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Content level of Communication
What you say
Command Level of Communication
What kind of relationship is shared
What is Proxemics
The distance between people. This provides a strong indication that people develop friendships based on which individuals happen to share the same space.
Interpersonal Relationship
two people who interact face-to-face or any length of time who assume the roles of sender and reciever of messages simultaneously. Compared to a small group the dyadic nature of these relationships provide each participant with more involvement, more satisfaction and more patricipation.
Three transitions in coworker relationships
Acquaintance to friend- contextual, close in proximity; friend to close friend- more time outside of work spent together, discuss more work related problems; close friend to amost best friend- socializing outside work and shared life events
Seven features of Superb team
have a clear and engaging direction; basic work is designed to be done by a team; team rewards are strongly associated with team effort; physical resources are readily available; the team, not the leader, has the authority to make decisions over basic work strategies; the team can articulate clear goals that fit the organiaton's goals and can be measaured within a specific time period; The team establishes norms that promote strategic thinking.
Definition of a Team
a small group of three to nine interdependent people with complimentary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.
Symmetrical Relationship
Both partners are equal in relationship
Three Primary interpersonal needs
The need for affection, the need for inclusion, and the need to control others
teams and misunderstandings
team size can be a problem, a lack of interdependence, lack of agreement on common goals.
Five reasons for friendship deterioration
Personality issues, life events, conflicying expectations, promotions and betrayal.
What is satisfaction
the team feels it has accomplished it's task and members have been recognized individually for their contributions
Productivity Equation
Actual productivity equals potential productivity minus losses due to faulty processes
Five principles of developing work relationships
Proxemics affect relationship development, Relationship communication conveys information and imposes behavior, Relationships can be symmetrical or complementary, Each partner has different interpersonal needs, Co-workers can have more control of each other than can supervisors.
What is cohesiveness
the degree to which members feel connected to the team
preceived treatment of coworkers
We ostracize the favored employee, we befreind the unfavored employee, and distance self from problem employees while increasing cohesiveness between worker and supervisor
What is Stuckness
this refers to the repetitive, often unconsious tensions that prevent a group from even doing the work of problem solving on scarce resources or compromising about conflicting needs.
Organizational Relationship
baed on organizational structure, based on tasks
What are norms
Unwritten rules of behavior
Characteristics of teams
Norms, Cohesiveness, diversity, satisfaction, groupthink, stress, stuckness
Personal Relationship
Choice and voluntariness; friendship is an ongoing human association voluntarily developed and privately negotiated.

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