undefined, object
copy deck
- Extensibility
- The ease with which the product can be modified to accommodate different levels of usage.
- Maintainability
- Category of requirements that focus on maintaining a product's usefulness over its productive life, and the costs associated with it
- Reliability
- A measure of the product's ability to deliver expected value
- Reliability
- The R in FURPS
- Consultants
- People who do not have a primary interest in the product but know about some of the requirements for it.
- Apprenticing
- Information gathering technique that combines observation and inquiry.
- Specification
- A detailed, precise definition of something
- Use Case
- A diagram that shows how actors expect to interact with the product to achieve a desired result
- Brainstorming
- An information gathering technique that relies on unstructured, facilitated consideration of possibilities
- Volere
- The name of the requirements engineering process that was used in this really ****** course
- Usability
- The U in FURPS
- Work Context
- The domain in which the product is to be employed.
- Survey
- An information-gathering document that permits the respondent to provide unstructured, elaborative answers
- Security
- A category of requirements of what a product should do based on preventing unauthorized access
- Abstract
- The omission of details to better see areas of commonality between two business events
- Stock Take
- An examination of the requirements as a set, rather than individually.
- Archaeology
- Document ___________: and information-gathering technique that acquires requirements specific to the product without any contact with the anticipated users.
- Cultural
- The category of requirements that document the degree to which the product must accommodate personal differences
- Usability
- A measure of the ease with which the product can be put into productive use
- Interactive
- Communication that maximizes the opportunity for real-time elaboration and feedback.
- Closed Survey
- An information gathering document that denies unstructured and unanticipated answers
- Porter (**** you porter!)
- Some ********* who created a series of generic business activities used to determine the business need of some ****
- Developer
- The primary beneficiary of the product specification
- Resiliency
- The degree to which the product can continue to provide expected value despite unexpected operating conditions
- Template
- A framework that defines for its author the required contents of a document.
- Customer
- The person who commissions the specification document to be prodced
- Requirement
- Something Wanted or Needed
- Constraints
- Global requirements that limit the developer's options when designing and building the product.
- Structured
- An interviewing format in which the questions posed to the respondent are pre-determined and invariable
- Driver
- The reason for the functional requirements of the product
- Engineering
- A discipline characterized by strict attention to design, testing, quality assurance and methodical behaviour
- A diagram that shows the connections between the work and the outside world
- Mind Map
- Drawing and text combination that attempts to represent information the way your brain sees it
- Assumption
- Prototyping
- An information gathering technique that confirms through feedback the operational and behavioral requirements of the desired product.
- Supportability
- The S in FURPS
- Ambiguity
- A characteristic of a requirement that is phrased as "should" when it is not actually optional . Also, what we experienced this semester in most courses.
- User
- The person who will use the product or system produced from the specifications documented by the requirements engineer.
- snow card
- A document that captures all aspects of a requirement and is filled in as information becomes available
- Blastoff
- A type of meeting from which initial product specifications and development project constraints are determined
- Unstructured
- An interviewing format in which the questions posed to the respondents are flexible and dynamic
- Actor
- A user of a product, especially when that product is an information processing system
- An acronym that is used to refer to requirements that are associated with the product instead of it's context
- Alternate Flow
- The logic that describes the way in which the product delivers functionality not frequency requested, or in which it handles exceptions when delivering its most frequently requested functionality
- Inference
- An information-gathering technique that relies on finding similarity between product types and contexts
- Rationale
- The reason behind a requirement's existence
- An acronym that refers to requirements that have more to do with the context in which the product is used than with what the product does
- Stakeholder
- Someone who has a principle interest in the product and how the processes regarding it will be used
- Research
- An information gathering technique that references documents external to the client's enterprise
- Fit Criterion
- a metric used to determine if a product meets the user's specifications
- Look and Feel
- Visual and/or ergonomic requirements of the product
- A standard developed by Booch, Grady and Jacobson to pictorially document the requirements of and specifications for an IT product
- Reuse
- Making use of requirements that have been written for other projects
- Client
- The person who authorizes / pays for the project
- Adjacent
- The term used to describe systems that either provide input to the desired system, or accept output from it
- Exploration
- An information gathering technique that gathers all potential behavioural and contextual requirements without any contact with anticipated users.
- Legal
- The category of requirements that document the expectations of society as a whole.
- Performance
- The P in FURPS
- Functionality
- The F in FURPS
- Trawling
- Running a net through the organization to catch every possible requirement
- Event
- The response to a business _______ is a unit of work to be studied
- Functionality
- A category of requirements that documents what a product must do
- Unified Modeling Language
- What does UML stand for
- Performance
- Category of requirements that deal with the capacity or capability of the product
- Observation
- An information gathering technique that acquires specific product requirements passively, without interaction with the prospective users