vocabulary test 1-6
undefined, object
copy deck
- denounce
- to condemn openly; to accuse formally
- apparel
- clothing that which serves as dress or decoration; to put clothes on, dress up
- forsake
- to give up, renounce; to leave, abandon
- instantaneous
- done in an instant; immediate
- expressly
- plainly, in so many words; for a particular purpose
- adverse
- unfavorable, negative; working against, hostile
- misgiving
- a feeling of fear, doublt, or uncertainty
- disinterested
- fair- minded, free from selfish motives; indifferent
- assailant
- a person who attacks violently ( with blows or words)
- serene
- peaceful, calm; free of emotional upset; clear and free of storm; majestic, grand
- groundless
- without any good reason or cause. unjustified
- arid
- extremely dry; uninteresting, dull
- depict
- to portray; to represent or show in the form of a picture
- oaf
- a stupid person; a big, clumsy, slow individual
- billow
- a large wave; to rise or swell like a wave
- besiege
- to attack by surrounding with military forces; to cause worry or trouble
- gainful
- profitable; bringing in money or some special advantage
- designate
- to indicate, point out; to appoint; selected but not yet installed
- dispatch
- to send off or out for a purpose; to kill; an official message; promptness speed; the act of killing
- constrain
- to force, compet; tp restrain, hold back
- compress
- to press together; to reduce in size or volume; a folded cloth or pad applied to injury
- inept
- totally without skill or approprianteness
- ruffle
- to wrinkle, make uneven, to annoy, upset; to flip through; a gathered strip of materia used for trimming edges; a ripple; a low drumbeat
- barrage
- a rapid, large- scale outpouring of something
- manipulate
- to handle or use skillfully; to manage or control for a personal gain or advantage
- maximum
- the greatest possible amount of degree; reaching the greatest possible amount or degree
- diversity
- difference, variety; a condition of having many different types or forms
- mimic
- a person who does imitations; to imitate; to make fun of
- encompass
- to encircle, go or reach around; to enclose;to include with a certain group or class
- stamina
- the strength needed to keep going or overcome physical or mental strain; staying power`
- hypocrite
- a person who pretends to be what he or she is not or better than he or she is; a two- faced person
- incomprehensible
- impossible to understand
- libel
- a written statement that unfairly or falsely harms the reputation of the perosn about whom it is made; to write or publish such a statement
- sheepish
- embarrassed; resembling a sheep in meedness, timid
- famished
- suffering severly from hunger or from lack of something
- contemporary
- belonging to the same period of time as oneself; a person of the same time
- bigot
- an intolerant, prejudiced, or biased person
- confront
- to meet face to face, especially as a challenge; come to grips with
- ingenious
- showing remarkable originality, inventiveness, or resourcefulness; clever
- irk
- to annou, trouble, make weary
- recede
- to go or move backward; to become more distant
- immense
- very lage or great; beyond ordinary means of measurement
- douse
- to plunge into a liquid; drench; to put out quickly, extinguish
- repast
- a meal, food
- enigma
- someone or something that is extremely puzzling; that which cannot be understood or explained