Critical Vocab
undefined, object
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- Containment
- the polocy designed to keep the Soviet Union from expanding its power
- Corporation
- an orginazation that is authorized by law to carry on an activity but treated as though it were single person
- Amnesty
- the act of granting pardon to a large group of people
- confederacy
- a loose union of independent states; name of government used by the southern states that suceded during the Civil War
- Detente
- relaxation of tensons between the United States and its two major Communist rivals, Soviet Union and China
- Fascism
- a political system headed by dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and has no tolerance for opposition
- Downsizing
- reducing a company in size by laying off workers and managers to become more eficient
- communism
- an economic system in which the central government directs all major economic decisions
- Conservative
- a person who believes government power, particulary in the economy, should be limited in order to maximize individual freedom
- Flexible Response
- the buildup of conventional troops and weapons to allow a nation to fight a limited war without using nuclear weapons