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ASD exam 1


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Autism "red flags" in children
-no big smiles/warm expressions by 6mos
-no back/forth sharing of sounds/smiles/face express. by 9mos
-no babbling by 12mos
-no b/f gestures, pointing, showing, reaching by 12mos
-no words by 16mos
-no meaningful 2 word phrases by 24mos
-any loss of speech, babbling, social skills at any age
Normal milestones for 4 months
-reacts to bright colors, movement, objects
-turns towards sounds
-shows interest in people's faces
Normal milestones by 6 months
-relate to others with joy
-smile often when playing
-coo or babble when happy
-cry when unhappy
Normal milestones by 9 months
-smile and laught when looking at people
-exchange b/f smiles, loving faces, and other expressions
-exchange sounds, gestures, giving/taking/reaching
Normal milestones by 12 months
-use few gestures one after the other to get needs met (ie, tap you, point to object)
-play peek a boo, pat a cake, other social games
-makes sounds ma, ba, da, na, ga
-turn to person speaking when name is called
Normal milestones for 15 months
-exchange many smiles, sounds, gestures in a row
-use point/show gestures to draw attn to someting of interest
-use different sounds to get needs met and draw attn to something of interest
-use & understand >3 words
Normal milestones for 18 months
-use many gestures with words
-use at least 4 consonants in babble (m n p b t d)
-points/looks at familiar people or body parts when named
-simple pretend play, attract attn by looking at you
Normal milestones for 24 months
-do pretend play with you with more than one action
-use and understand >50 words
-use >2 words together, makes sense
-enjoys being with and shows interest in children of same age
-looks for familiar object that are named and out of sight
Normal milestones for 36 months
-enjoy pretending to play different characters with you, talking for doll/act. figures
-use thoughts & actions together in speech, makes sense (baby hungry--feed her)
-answer Wh-Q's easily
-talk about interests/feeling about past, present, future
Wing and Gould autism classification
-3 types:
aloof--sever to moderate autism
passive--not initiating interaction, but receptive of other's attempts
active but odd--intiate conversation, likely to talk AT someone, speech sophisticated and spontaneous but impaired intonation and pragmatics
Freeman et al system of classifiing autism
1: MR, verbal and nonverbal skills (50%)
2: normal nonverbal, poor language (25%)
3: near normal lang and nonverb skills (25%)
Quadrant classification
1: high IQ, fluent
2: high IQ, nonverbal
3: low IQ, very limited speech
4: low IQ, nonverbal
-social withdrawl
-poor reality contact
-delayed/splinter motor development
-self-stim behavior
-splintered perceptual skills
-poor identity concept
-mental rigidity
-attention deficit
-impaired social interaction
-mechanical movments/speech
-joint attention problems
Joint attention--definition
-referential looking
-declarative pointing
-looking where others look/point
-social referencing, sharing comments about observations
Autism corrolations:
--differences in lang skills

-jt attn scores

-immitative abilities
--difference in jt attn skills

--scores and measures of express/recept vocab size

-lang development
Making a diagnosis: why SLPs...


Y: communication componant
social skills (pragmatics)

N: neurological foundations
psychological foundations
DSM IV Social criteria
(pick 2)
-impairment in multiple nonverbal behaviors
-failure to develop peer relationships
-lack of spontaneous sharing
-lack of social/emotional reciprocity
-no/abnormal play
DSM IV Communication criteria
(pick 1)
-delay or lack of spoken lang/gestures
-impaired ability to initiate/maintain convo
-stereotyped/repetetive/idiosyncratic lang
-lack of vaired social imitative play
DSM IV Behavior criteria
(pick 1)
-restricted repetoire of activities/interests
-preoccupation with restricted patterns of interest
-inflexible adherence to routines
-repetetive movements
-preoccupation with parts of objects
Asperger Syndrome: Overview
-NO Sig. Delays in LANG!
-no sig. delays in cog. devel., self help, or adaptive behaviors
-qualitative impaired social interaction
-restricted, stereotyped patterns in behavior, interests, activities
Rett's Disorder: Overview
-normal prenatal and perinatl development
-severely impaired expres./recept lang devel
-early loss of social engagement
-betweek 5 and 48 mos,...head cicumference decelerates, hand-wringing, poor motor coodination in trunk
-female only
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder: Overview
-clinically sig. loss of previously aquired skills (2<age<10)
--express/recept lang, social skills, bladder control, play, motor skills
-abnormal functioning in >2 areas
--social interaction, comm, repeat behaviors
Common co-occuring problems with Autism
-sensory deficits
-impulse control disorders
...prevalance among developmental disabilities
...gender ratios
...3rd most common

...2.6-4.1 males for every 1 female

...2/3-3/4 have IQ<70
Autism Myths
--cannot make progress
--do not smile at you
--are not affectionate
--can outgrow it
--are all retarded
--do not make eye contact
--cannot relate to peers/adults
More Autism Myths
--cannot be tested
--behaviors cannot be changed
--bad behaviors must be extinguished before you can treat them
--do not notice environment
--normal child underneath if you can discover it
Visual Thinking with Autism: notes
--think in pictures, not language
--no generalizes ideas, just lots of specific ones
--lots of memory, small processor
--make learing concrete in examples
-word mapping--present item child echos to make connection
--fear is main emotion in autism
Sensory Challenges and Answers: notes
--kids tune out events because sensation hurts
--can't see/hear at same time
--body boundry--don't know where they end/begin
--visual/auditory distortions may occur
--may not screen out extraneous sensory info
--clipping--may miss first part of sentence if not paying attn
The Out of Sync Child: notes
--typical development has adaptive responses, control
--Sensory Integration Disfunction
--too much/not enough sensitivity to things
Causes of Autism: Neurological
-no one area of the brain identified
-macroencephaly corrolation
-amygdala and hippocampus implicated
-prefrontal cortex, cerebellum, cerebellar vermis implicated
-splinter skills: dendrite arrangement closer than normal
-mirror neurons only activate when activity being done, not watched
Issues finding causes for autism
-need homogenous group in age, sex, IQ, symptoms to test
-different finding across different groups
-not all diagnoses made with same criteria
Genetic link in Autism
-95% of autistic twins have autistic twins
-1/20 autistic kids have autistic siblings
-45-90% more likely to have autistic child if you have autistic relatives
-xsomes 7, 10, 19, X
Vaccines and Metals linked to Autism
-MMR vaccine with thererisol linked to more cases
-mercury link to cases

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