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Chapters 5,6,7,8,and 9 - 2 - 6 weeks test in History


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The Alien and Sedition Acts
John Adams strongly disagreed with his political party over what
Nathan Hale
What patriot schoolteacher lost his life in an attempt to provide Washington with information about British activities in New York?
What Indian conferderation supported the British.
Convention of 1800
President John Adams avoided all-out war with France signing what agreement
Paul Revere
Made a famous ride through the countryside of Massachusetts.
Philadelphia, Independence Hall
In what city and buliding did the delegates meet and devise the new Constitution
Older than all of the constitutions of other nations
The Constitution of the United States How old
Charge on imported goods
Articles of Confederation
Plan that created only a legislative body for governing the nation
Goerge Washington
Led Virginian forces and acted as an aide to the British in the French and Indian War.
Treaty of Paris
The War for Independence officially ended with the signing of this document.
Electoral College
What system did the Constitution devise to elect a president
Common Since
What pamphlet helped to convince colonists that America should separate from Britian?
Federalists Papers
Supporters of the Alien and Sedition Acts
Bill of Rights
Guarantees that were added the Constitution
Northwest Ordinance of 1785
Organized western land sells
Soldiers for hire
Another name for Loyalists
Proclomation of 1763
Forbade colonial settlement west of the Appalachians.
Fort Pitt
What iss the British remane Fort Duquesne after they captured it?
3/5 Compromise
What was the name of the compromise that settled the issue of the counting of slaves for representation
Contenential Army
American Troops
Thomas Jefferson
Who was John Adams's vice president
New Jersey and Virginia Plans
What two plans were merged to form the Great Compromise
Fort Ticonderoga
Ethen allen and Benedict Arnold joined forces to capture the fort.
Who has the power to declare war
Federalsits and Anti - Federalists
What were the names given to those who favored and those who oppose the acceptance of the Constitution
Amendment XVIII Prohibition
Which amendment was eventually repealed
"No Taxation For Representation
What became the rallying cry of the colonists that opposed the new taxes Parliament implemented?
Those who wanted Independence
July 4th 1776
When was the Declaration of Independence approved by the Contenential Congress?
Armed merchant ships
Issue copyrights and patents
What is the one thing the presidnet does not do
Navigation and Trade Acts
Regulated colonial trade with other colonies and with foreign nations.
Second Contenential Congress
What meeting convened in Philadelphia in 1775 to send the Olive Brach Petition to the King and prepare for War?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Indenpendence?
A count of the population
John Marshall
Who was not part of Goerge Washingtons cabinet
Samuel Adams
Urged protest against British actions in Massachusetts.
Intolerable Acts
A series of acts, such as closing the port of Boston, designed to punish unruly Massachusetts.
Determine the number of representatives each state is allowed to have
The cencus is necessary in oder to do what
Committee of Correspondence
Taxed the work of the colonial businessmen, particularly the lawyers and printers.
Ohio River Valley
The settlement of what valey was cause for the French and Indian War?
Edward Braddock
British general who was defeated near Fort Duquesne.
Partick Henry
Who said "Give me liberty or give me death"
The gaining of citizenship
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Contained the means of adding new states to the Union
Taking the oath of office
The Federalists Papers
An attempt to persuade states to ratify the Constitution
Four-Year Terms
How long fo the members of the House of Representatives
The giving of formal approval to certain documents
A tax on Whiskey
In 1794, western Pennsylvania farmers became upset over what
Democratice-Republican Party
Thomas Jefferson and those who agreed with him

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