Chapter 5 Set 2
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- Cleisthenes
- about 507BC seized power in Athens and turned it into a democracy
- Direct democracy
- form of democracy in which all citizens participate in making decisions
- Spartan Government
- 2 kings-one led the army while other took matters at homeand had a Council of Elders (CE) consisted of 28 people over the age of 60 and also had an Assembly that included men over the age of 30—could vote and reject laws from the CE
- Delian League
- alliance of city-states in ancient Greece, with Athens as a Leader
- terracing
- carving small, flat plots of land from hillsides to use for farming
- Ephors
- 5 officials in ancient Sparta who were elected for 1-year terms to make sure the king stayed within the law
- Draco
- archon that created the 1st written laws around 621BC, laws were harsh and severe
- Battle of Thermopylae
- battle during the Perisan Wars in which Spartan troops fought to the death against a much larger Persian force
- Persian Wars
- conflicts between Greece and Persia
- Sophists
- Athenian men who opened schools for boys to study government, mathematics, ethics, and rhetoric
- Sparta
- Late 1100sBC invader's capital
- Macedonia
- Darius forces conquored this city and Thrace
- Solon
- became archon in 594BC, settled disputes between creditors and debtors by erasing the depts. of the poor and outlawing slavery for dept
- Xeres
- Darius's son that led another huge Persian army and fleet against Greece
- ethics
- study of what is good & bad, & of moral duty
- rhetoric
- study of public speaking & debating
- Athens
- their city was built inland and built on a rocky hill of the Acropolis, mostly traders and fishermen
- Pericles
- was a great general, orator, and statesmanwho held public office or was active in public life from 461--429BC
- Peisistratus
- ruled 546-527BC, as a tyrant, clashed with nobles
- pedagogue
- in ancient Greece, a male slave who taught the boys manners
- Results of the Peloponnesian War
- Greece became politically unstable, city-states continued to fight, and Thebes defeated Greece
- Peloponnesian War
- Tensions that grew between the Athens and the Sparta, war began is 431BC
- Helots
- conquered people of Peloponnesus, who became the lowest class in Sparta Society