to avoid war
- Blitzkrieg
- Lightning war
- genocide
- to wipe out an entire group of people
- Kamikaze
- name for WWII Japanese suicide pilots who crashed a plane loaded with explosives into American ships
- disarment
- term for giving up military weapons
- mobilization
- refers to military and civilians preparations for war
- intermentent camps
- Crowded uncomfortable detention centers usually in the desert where japanese Americans were relocted during WWII
- Holocaust
- the murder of 6 million Jews by Nazis during WWII
- Causes of WWII
- Treaty of Versalles, Economic Depression, Fascist Dictators, Axis Aggressions, Bombing of Pearl Habor
Fascist Dictators of WWII
AXIS Power -
Hitler-Germany -
The Axis Powers invaded other countries to test the strenth of their militaries. Each axis had other reason
Japan also needed to: - to gain needed resources & raw materials for industrialization & gain control of asia
the Axis Powers invaded other countries to test the strenth of their militaries and
Italy also needed to: - regain control of colonial lands & return Italy to glory days o fthe Roman Empire
the Axis Powers invaded other countries to test the strenth of their militaries and
germany needed to: - regain lost land from WWI & gian control of Europe
Axis Agressions
Japan 1 -
between 1930 & 1940:
Japan invades Manchuria 1931
1937 invaded northern China, moving south untl it occupied most of counry. Japan then controls south east asia -
Axis Aggressions
Germany's 1st Battle:
Hitler ordered german soldiers into
_______ in ________. The ______ _ ________ declared ___________, a german territory, as neutral. - Rhineland, in 1936. Treaty of Versalles, Rhineland.
Axis Aggressions
Germany 2nd Battle
1938 a German speaking coutry Hitler insisted Germany should be unified with. - Australia
Axis Aggressions
Germany 3rd Battle
-an area of Czechoslovakia where many speaking Germans lived. - Sudetenland. Munich Confrence- Britain & France agreed to give Sudenten to Germany in hopes of avoiding war. (appeasement). Hitler agreed not to expand Germany's terretory any further.
Axis Aggressions
Germany 4th Battle
March 1939- The hope to aviod war did not work. Hitler went back on his agreement not to expand Germny's terrortory. Then Hitler's army siezed - the rest of Czechoslovakia
Axis Aggressions
Germany in 1936 To gain support in his expansion plans, Hitler formed an alliance with - italy.
Axis Aggression
Italy 1st Battle
Mussolini-fascism 1935 sent Italian forces to invade the African nation of - Ethiopa.