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Anatomy and Physiology 2


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Abdominalpelvic region and quadrants?
1. Regions - 9 subdividions
2. Quadrants - 4 subdividsions
What are Homeostatic mechanisms?
responses that return the body to some balance point. Mechanisms work via feedback systems
1. three components of feedback systems
a. Receptor - receiving information. monitors changes, sends input, monitors environment ans responds to changes, called stimuli

Anatomical position?
a common reference position for studies.
What is the control center?
receives input, determines needed adjustment, sends output
What is the reproductive system?
Gonads (testes), and associated organs, (penis, lavia, uterus, ova ducts) primary function is to reproduce.
What is an effector?
receives ouput, brings about adjustment
What is the lymphatic system?
lymph, lymphatic vessels, and organs containing lymphatic tissue. for lipid to digest
Positive feedback systems
where product increases production of self
ex. uterine wall is going to start contracting
Define Homeostasis?
ato remain the same, body temperature
Define catabolism?
breakdown processes
anything toward head or cranial
Fluid Mosaic Model?
fluid- able to move around. Mosaic of various molecules
a. components are not locked in place, composition being of various molecules.
Fluid Mosaic Model continued?
primarily - bilayer of phospholipids, (a couple of fatty acids) lipids are typically nonpolar no charge, don't mix with water, they are aphipathic - polar and nonpolar. they have a tail that is the fatty acids nonploar, the phosphate is the head and is polar. the head is hydrophilic love water. the fatty acid os hydrophobic water fearing. waters in the inside and outside
1. What is Superior?
2. What is Inferior or caudal?
3. What is Anterior or or Ventral?
4. What is Posterior or Dorsal?
5. What is Medial?
6. What is Lateral?
7. What is Intermediat?
8. What is Proximal?
9. What is
1. Below or tail
1. anything towar head
2. below or tail
3. front
4. back
5. towards center
6. towards outside
7. between
8. closer to main part of body
9. farthest away from body
10. towards surface of body
11. farthest in the body
all other sagittal planes, offset from the midline
carbohydrate head
I.D. molecules
Define anabolism?
steroid (muscle building), synthesis (building) processes
Planes of the body

1. Sagittal?
lateral halves, right and left or lateral halves, vertical plane that divides the body into right and left parts.
Define reproduction?
formation of a new organism, can occur at the cellular or organismal level
What is the circulatory-cardiovascular system?
heart, blood vessels, and blood, transport things that the body needs
What is the endocrine system?
all hormone producing glands/tissues, they provide messag3es to tell the body what to do.
Define Metabolism?
the sum of all the chemical reactions that occur in the body
What is the Digestive system?
gastrointestinal tract and associated organs
What is movement?
motion of whole body, organs, cells, cellular components
Frontal or Coronal?
anterior and posterior halves, liie vertically
Transverse or Horizontal?
Superior and Inferior Halves?
crossection, runs horizontally from right to left, dividing the body into superior and inferior.
What is the urinary system?
kidneys (filter the blood, help us produce RBC, regulate water, pH, bladder, ureters, urethra. same structure in males and females except in the rueters and urethra.
Sbdominal - stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, S. and L. Intestine
What is growth?
increase in cell size ahape. Increase in cell size or cell number
Angled plane, cuts make diagonally between the horizontal and the vertical planes.

Cranial- contains brain
Vertebra - spinal cord
thoracic -chest cavity
pleural - lungs
mediastinum - area between lungs, ex. esophagus, trachea, thymus, heart
pericardial - heart

Plasma membrane
aka cell membrane, interface
What is responsiveness?
Ability to detect and react to changes in the internal or external environment.
What is the negative feed=back systems?
where the product shuts down future production of self
Example: glucose level

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