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Epithelial Tissues & Connective Tissues test 2


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Multi-layered tissue. Cells along Basement membrane are active and dividing. Basal cells are cubodial/comlumnar as they mature and are pushed to the surface they become squamous cells. What Epi tissue?
Stratified Squamous
Name the Location and Function of Stratified Squamous Epithelium?
L/ Lining of mouth, esophagus, vagina.

F/ Protects underlying tissue is areas prone to abrasion.
Many layers
Superficial/ columnar
L/ Large mammary ducts
F/ Secretion/ protection
Stratified cubodial Epi.
1.Appears stratified
2.Nuclei are found at different levels
3.Vary in Shape & Height
4.Each cell forms an attachment w/ basement membrane
Pseudostratified Epithelium
pseudostratified cells are generally ciliated often assoc. w/ goblet cells.
Name the location and Function of this type of tissue?
L/ Respiratory Tract
F/ Surface Layer of mucosa traps particles from the lungs.
Tell about the cells, location, and function of Transitional Epi.
C/ Stratified layers w/ basal layer cubodial/columnar. Superficial Layer composed of cubodial or squamous.
F/ Form leakproof barrier to prevent diffusion of scalding urine into delicate enviro. of abdominal cavity.
L/ Urinary Tract.
Cell or group of cells that have the ability to maufacture and discharge a secretion and are derived from epi.
Name Ways Glands are Classified?
Prescence or abscence of ducts.
# of cells that compose them.
Type of secretion
Shape of ducts
Complexity of gland
No ducts
secretions distributed throughout body
Produce & Secrete regulartory chem. hormones into the blood stream or lymph system carried to other regions of the body.
Endocrine Glands
Have Ducts.
Most common.
Discharge secretions via their ducts directly into local areas.
Secretions are local and normally do not enter bloodstream.
Exocrine glands
Name 3 Components of Connetive Tissue?
Ground Substance
Name functions of Connective Tissue
Forms structural connections between tissues
Reserve for Energy
Medium for trasport
immune protection
Frame that supports the body
Heat Production
What is the material that is the medium in which cells exchange nutrients & waste w/ the bloodstream.
Shock absorber
protects delicate cells that surround it
Ground Substance
Name the 3 type of connective tissue fibers?
Fiber that is found in Ligaments and tendons?
Collagenous Fiber
Thick strong strands.
composed of bundled microfibrils
Great tensile strength.
Sometimes called "white Fiber"
In tissues that are constantly being pulled and stretched.
Collagenous Fibers
Composed of Collagen
Not thick
Thin delicate
Branch into complicated networks
Forms a net for support of highly cellular organs
Such as endocrine glands, & lymph nodes
Reticular Fibers
Brached to form complex networks
Composed of bundles of microfibrils
Can be stretched & contract.
Occur in tissues that are exposed to stretching.
Such as: Vocal cords, lungs, skin,
Sometimes called yellow fibers
Elastic Fibers
What are the 2 major types of cells in Connective tissue?
Free (transient)
Name the Fixed Cells
What are adipocyte cells?
They are fat cells. When they cluster into groups they form adipose tissue.
Large irregulary shaped cells.
manufacture & secrete fibers & gound substance to form their paticular matrix. Each connective tissue has their own?
Flat star shaped cells
Long outreaching arms that touch other cells. Form netlike connections throughout the tissue they compose.
Reticular Cells
What is the function and Location of Reticular cells?
F/ involved in the immune respone.

L/ found in tissues that are part of the immune system.
Lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow.
What are free cells?
cells that pass in and out of the connective tissue. Generally repair & protect tissues.
Name the Free Cells of Connective Tissue?
Mast cells
Macrophages (can be fixed or free)
Oval, dark staining cells that contain heparin & histamine when released into tissues initiate an inflammatory response.
Mast Cells
Move into connective tissue in large #'s during times of infection.
Manufactures Antibodies
White Blood Cells
Increases blood flow to the area by making cappillaries leaky.
Prevents blood from clotting and ensures the pathways for increased blood flow remains open.
Found near blood vessels to release their contents directly into the bloodstream and guard against proteins or microbes.
mast cells
Massive irregular shaped cells that have phagocytizing capabilities.
Name the broad categories of Connective Tissue.
Connective Tissue Proper
Spec. Connetive tissue
Largest Classification
contains all except blood, cartilage, and bone.
Connective Tissue Proper
Name the 4 common types of membranes
Synovial fluid

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