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Ulysses S. Grant
President after johnson
Indian Reservations
force indians out of land
Black Codes
Essentially continue slavery-laws
Freedmans Bureau
helps blacks transition into U.S.
Thomas Edison
Came to U.S. from Europe and China
Yick Wo vs Hopkins
case against US, chinese laundry, Supreme court
Civil right act
Guarantees citizenship to Blacks
The rebuilding of the south and the rights of black citizens
13th ammendment
Abolished slavery
Segregation (Jim Crow Laws)
Unequal civil rights
Booker T. Washington and WEB Dubois
Black Speakers, educated
Thaddeus Stephens
Radical Republican
15th ammendment
Gave blacks right to vote
14th ammendment
Secured equal civil rights
Westward expansion
the movement to settle in the west
Ida B. Wells
Wrote about civil rights
Andrew Johnson
President after Lincoln
Ku Klux Klan
Racists, hated blacks
Susan B. Anthony
Spoke out for womens rights

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