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history exam prep chapter 7

vocab for first semester


undefined, object
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a document in which the laws principles, organization, and processes of a government are established
able to change
an agreement in which each sides give up parts of what it wants
Articles of Confederation
1st plan of government for United States, limited power and only one branch
First Amendment
guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and press
in government person who runs the government and sees that the laws are carried out
Gouverneur Morris
author of most of the Preamble of the Constitution
to approve
Land Ordinance of 1785
system for sales and settlement of public land. Divide into townships which are 6 square miles, townships are divided into 36 sections for purchases
strong feeling about something or someone
Alexander Hamilton
author of the Federalist papers supporting Constitution
of, for or by a single person or thing
James Madison
he wrote much of the Constitution and led the fight to get it approved by the states, author of Feeralist papers supporting ratification of Consitution
George Washington
president of the Constitutional Convention, first president of the U.S., revolutionary war hero
Fourth Amendment
protects citizens from unreasonable searches of their homes
Slave Trade Compromise
stated that laws could be made in 20 years that could ban the importation of enslaved people
John Jay
author of Federalist papers supporting Consitution
Daniel Shays
leader of over 1,000 Massachusetts farmers in an uprising after the state seized and sold their farms for non-payment of taxes
Shay's Rebellion
uprising of Massachusetts farmers protesting the seizing of their farms for non-payment of taxes
New Jersey Plan
plan for Constitution calling for 1 house legislature with equal representation for each state
Roger Sherman
he helped draft the Great Compromise that determined how states would be represented in Congress
to think up an idea for something and figure out how it will work
Three-Fifths Compromise
compromise stating that three-fifths of all other people would be counted in a states population (slaves
addition or alteration to a document
Great Compromise
the government would consist of 3 branches, the legislative branch would have 2 houses, Senate- 2 representatives per state House of Representatives- seats would be based on state's population
Virginia Plan
3 branches of goverment, legislative branch would have 2 houses with number of seats based on population
bill of rights
written list of freedoms that a government promises to protect
economic depression
period when business activity slows, prices and wages drop, and unemployment rises
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
three step process for admitting new states, when population reaches 60,000 it may ask to become a state
judicial branch
a system of courts to interpret the law
Constitutional Convention
meeting of nation's leaders to change Articles of Confederation, but Constitution was written
James Wilson
Pennsylvania representative believe that representatives should be elected by the people

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