undefined, object
copy deck
- schemas
- cognitive structures that influence how information from the environment is perceived, stored, and remembered
- withdrawal
- the unpleasant symptoms that someone experiences when he or she stops using an addictibe substance
- eustress
- positive stress that leads to goals and acheivements
- autonomy
- individual ability to make decisions; to decide against what is medically wise or advisable; guided by his life, values, beliefs
- complementarity
- the interrelation of reciprocity whereby one thing supplements or depends on the other
- gerontology
- The study of old age. This is one of the fastest growing special fields in the social sciences.
- semantics
- the meaning, or an interpretation of the study of the relationship between various signs and symbols and what they represent
- id
- (psychoanalysis) primitive instincts and energies underlying all psychic activity
- transference
- (psychoanalysis) the process whereby emotions are passed on or displaced from one person to another
- delusions
- false beliefs, often of persecution or grandeur, that may accompany psychotic disorders
- stereotype
- a distorted, exaggerated, or oversimplified image applied to a category of people
- hallucinations
- false sensory experiences, such as seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus
- ideology
- a set of basic beliefs about life, culture, government, and society
- heuristic
- a simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgements and solve problems efficiently
- anxiety
- a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune
- token economy
- conditioning in which desirable behavior is reinforced with valueless objects, which can be accumulated and exchanged for valued rewards
- validity
- The degree to which certain inferences can be made from test scores or other measurements. test measures what it is supposed to measure.
- syntax
- the set of language rules that govern hw words can be combined to form meaningful phrases and sentences
- homeostasis
- the maintenance of stable internal conditions despite changes in the surroundings
- bipolar disorder
- An emotional disturbance in which moods alternate between periods of wild elation and deep depression.
- interference
- the process through which either the storage or the retrieval of information is impaired by the presence of other information
- resynthesis
- the process of combiniing old ideas w/ new one's and reoranizing feelings in order to renew one's identity
- superego
- the part of personality that, according to Freud, represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgments (the conscience) and for future aspirations
- psychoanalysis
- Freud's theory of personality that attributes thoughts and actions to unconcious motives and conflicts; the techniques used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconcious tensions
- groupthink
- kind of thinikng that occurs when people place more importance on maintaing group cohesiveness than on assing the faults of the problem with which the group is concerned
- psychotherapy
- the general term for the application of psychological principles and techniques for any treatment used by therapist to help troubled individuals overcome their problems and disorders
- obedience
- The state or condition of doing what one is told
- persuasion
- The process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people's beliefs or actions.
- archetype
- an inherited idea, image, or concept based on the experiences of one's ancestors that shapes one's perception of the world
- schizophrenia
- any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact
- reliability
- The consistency of test scores over time and across alternative measurements.
- tolerance
- body gets used to the drug's effects; need more to get same effect
- algorithm
- a methodical, logical procedure that, while sometimes slow, guarantees success
- addiction
- being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs)
- comparable worth
- the issue rose when women who hold traditionally female jobs are paid less than men for working at jobs requiring comparable skill.
- resistance
- (psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness
- insight
- clear or deep perception of a situation
- placebo effect
- experimental results caused by expectations alone; any effect on behavior caused by the administration of an inert substance or condition, which is assumed to be an active agent
- recombination
- (genetics) a combining of genes or characters different from what they were in the parents
- phobia
- an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations
- norms
- acceptable standards of behavior within a group that are shared by the group's members.
- intellectualization
- (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that uses reasoning to block out emotional stress and conflict
- ego
- The part of the personality developed in early childhood that helps control the id and keep people's actions within the boundaries of social convention.
- conformity
- acting according to certain accepted standards
- altruism
- the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
- catharsis
- (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions
- internalization
- the process in which people take as their own and accept as binding the norms, values, beliefs, and language needed to participate in the larger community
- empathy
- What term is used for the capacity to participate in someone else's ideas, feelings, or spirit
- confabulation
- (psychiatry) a plausible but imagined memory that fills in gaps in what is remembered
- visualization
- a mental image that is similar to a visual perception