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Physical assessment: heart and neck vessels


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the precordium is:
the area on the anterior chest overlying the heart and great vessels
Describe the tricuspid valve.
right atrioentricular valve
the function of the pulmonic valve:
protect the orifice between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery
atrial systole occurs:
during ventricular diastole
The second heart sound is the result of:
clostingo f the aoritc and pulmonic valves
The examiner has estimated the jugular venous pressure. What would be a normal finding?
pt elevated 30*, with jugular vein pulsation at 1-w cm above sternal angle, pt elevated 40*, with jugular vein pulsation at 1 cm above sternal angle
The examiner is palpating the apical impulse. The normal size of this impulse is about
The examiner wishes to listen in the pulmonic valve area. To do this, the stethoscope would be placed at the:
second left intercostal space
Differentiate S2 from S3:
S3 is lower pitched and is heard at the apex.
The examiner wants to listen for a pericardial friction rub. The best method to listen is:
with the diaphragm, patient sitting up and leaning forward, breath held in expiration
When auscultating the heart your first step is to identify
S1 and S2
You'll hear a split S2 most clearly in what area?
The sethoscope bell should be pressed lightly against the skin so that:
it does not act as a diaphragm
A murmer heard after S1 and before S2, is classified as:
systolic - possibly benign
Pericardial fluid ensures:
smooth, friction-free movement of the heart muscle
the ventricle is a pumping:
The endocardium is
a thin layer of endothelial tssue that lines the inner surface of the heart chambers and valves
the myocardium is
the muscular wall of the heart
the pericardium is
tough, fibrous, double-walled sac that surrounds and protects the heart
the atrium is a blood holding:

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