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chapter 1



undefined, object
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complete sentence
has two basic parts: a subject and a predicate
linking verb
tells what the subject is.
subject complement
is a word or group of words that follows a linking verb and renames or describes the subject.
simple predicte
or verb, is the main word or words in the complete predicate.
prdicate noun
follows a linking verb and defines or renames the subject.
simple subject
is the main word or words in the complete subject
main verb
can stand by itself as the simple predicate of a sentence.
sentence fragment
is a part ofa sentence that is written as if it were a complete sentence.
compound verb
is made up of two or more verbs that have the same subject
imperative . !
tells or asks someone to do something; usally ends with a period but may end with a exclamation point.
direct object
is a word or group of word or group of words that names the reciver of the action verb.
complete predicate
includes the verb and all the words that complete the verb's meaning.
indirect object
is a word or group of words that tell whom or what (or for whom or what) an action is performed
complete subject
includes alol the words that tell whom or what the sentence is about.
interrogative ?
asks a question; always ends with a question mark.
predicate adjective
follows a linking verb and describe a quality of the subject.
is a word used to express an action, a condition, or a state of being.
is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.
action verb
tels what the subject does
verb phrase
is made up of a main verb and one or more helping verbs.
exclamatory !
shows strong feelings; always ends with an exclamation point.
run-on sentence
is two or more sentenceswritten as though they were a single sentence.
declarative .
makes a statement; always ends with a period..
compound subject
is made up of two or more subjects that share the same verb

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