medsurg pharm - 07
undefined, object
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- Name 3 anticholingeric drugs:
Glycopyrrolate (Robinul)
Scopolamine (Also used for seasickness)
Think AGainst Spit - What are some nursing considerations for anticholinergic drugs?
- Do not give to glaucoma patients. Cause urinary hesitancy, dry mouth. Do not give to pts with BPH
- Narcan must be on hand when?
- DUring epidural
- What are side effects of Narcan?
- Seizures or Ventricular fibrillation
- What is a stool softener?
- Docusate (COLACE)
- Name 5 antianxiety drugs
Vistaril - What's another term for antianxiety?
- anxiolytic
- What's the generic name for Valium?
- Diazepam (Think 8 - 7 - 15 forward)
- What's the trade name for diazepam?
- Valium (Think 8 - 8 - 15 backward)
- The number for valium and diazepam is
- 8 - 8 - 15
- Ativan is what kind of drug?
- Anti anxiety
- What's the generic name for ativan?
- Lorazepam
- What's the number for Ativan and lorazepam?
- 11 - 21 - 9
- That's the generic name for Xanax?
- Alprazolam
- What's the trade name for alprazolam?
- Xanax
- What's the number for Xanax and Alprazolam
- 3 - 11 - 2
- What's the trade name for hydroxyzine?
- Vistaril
- Vistaril is what kind of drug?
- Antianxiety (anxiolytic)
- What are nursing interventions for antianxiety drugs?
- Cause drowsiness; avoid alcohol and activities that require alertness. May be habit forming. Limit use
- Memory aid for remembering hydroxyzine and Vistaril
- When I have visitors I serve Hydrox cookies
- Name 4 drugs that are antiemetics?
Compazine, Phenergan, Tigan, Reglan
Memory aid: Can't Puke if Taken Regularly - The two drugs that end in zine are what kind of drugs?
- Antiemetics.
- The two drugs that end in ide are what kind of drugs?
- Anti emetics
- The three drugs that end in arbital are what kind of drugs?
- Sedative hypnotics
- The drugs that end in AM are either what or what?
- Sedative Hypnotics or Antianxiety drugs