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Japans 38


undefined, object
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chigiru (千切る)
to tear off, to pluck off, to tear (to pieces)
chihōnamari (地方なまり)
a local accent
chijiki (地磁気)
terrestrial magnetism
chiekurabe (知恵くらべ)
a contest of wits
chie o tsukeru (知恵をつける)
to give a hint/suggestion, to put an idea into a person's head, to advise, to instigate
chii (地衣)
[Bot.] lichen
ē to bī no chigai ga wakaru (AとBの違いがわかる)
to can tell the difference between A and B, to can tell A from B
chiikikaihatsu (地域開発)
regional development
chijimeru (縮める)
to shorten, to cut down, to abridge; to duck, to draw in, to squeeze, to take in
chie o shiboru (知恵をしぼる)
to cudgel/rack/beat one's brains
chien suru (遅延する)
to be delayed
ē to bī no chigai ga wakaranai (AとBの違いがわからない)
to cannot tell the difference between A and B, to cannot tell A from B
chihō no (地方の)
local, regional, provincial
chigau (違う)
to differ, to be different from, to vary, to be not like, to be unlike; to disagree, to do not agree with, to do not correspond with; to be wrong, to be mistaken
chigaihōken (治外法権)
extraterritorial rights, extraterritoriality
chigiregumo (千切れ雲)
scattered clouds
chihai ni naru (遅配になる)
to be delayed
chijoku o ukeru (恥辱を受ける)
to be insulted
chiesha (知恵者)
a man of wisdom
chiisaku (小さくなる)
[着物が] to become to small, to outgrow one's clothes, to humble oneself, to be humble
chijin (知人)
a friend, an acquaintance
chijimu (縮む)
to shrink, to wrinkle, to shrivel, to be shortened, to contract
chiikyōtei (地位協定)
the Status of Forces Agreement
chijikomaru (縮こまる)
to curl/huddle oneself up, to be benumbed
chiho o shimeru (地歩を占める)
to take one's stand, to hold one's ground, to establish a footing
chihōkōkyōdantai (地方公共団体)
local public bodies
chiji (知事)
a (prefectural) governor
chiikifunsō (地域紛争)
a regional conflict
chijoku o ataeru (恥辱を与える)
to insult
chijireru (縮れる)
[髪が] to be curled, to have curly/frizzled hair; to wrinkle, to be wrinkled
chigaeru (違える)
to change, to alter; to to make a mistake, to (mis)take [one thing] for [another]; [約束を] to break; [骨/筋を] to sprain
chigireru (ちぎれる)
to be torn off, to be cut off, to come off
chiiki (地域)
an area, a region, a zone
chigū o ukeru (知遇を受ける)
to enjoy another's favour
chihyō (地表)
the surface of the earth
chihōkanchō (地方官庁)
a local government
chihōgyōsei (地方行政)
local administration
chihōgikai (地方議会)
a local assembly
chihōshoku (地方色)
local colour
chihōkōmuin (地方公務員)
a local pulic service worker
chigiru (契る)
to pledge, to vow, to promise
chiikiteki (地域的)
local, regional
chihō (地方)
a locality, a district, a region, an area, the country
chihōshinbun (地方新聞)
a local paper
chihōjichitai (地方自治体)
a local autonomous body
chigiri o musubu (契りを結ぶ)
[夫婦の] to plight one's troth with
chijiku (地軸)
the earth's axis
chiikikenkyū (地域研究)
an area study
chihōbunken (地方分権)
decentralization (of power)
chijimi no shatsu (縮みのシャツ)
a crepe (under)shirt
chigaidana (違い棚)
(fancy) alcove shelves
chihōginkō (地方銀行)
a local bank
chifusu (チフス)
typhoid (fever), typhus (fever), paratyphoid (fever)
ni chigainai (に違いない)
to must be, to must have, I am sure that
chiikikeizaiken (地域経済圏)
a regional economic zone
kyōju no chii (教授の地位)
a position as professor, professorship
chiisai (小さい)
small, little; minute, fine; little, young; trifling, petty, insignificant
chii (地位)
one's (social) position/standing/station/status, rank, a postition, a post
chigai (違い)
a difference, a distinction
chigaku (地学)
physical geography
chīfu (チーフ)
a chief, a head
chijoku (恥辱)
a shame, a disgrace, a dishonour
chijimi (縮み)
shrinkage; cotton crepe
chihōshinbun (地方新聞)
a local paper
chiikisa (地域差)
regional differences
chijin (痴人)
a fool, an idiot
chiguhaguni naru (ちぐはぐになる)
to be confused, to go wrong
chie no wa (知恵の輪)
a puzzle ring
chijimiagaru (縮み上がる)
to be scared
chihōsaibansho (地方裁判所)
a district court
rōjinseichihōshō (老人性痴呆症)
senile dementia
chiikishakai (地域社会)
local community
chigyo (稚魚)
a fry, [Collectively] fry
chien (遅延)
a delay
chiguhaguna (ちぐはぐな)
odd, incoherent
chiheisenjō ni (地平線上に)
above/on the horizon
chijirege (縮れ毛)
curly hair, frizzled hair
chiiku (知育)
intellectual training
chihōjichi (地方自治)
local autonomy
chihōban (地方版)
a local edition
chigo (稚児)
a baby, a child, [祭時の] children in a festival procession

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