Literary Terms
undefined, object
copy deck
- Participial Phrase
- uses gerunds, is not an adverb clause
- Litotes
- not unkind
- Imagery
- devices that appeal to the senses
- Parallel Structure
- she bought a gift and he bought a gift
- Irony
- real weird...the doc is being nice to Dimmesdale although he hates him
- Anaphora
- repitition
- Embedded Quotations
- quotes from other literary works placed into a different one
- Syntax
- how the words are arranged. The use of puncuation and types of sentences
- Auditory Imagery
- how it sounds
- Periodic Sentences
- sentences with a clause at the end creating a dramatic effect
- Tone/Attitude
- the mood; how the characters feel towards something
- Juxtaposition
- bright darkness
- Kinesthetic Imagery
- how it moves
- Connotation
- it can have a positive or negative connotation
- Oxymoron
- when a phrase doesn't sound right. EX: the dumb doctor..(the doctor is supposed to be smart)
- Olfactory Imagery
- how it smells
- Tactile Imagery
- how it feels
- Visual Imagery
- vivid description through eyes
- Diction
- the words being used
- Synecdoche
- figure of speech, a species of metaphor, in which a part of a person or thing is used to designate the whole—thus, "The house was built by 40 hands" for "The house was built by 20 people." See metonymy.
- Gerund Phrase
- a verb made into a noun...running is not fun
- Allusion
- when it goes back to something else....the Bible or Mythology
- Apostrophe
- when someone talks to something that isn't real or there
- Symbol
- something that stands for something else...the A stands for adultery
- Partial/Limited Omnicient
- when the narrator can see all, but they are only in one person's thoughts. "He thought" or "She felt"
- Dependent( subordonate clause )
- its not a senetence and can't stand by itself
- Predominant Image
- the overall picture of what is going on
- First Person Point Of View
- when a character narrates the story. "I" "We"
- Cumulative Sentences
- a sentence that keeps adding on to it
- Omnicient 3rd Person
- when the narrator can see everything going on and knows what everyone is thinking. "They knew" or "Remembering the past, she..."
- Appositive
- when it renames something, Mr. T, the teacher
- Dangling Modifier
- an adverb that does'nt modify anything
- Ambiguity
- nothing is for sure
- Objective 3rd Person P.O.V.
- when it relays only occurrences outside the character's thoughts like dialogue and actions