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Japans 437


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shikan (史観)
a historical view
hanashi o shikakeru (話を仕掛ける)
to speak to, to address oneself to
shikatsumondai (死活問題)
a matter of life and death, a question of vital importance
shikenkamoku (試験科目)
an examination subject
shikazan (死火山)
an extinct volcano
shiketsu suru (止血する)
to stop bleeding
shikakehanabi (仕掛花火)
set fireworks
shikakushiken (資格試験)
a qualifying examination
shikenteki (試験的)
experimental, tentative
shikajika no (然々の)
such and such ~
shikaku (死角)
the dead angle
shikenhikō (試験飛行)
a test flight
shikan (弛緩)
laxity, [Pathol.] atony
shikan (仕官)
an officer
shiken toshite wa (私見としては)
in my opinion
shikaruni (然るに)
but, however, yet, whereas, at the same time, on the contrary
shikametsura (顰め面)
a wry face, a grimace
shikei o senkoku suru (死刑を宣告する)
to sentence/condemn to death
shikenkan (試験官)
an examiner
shikaku o ataeru (資格を与える)
to qualify, to entitle
shikeishū (死刑囚)
a condemned criminal
shikarareru (叱られる)
to be scolded, to have a scolding
ōjikake (大仕掛)
a large scale
shikashi (然し)
but, however, nevertheless, still, and yet
shikaru (叱る)
to scold, to reprove, to give a scolding, to find fault
shikei (詩形)
a verse form
shikeru (時化る)
to be stormy
shikakeru (仕掛ける)
to begin, to start, to commence, to set about; to challenge, to fasten; to lay, to set up
shikangakkō (士官学校)
a military academy
shikeishikkōnin (死刑執行人)
an executioner
shikenkantoku (試験監督)
a proctor, an invigilator
shikenbenkyō o suru (試験勉強をする)
to prepare for an examination
shikamo (然も)
moreover, besides, also, too, and that, into the bargain
shikai (市会)
a city assembly, a municipal assembly
shikanenai (仕兼ねない)
to make no scruple of doing, to be capable of any
shikaku (視角)
the visual angle, a viewpoint
shiken suru (試験する)
to examine, to test, to put to the test, to experiment, to make an experiment
shikaku ga nai (資格がない)
to be unqualified, to be incompetent
shikeizai (死刑罪)
a capiral offense
shiken (私権)
[Law] a private right
shikei o shikkō suru (死刑を執行する)
to execute
ōjikakeni (大仕掛に)
on a large scale
shikaruni mata (然るにまた)
on the other hand
shiken (私見)
one's personal opinion
shikaku ga aru (資格がある)
to be qualified, to be competent
shike (時化)
stormy weather, a storm
shikaku (視覚)
the sense of sight, sight, vision
shikaku (資格)
capacity, qualification, competence, right, claim
shiken o ukeru (試験を受ける)
to take an examination, to sit for an examination
shikato (確と)
certainly, definitely, exactly, clearly
shikake (仕掛)
a contrivance, a device, a mechanism, a scale
shiken ni taeru (試験に堪える)
to stand the test
shiken ni shippai suru (試験に失敗する)
to fail in an examination
shikata naku ~ suru (仕方なく~する)
to be obliged to do
shikata naku (仕方なく)
reluctantly, unwillingly
shikei ni shosuru (死刑に処する)
to put to death
no shikaku de (の資格で)
in the capacity of
shiken ni gōkaku suru (試験に合格する)
to pass an examination
shikaku o ushinau (資格を失う)
to be disqualified
shikarubeki (然るべき)
due, proper, suitable, right, decent, respectable, justifiable
shikakushinsa (資格審査)
screening (test), an examination of qualifications
shikei no senkoku (死刑の宣告)
a death sentence
shikata (仕方)
a method, a way, a resource; a means
kao o shikameru (顔を顰める)
to frown, to scowl, to make a wry face, to knit the brows
shikai (視界)
the field of vision, view, sight, visibility
shikenmondai (試験問題)
examination questions
shikeru (湿気る)
to get wet, to be damp
shikaku (四角)
a square
shikankōhosei (士官候補生)
a cadet
shikaigiinsenkyo (市会議員選挙)
a municipal election
shikenkan (試験管)
a test tube
shikeihaishi (死刑廃止)
the abolition of the death penalty
shikenjō (試験場)
an examination room
shikentōan (試験答案)
an examination paper
shikei (死刑)
capital punishment, death penalty
shikenkanbebī (試験管ベビー)
a test-tube baby
shikakukyōiku (視覚教育)
visual education
shiken o okonau (試験を行なう)
to hold an examination, to give a test; to experiment
shikata ga nai (仕方がない)
to cannot help, to have no choice; There is no help for it, There is no other choice
shikakubaru (四角張る)
to be formal, to stand on ceremony
shikakuna (四角な)
shikaigiin (市会議員)
a member of the municipal assembly
shitakute shikata ga nai (したくて仕方がない)
to be anxious to do, to be dying to do
shiken (試験)
an examination, an exam, a test, an experiment, a demonstration
shikarubeku (然るべく)
properly, as one thinks fit, as one may think fit
shikajika (然々)
so and so, and so on, and so forth
shikatsumerashii (しかつめらしい)
formal, ceremonious, grave, serious

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