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China and Mongals


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Tang Dynasty
Dynasty replaced Sui in China (618-907 CE)
Magnetic Compass
Navigation tool invented during Song Dynasty that allow the Chinese become a maritime power by the time of the Ming Dynasty
kublai khan
mongol leader of the yuan dynasty
land equalization system
the process of redistributing the land after sui conquest, returning the land to the peasants(before the nobles had control of the land
Bubinic Plague
Disease that spread from Europe, across Silk Road, lead to deaths and the fall of Yuan Dynasty
Yuan Dynasty
Dynasty in China set up by the Mongols (1279-1368 CE)
Champa Rice
fast growing rice from Vietnam acquired by the Chinese during colinization
golden horde
mongol khanate that conquered russia and demanded excessive tribute from the Russian leaders
Title given to Mongol leaders, meaning "supreme ruler"
Male dominated family and social structure
Mahayana Buddhism
Buddhists who accept teachings of living and origional Buddha
Capital city of Sui and Tang Dynasties
Chinese boat used for trade and collecting tribute
Gun Powder
Explosive substance that gave Chinese an advantage over Mongals
Movable Type
Printing press where individual characters can be rearranged to print different documents
Genghis Khan
1st great leader of the Mongol Empire
mongol dynaasty that ruled over Iran and Persia literally means "subordinate khan"
Sui Dynasty
1st empire to unify China after fall of Han(581-618 CE)
chagatai khanate
mongol empire in central asia between the Il-khanate in persian and the yuan dynasty in china
Grand Canal
Man made water way connecting Yellow River with Yangtez River
Song Dynasty
Dynasty replaced the Tang (960-1279 CE)
chinese calculator, made with numerous wooden beads on connected downels
vast grasslands in central asia, home of the mongols and not good for agriculture
Process of wrapping young girls feet to stop growth, led to crppiling women for life
term that describesthe resurgence of confusianism and the influence of confucian scholars during the Tang dynasty
Examination System
System of using tests to get smartest people to work for the emperor
Theravada buddhism
Buddhists who only accept teaching of origional Buddah
Tributary System
Alliances between cities where the weaker gov't gives stronger gov't $ in exchange for peace
tax farming
process of taxing farmers to fund the activites of the government and emperor
nomadic tribal groups living in central asia to the north west of China

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