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section 6

life in the new nation: foreign policy


undefined, object
copy deck
tax on foreign goods brought into a country
act of forcing someone to serve in the navy
spoils system
rewarding supporters of jackson with government jobs
farewell address
george washingtons words: dont let political parties seperate the USA, stay out of other countries economic problems
foreign policy
actions that a nation takes in relation to another nation
trail of tears
forcing indians to move from east to west, without food shelter...
lewis and clark
president asked them to see the lives of native americans
protective tariff
tax on imported goods goods to protect a country's industry from foreign trade
idea that government should play as small a role as possible in econmic affairs
treaty of ghent
signed in Ghent, nothing was adjusted or settled
war of 1812
war between US and britian
to cancel
ban on trade with another country
monroe doctorine
preisdent monroes foreign policy statement warning european nations not to interfere in latin ameirca
erie canal
great lakes and hudson river, helped trade in NY
eli whitney
inverotr made interchangeable parts, made machine-made parts identical
ally or friendship with someone
cotton gin
seperated seeds from cotton
embargo act
forbade americans to export or import goods
whiskey rebellion
tested strengh of new government, taxon whiskey farmers rebelled
andrew jackson
hero or villian president

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