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Classical Rome and Christianity Honors


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Type of Goverment broken into different branches, a form of government whose head of state is not a monarch
Wealthier group of Roman Citzens, a member of the aristocracy
Common folk
enforce laws, command army in war, and make sure the city was administered properly
Veto desicions from senate and consuls, In ancient Rome, an official elected by the plebeians to protect their rights.
To reject an idea, law, ect.
Nehibors with Rome and had had the 3 punic wars with Rome. Last all 3 times
Punic Wars
Three wars between Rome and Carthage over territory Rome won all 3 times
during the Punic Wars he tried to suprise Rome by taking a land route into Northern Italy to gain followers against Rome but un return no one would join him because the people like being a Roman citizen
Gracchi Brothers
Tried to push for public reform for the plebians in return were both killed from the Senate. One was assinated and one killed himself out of fear.
Julius Caesar
Popularee, declared himself dictator, assisnated because he took too much power away from the senate. Expanded the empire
Good Emperors
helped the poor, strengthened the borders and was fair in the Judicial system
Bad Emperors
Took advantage/didn't use power. Came to power through assasination and expanded empire
Rubicon River
River that served as a boundry between Rome and Gaul. Hannibal crossed over it
Ides of March
When Julius Caesar was assisinated, he was warned, March 15, 44 BC
Octavian (Augustus)
First Roman Emperor,start to the Pax Romana,
Pax Romana
Golden Age. Good and Bad factors, the Roman peace
Achivment in Golden age, irragation system used to transport water.
Roman Law
Set the standards for some of our law today.
Twelve Tables
the earliest written collection of Roman laws, drawn up by patricians about 450B.C., that became the foundation of Roman law. Written during the Republic.
a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior.
a savior in Judaism and Christianity
a subdivision of a larger religious group, a different form of it
one who suffers for the sake of principle, ex. Jesus
Jesus of Nazareth
Founder of Christianity, Jesus
Ten Commandments
A set of laws for responsible behavior, which, according to the Bible, were given to Moses by god.
the death of jesus on the cross
Men jesus had chosen to help Him in his teaching
Paul the Apostle
Christian missionary to the Gentiles, spread christianity to non-jewish
Persecution of Christians
They refused to worship Roman gods so they persecuted and imprisoned the Christians.
New Testament
the second part of the bible; it tells you about the life and teachings of Jesus and about his followers, made by council of Nicaea
To go against the cathlioc religion
Edict of Milan
Constantine wrote it, it ended the persecution of christians.
the worship of idols, (ex. religious statues, paintings)
Divided Rome in half to fix it, there were 2 rulers. , Roman emperor who divided the empire in two and oversaw the eastern part
Re-unify's Rome. , Emperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337)
Fall of Rome
contributing factors to this event include: military interference in politics, civil war and unrest, moving the capital and division of the empire, low confidence, disloyalty, contrast between rich and poor, poor harvests, gold and silver drain, inflation, and threat of attack; immediate causes were pressure from Huns, invasion by Germanic tribes and by Huns, sack of Rome, and conquest by invaders. (see packet used from project)

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