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an offering of a tenth part of some personal income
fuedal dues
Vassal owes his Lord time at court to advise him and do whatever he needs him to do. When Lord's oldest son it knighted vassal pays for ceremony, also when daughter is married. Lord must pay ransom if vassal is captured and vice versa.
estates general
The French national assembly summoned in 1789 to remedy the financial crisis and correct abuses of the ancien regime.
tennis court oath
vow by members of the 3rd estate not to disband until a constitution was written
Declaration of the rights
universal manhood suffrage
New states allowed poor white men to vote, eventually old states changed to this
a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them
instrument of execution that consists of a weighted blade between two vertical poles
reign of terror
the historic period (1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed
republic of virtue
Robespierre's attempt to erase all traces of the monarchy, nobility and the Catholic Church
coup d;etat
A sudden overthrow of the government by a small group
a direct vote of all the people of a country or district on an important matter; a referendum
napoleonic code
a comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for France by Napoleon
coninental system
Napoleon ordered all European nations he conquered to stop trade with Britian. He forbided British imports into his controlled lands
Helena = first island Napoleon was banished to; Elba = second island, where he ended up dying of stomach caner

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