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reproductive systems and uranary tract test


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Structure and function
Male Gonads
4 x 2.5 cm ovoids weighing about 10 grams

Their function is to promote Spermatogenesis and Androgenesis
Tunica Albuginea
Made up of regualr dense fibrous conn. tiss. and provides the oute covering of the testes.
Discribe the structure of the Testes
The Testes are divided by septa into about 250 to 300 lobules.

Each lobule contains 1-3 highly convoluted Seminiferous Tubules
Germinal Epithelium
Specialized stratified epithelium
Containing two type of cells
Spermatogenic cells which give rise to spermatozoa via spermatogenesis.
Nurse(Sertoli's) cells which support spermatogenic cells which nourish spermatogenic cells and produce inhibin that regulates the rate of sperm production.
Regulates the rate of sperm production
A tightly coiled threadlike tube about 6m long

S: Smooth Muscular walls lined with ciliated columnar epi.

F: Sperm storage and Maturation of immature spermatozoa into viable/mobil spermatozoa.
Vas deferens
A muscular tube about 45cm

S: Smooth muscular walls lined with ciliated col. epi witha distal Ampulla

F: To propel mature sperm by peristalsis/ciliary action to the prostate gland
Spermatic cord
Made up of the vas deferens, blood vessels,lymph vessels, nervs and the cremaster Muscle.
Cremasteric reflex
This reflex pulls the testes closer to the body for proper thermoregulation of spermatogenesis (35 C)
Seminal Vesicles
Fingr-shaped gland 5-7cm

S: Specialized glandualar epithelial lining

F: Secrete thick alkaline fluid rich in fructose and prostaglandins which regulate the pH of semen, provide ~60% of the semens vol., The fructose nourishes the sperm and the Prostaglandin helps the sperm to travel.
Ejaculatory Duct
Formed by the junction of theseminal vesicles and the vas deferenses

S: Long tube ~2 cm

F: Transport semen into the Urethra.

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