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WWII Chapter Mr Vernon


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People control government
Freedoms & rights granted to citizens
US, Great Britian & France
an extreme nationalist type gov. no tolerance of opposition
used military power to gain 7 maintain control over a country
dictators had complete control, people have no rights, Germany,Jsapan & Italy
Hitler's National Socialist Party
used fear & military to gain control of Germany, created a totalitairian state
Goal: World conquest
Gov. controlled PARTY & dictator
no freedoms given to the people
Soviet Union
Leader who controls their nations by force
hatred of jews
accepting a nation's demands to avoid war
Lightning war
to wipe out an entire group of people
name for WWII Japanese suicide pilots who crashed a plane loaded with explosives into American ships
term for giving up military weapons
refers to military and civilians preparations for war
intermentent camps
Crowded uncomfortable detention centers usually in the desert where japanese Americans were relocted during WWII
the murder of 6 million Jews by Nazis during WWII
Causes of WWII
Treaty of Versalles, Economic Depression, Fascist Dictators, Axis Aggressions, Bombing of Pearl Habor
Fascist Dictators of WWII
AXIS Power
The Axis Powers invaded other countries to test the strenth of their militaries. Each axis had other reason
Japan also needed to:
to gain needed resources & raw materials for industrialization & gain control of asia
the Axis Powers invaded other countries to test the strenth of their militaries and
Italy also needed to:
regain control of colonial lands & return Italy to glory days o fthe Roman Empire
the Axis Powers invaded other countries to test the strenth of their militaries and
germany needed to:
regain lost land from WWI & gian control of Europe
Axis Agressions
Japan 1
between 1930 & 1940:
Japan invades Manchuria 1931
1937 invaded northern China, moving south untl it occupied most of counry. Japan then controls south east asia
Axis Aggressions
Germany's 1st Battle:
Hitler ordered german soldiers into
_______ in ________. The ______ _ ________ declared ___________, a german territory, as neutral.
Rhineland, in 1936. Treaty of Versalles, Rhineland.
Axis Aggressions
Germany 2nd Battle
1938 a German speaking coutry Hitler insisted Germany should be unified with.
Axis Aggressions
Germany 3rd Battle
-an area of Czechoslovakia where many speaking Germans lived.
Sudetenland. Munich Confrence- Britain & France agreed to give Sudenten to Germany in hopes of avoiding war. (appeasement). Hitler agreed not to expand Germany's terretory any further.
Axis Aggressions
Germany 4th Battle
March 1939- The hope to aviod war did not work. Hitler went back on his agreement not to expand Germny's terrortory. Then Hitler's army siezed
the rest of Czechoslovakia
Axis Aggressions
Germany in 1936 To gain support in his expansion plans, Hitler formed an alliance with
Axis Aggression
Italy 1st Battle
Mussolini-fascism 1935 sent Italian forces to invade the African nation of

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