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High Middle Ages


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pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying butresses make thinner walls, stained glass
Concordant of Worms
1122 compromise that ended the investiture controversy, bishops elected by church officials
Council of Clermont
in 1095 in southern france Pope Urban II challenges to take their faith into battle agianst the muslims in holy war and begins the first crusade
Louis IX
Treaty of Paris, advocate of the people and abolished surftom
White mantle of churches, thick stone wall, fusion of germanic and roman ideas, few windows, faulted ceilings
Battle of Hastings
Normans defeat Godwinism and leads to oath of salisbury plain
French inquistion
French create papal court to stamp out herecy
Fredrick II
Tries to reunite north and south italy, pope saw him as a threat
Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica, through devine reason we can understand physical truth
Rudolf of Hadsburg
heir to fredrick, weak leader which ends the uniting of italy and germany, they dont until
Philip II Augustus
Fought against england to regain the french lands of normandy, anjou, maine and aquitaine, quadroupled the wealth
Hugh Capet
count of paris who ruled with little power and was dominated by the nobles
treaty of paris
in 1259 and settled land disputes between england and france, abolished surftom
magna carta
in 1215, john is forced to sign after battle of bouvines in order to weaken his power
Cluny Monastery
founded in 910 and was an independent church, focsed more on group worship than prayer
Investiture controversy
dispute between pope gregory VII and henry IV over the election of the bishop of milan
Battle of Bouvines
in 1214 the first big military battle
oath of salisbury plain
all vassals plead loyalty to king

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