undefined, object
copy deck
- irony
- n. expression of one's meaning by saying the direct opposite of one's thoughts in order to be emphatic, amusing, sarcastic, etc
- disclose
- v. ~ sth (to sb) allow sth to be seen
- corroborate
- v. confirm or give support to
- maverick
- n. unbranded calf
- indifferent
- adj. ~ having no interest in sb/sth; neither for nor against sb/sth; not caring about sb/sth
- improvise
- v. compose or play (music), speak or act without previous preparation
- ponderous
- adj. slow and awkward because of great weight
- complacency
- n. ~ (usu derog ) calm feeling of satisfactionwith oneself, one's work, etc
- compatible
- adj. ~ (of people, ideas, arguments, principles, etc) suited; that can exist together
- predecessor
- n. person who held an office or position before sb else
- loom
- n. machine for weaving cloth
- ingenuous
- adj. not attempting to deceive or conceal; open; innocent
- distort v.
- pull or twist out of its usual shape
- friction
- n. rubbing of one surface or thing against another
- attentive
- adj. ~ giving attention (to sb/sth); alert and watchful
- expertise
- n. expert knowledge or skill, esp in a particular field
- forthright
- adj. clear and honest in manner and speech; straightforward
- opaque
- adj. not allowing light to pass through; not transparent
- vacillate
- v. ~ (fml usu derog , ) keep changing one's mind; move backwards and forwards between two emotions
- precipitate
- v. cause (sth) to happen suddenly or soon(er); hasten
- trepidation
- n. great worry or fear about sth unpleasant that may happen
- confine v.
- ~ sb/sth keep (a person or an animal) in a restricted space
- spontaneity
- impulsiveness; absence of premeditation
- endemic n,
- adj that is regularly found in a particular country or area, or among a particular group of people
- esteem
- v. (not used in the continuous tenses ) have a high opinion of (sb/sth); respect greatly
- attenuate
- v. make (sth/sb) thin or slender
- legislature
- n. body of people with the power to make and change laws
- decry
- v. ~ sb/sth (as sth) speak critically of sb/sth to make him/it seem less valuable, useful, etc; disparage sb/sth
- ennui
- n. weariness of mind caused by lack of anything interesting or exciting to do; feeling of boredom
- adversity
- n. unfavourable conditions; trouble
- repulsion
- n. ~ feeling of loathing or aversion; disgust
- prolong v.
- make longer, esp in time; extend
- resolve v.
- ~ on/upon/against sth/doing sth decide firmly; determine
- volatile
- adj. changing rapidly into vapour
- snub
- v. treat (sb) coldly, rudely or with contempt, esp by paying no attention (to him)
- appropriate
- adj. ~ suitable; right and proper
- proliferate
- v. produce new growth or offspring rapidly; multiply ;
- extraneous
- adj. ~ not belonging to or directly connected with the subject or matter being dealt with
- comprehend
- v. understand fully
- laudatory
- adj. expressing or giving praise
- refute
- v. prove to be wrong
- fawning [
- fawn: ] a young deer of either sex aged under one year
- tangible
- adj. that can be perceived by touch
- dismiss v.
- ~ sb remove sb (esp an employee) from a position
- mandate n.
- ~ (to do sth) authority given to a party, trade union, etc by the people who support it
- recluse n.
- person who lives alone and avoids other people
- conspire
- v. ~ (against sb); ~ (together) (against sb) make secret plans (with others), esp to do wrong
- console v.
- ~ sb give comfort or sympathy to (sb who is unhappy, disappointed, etc)
- soliloquy
- n. speaking one's thoughts aloud, esp in a play when a character does this without another character being present on stage
- accelerate
- v. make move faster or happen earlier; increase the speed of
- fickle
- adj. often changing; not constant
- stymie
- n. situation on the green in which an opponent's ball is between one's own ball and the hole
- augment v.
- make (sth) larger in number or size; increase
- synthesis
- n. combining of separate parts, elements, etc to form a complex whole
- assumption
- n. thing accepted as true or as sure to happen, but not proved
- spendthrift
- n. person who spends money extravagantly and wastefully
- savor
- enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality
- default n.
- failure to do sth, esp to pay a debt or appear in court
- anomaly n.
- anomalous thing; irregularity
- sage
- n. very wise man
- aria
- n. song for one voice, esp in an opera or oratorio
- contentious
- exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes
- intrinsic
- adj. belonging naturally; existing within, not coming from outside
- perceptive
- adj. quick to notice and understand things
- adversary
- n. opponent in a contest; enemy
- complement
- n. ~ thing that goes well or suitably with sth else, or makes it complete
- deplete v.
- reduce greatly the quantity, size, power or value of
- amplify v.
- increase (sth) in size or strength
- substantial
- adj. large in amount; considerable
- cajole
- v. ~ sb(into/out of sth); ~ sb (into/out of doing sth) persuade sb (to do sth) by flattery or deceit; coax sb
- perfunctory
- adj. a) (of an action) done as a duty or routine, without care or interest
- exemplary
- adj. serving as an example; suitable for imitation
- vital
- adj. connected with or essential to life
- vulnerable
- adj. ~ that can be hurt, wounded or injured
- unfeigned
- adj. not pretended; genuine or sincere
- caprice n.
- sudden change in attitude or behaviour with no obvious cause; whim ;
- dissertation n.
- ~ long essay on a particular subject, esp one written for a doctorate or similar degree; thesis
- pedantic
- adj. of or like a pedant
- tractable
- adj. easily guided, handled or controlled; docile ;
- eschew
- v. keep away from (sth); abstain from; avoid
- harangue
- n. long, loud, serious and usu angry speech
- forestall
- v. act before so as to prevent him from doing sth
- redundant
- adj. not needed; superfluous; unnecessary
- provision
- n. ~ of sth giving, lending, supplying or making sth available; providing sth
- absolute
- adj. complete; total
- brevity n.
- shortness or briefness
- gouge
- n. tool with a sharp semicircular edge for cutting grooves in wood
- cursory adj.
- done quickly and not thoroughly; (too) hurried
- defiance
- n. open disobedience or resistance; refusal to give way to authority or opposition; defying
- fundamental
- adj. of or forming the basis or foundation of sth; essential
- indecision
- n. ~ state of being unable to decide; hesitation
- flout
- v. disobey openly and scornfully
- placate v.
- make less angry; soothe or pacify
- anesthetic
- = anaesthesia, anaesthetic
- novice
- n. person who is new and inexperienced in a job, situation, etc; beginner
- enhance v.
- increase make (sb/sth) look better
- detrimental
- adj. ~ harmful
- belie
- v. give a wrong or an untrue idea of (sth)
- resentment
- n. resenting sb/sth
- commonplace
- adj. ordinary; not interesting
- boor
- n. rough, rude or insensitive man
- attribute
- v. ~ sth to sb/sth regard sth as belonging to, caused by or produced by sb/sth
- engender
- v. be the cause of (a situation or condition)
- persevere
- v. ~ ~ (with sb) (usu approv ) continue trying to do sth, esp in spite of difficulty
- vigilant
- adj. looking out for possible danger, trouble, etc; watchful or alert
- imperative
- adj. very urgent or important; needing immediateattention
- discordant
- adj. not in agreement; conflicting
- specious
- adj. seeming rightor true but actually wrong or false
- porous
- adj. allowing liquid or air to pass through, esp slowly
- articulate
- adj. able to express one's ideas clearly in words
- perturb v.
- make (sb) very worried; disturb
- sobriety
- n. quality or state of being sober
- diatribe
- n. ~ lengthy and bitter attack in words
- antidote
- n. ~ substance that acts against the effects of a poison or disease
- antagonistic adj.
- ~ showing or feeling antagonism; hostile
- intimate
- adj. ~ having or being a very close and friendly relationship
- buttress
- n. support built against a wall .
- covert
- adj. concealed; not open; secret
- malleable
- adj. that can be beaten or pressed into different shapes easily
- simplistic
- adj. making difficult problems, issues, ideas, etcseem much simpler than they really are; over-simplifying
- circumspect
- adj. considering everything carefully before acting; cautious; wary ;
- metaphor
- n. use of a word or phrase to indicate sth different from (though related in some way to) the literal meaning, as in `I'll make him eat his words' or `She has a heart of stone' I'll make him eat his wordsShe has a heart of stone
- definitive
- adj. clear and having final authority; that cannot or need not be changed
- transitory
- adj. lasting for only a short time; transient
- aggrandize
- to make appear great or greater:praise highly
- provoke v.
- make (sb) angry or annoyed
- parody
- n. ~ (piece of) speech, writing or music that imitates the style of an author, composer, etc in an amusing and often exaggerated way; comic imitation
- alleviate
- v. make less severe; ease
- advocate
- v. speak publicly in favour of (sth); recommend; support
- intermittent adj.
- continually stopping and then starting again; not constant
- ignite
- v. catch fire
- reticent
- adj. ~ not revealing one's thoughts or feelings easily; reserved
- chicanery
- n. use of clever but misleading talk in order to trick sb, esp in legal matters; dishonest practice
- conjecture
- v. ~ (fml ) form (and express) an opinion not based on firm evidence; guess
- deliberate
- adj. done on purpose; intentional
- enigma
- n. question, person, thing, circumstance, etc that is difficult to understand; mystery
- relegate
- banish; consign to inferior position
- discernible
- adj. that can just be discerned
- transparent
- adj. allowinglight to pass through so that objects behind can be seen clearly
- amenable
- adj. ~ (of people) willing to be influenced or controlled (by sth)
- qualify v.
- ~ (sb) (for/as sth) have or give (sb) the qualities, training, etc that are necessary or suitable (for sth)
- compassion
- n. ~ pity for the sufferings of others, making one want to help them
- convert v.
- ~ (sth) (from sth) (into/to sth) change (sth) from one form or use to another
- redoubtable
- adj. to be feared and respected; formidable
- prodigal
- adj. spending money or resources too freely; extravagant
- adapt
- v. ~ sth (for sth) make sth suitable for a new use, situation, etc; modify sth
- abstract
- adj. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existence
- mosaic
- n. picture or pattern made by placing together small pieces of glass, stone, etc of different colours
- subordinate
- adj. ~ (to sb) lower in rank or position
- precedent
- n. earlier decision, case, event, etc that is regarded as an example or rule for what comes later
- inured
- accustomed to/adapted
- frugality
- thrift
- intervene
- v. (of time) come or be between
- coda
- n. final passage of a piece of music
- versatile
- adj. turning easily or readily from one subject, skill or occupation to another
- surfeit n.
- ~ (of sth) too much of sth, esp of food and drink
- implement
- n. tool or instrument
- caricature
- n. picture,description or imitation of sb/sth that exaggerates certain characteristics in order to amuse or ridicule
- incriminate
- v. make appear to be guilty of wrongdoing
- coalesce
- v. combine and form one group, substance, mass, etc
- pristine
- adj. in its original condition; unspoilt
- repudiate
- v. refuse to have any more to do with (sb); disown ;
- impeccable
- adj. free from mistakes; excellent or faultless
- convoluted
- adj. coiled; twisted
- ubiquitous
- adj. (seeming to be) present everywhere or in several places at the same time
- humility
- n. humble attitude of mind; modesty
- ascetic adj.
- not allowing oneself pleasures and comforts; having or involving a very austere life
- partial adj.
- of or forming a part; not complete
- catalyst
- n. substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself changing
- intractable
- adj. not easily controlled or dealt with; hard to manage
- craven
- adj. cowardly
- supersede
- v. take the place of be introduced so as to be used instead of (sth/sb)
- conscientious
- adj. careful to do what one ought to do, and do it as well as one can
- blunt
- adj. without a sharp edge or a point
- nostalgia
- n. sentimental longing for things that are past
- convention
- n. conference of members of a profession, political party, etc
- martial adj.
- of or associated with war
- resignation
- n. ~ (instance of) resigning
- conventional adj.
- (often derog ) based on convention(2a)
- derivative
- adj. derived from sth else; not original
- serenity
- the quality or state of being shining bright and steady
- fluctuation
- n. ~ (of/in sth)
- tacit
- adj. understoodwithout being put into words; implied
- incorporate
- v. ~ sth (in/into sth) make sth part of a whole; include
- abstemious
- adj. not taking much food or drink; not self-indulgent; moderate
- demur
- v. ~ (at sth) (fml ) express a doubt (about sth) or an objection (to sth)
- passive adj.
- not active; submissive
- lavish
- adj. ~ ~ (in doing sth) giving or producing generously or in large quantities
- lackluster
- lacking brilliance or vitality ; lacking luster or shine
- hoard
- n. carefully collected and guarded store of money, food or other treasured objects
- suppress
- v. put an end to (sth), esp by force; crush
- despicable
- adj. ~ (to do sth) deserving to be despised; contemptible
- mercurial
- adj. (of people or their moods, etc) often changing
- illuminate
- v. provide with light
- obscure adj.
- not easily or clearly seen or understood; indistinct; hidden
- propriety
- n. state of being correct in one's social or moral behaviour
- meticulous
- adj. ~ giving or showing great precision and care; very attentive to detail
- abet
- v. ~ sb (in sth) help or encourage sb to commit an offence or do sth wrong
- hallucination
- n. illusion of seeing or hearing sth when no such thing is actually present
- contaminate
- v. ~ sth/sb make sth/sb impure by adding dangerous or disease-carrying substances
- officious
- adj. too ready or willing to give orders, offer advice or help, or use one's authority; bossy and interfering
- compelling
- adj. extremely interesting and exciting, so that one has to pay attention
- agitate v.
- cause anxiety to (a person, his feelings, etc); disturb; excite
- fastidious
- adj. selecting carefully; choosing only what is good ;
- retain
- v. keep (sth) in one's possession or use
- itinerary
- n. plan for, or record of, a journey; route
- reiterate
- v. say or do (sth) again or repeatedly
- marginal
- adj. of or in a margin
- squander
- v. ~ sth waste (time, money, etc); use sth wastefully
- veracity
- n. truthfulness; truth
- tangential
- peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing
- paean
- n. (fml) song of praise or triumph
- garrulous
- adj. talking too much, esp about unimportant things
- bolt
- n. metal bar that slides into a socket to lock a door, window, etc
- circumlocution
- n. use of many words to say sth that could be said in a few words
- provincial
- adj. of a province (1)
- decelerate
- v. slow down
- drone
- n. male honey-bee
- resolution
- n. quality of being resolute or firm; determination
- evince
- v. show clearly that one has (a feeling, quality, etc); exhibit
- effective
- adj. having an effect; producing the intended result
- determination
- n. ~ quality of being firmly committed to doing sth; resoluteness
- discrete
- adj. separate; distinct
- disperse
- v. go in different directions; scatter; break up
- potential
- adj. that can or may come into existence; possible
- goad
- n. pointed stick for making cattle, etc move on
- proximity
- n. ~ (to sth) nearness in space or time; closeness
- violate v.
- break or be contrary to
- timidity
- timidness ns
- fidelity
- n. ~ loyalty; faithfulness
- dearth
- n. ~ shortage; scarcity
- diversity
- n. state of being varied; variety
- obsequious
- adj. ~ (to sb) too willing to obey or serve; too respectful (esp in the hope of getting a reward or favour from sb)
- gravity n.
- force that attracts objects in space towards each other, and on the earth pulls them towards the centre of the planet, so that things fall to the ground when dropped
- venerate
- v. respect (sb/sth) deeply; regard as sacred
- indeterminate
- adj. not fixed or exact; vague; indefinite
- imperturbable
- adj. not easily troubled or worried; calm
- equanimity
- n. calmness of mind or temper
- impair
- v. weaken or damage
- temerity
- n. audacity; rashness
- deft
- adj. ~ skilful and quick, esp with the hands
- countenance
- n. (expression on sb's) face
- rigid
- adj. stiff; not bending or yielding
- converge
- v. ~ ~ (at sth) (of lines, moving objects, etc) (come towards each other and) meet at a point
- eulogy
- n. (speech or piece of writing containing) high praise of a person or thing
- philanthropist
- n. person who helps others, esp through charitable work or donations of money
- beneficent
- adj. showing active kindness; generous; charitable
- foresight
- n. ability to see what one's future needs are likely to be; careful planning
- strut
- n. rod or bar placed in a framework to strengthen and brace it
- illusion
- n. false idea, belief or impression; delusion
- inopportune
- adj. not appropriate or convenient
- lethargic
- adj. Hot weather makesme lethargic
- salutary
- adj. having a good effect
- disingenuous adj.
- insincere, esp in pretending that one knows less about sth than one really does
- stem
- n. main central part of a plant, bush or tree coming up from the roots, from which the leaves or flowers grow
- awe
- n. feeling of respect combined with fear or wonder
- parallel
- adj. (of two or more lines) having the same distance between each other at every point
- impartial
- adj. not favouring one person or thing more than another; fair or neutral
- candor
- unreserved, honest, or sincere expression:FORTHRIGHTNESS
- pervasive
- adj. present and perceived everywhere; pervading
- mammal
- n. any of the class of animals that give birth to live offspring and feed their young on milk from the breast
- forge
- n. workshop with a fire and an anvil where metals are heated and shaped, esp one used by a smith for making horseshoes
- problematic
- adj. difficult to deal with or to understand
- appease v.
- make quiet or calm, usu by making concessions or by satisfying demands
- tension n.
- state or degree of stretching or being stretched
- venerable
- adj. deserving respect because of age, character, associations, etc
- manipulate
- v. control or handle with skill
- laconic adj.
- using few words; terse
- warranted
- [ warrant: ] anything that gives authority for an action or decision; authorization; sanction
- incentive
- n. ~ thing that encourages sb to do sth; stimulus
- ameliorate
- v. (cause sth to) become better
- chisel
- n. tool with a sharp cutting edge at the end, for shaping wood, stone or metal
- abate
- v. make or become less
- slight
- adj. not serious or important; small
- dehydrate
- v. remove water or moisture from
- irrelevant
- adj. ~ not connected (with sth); not relevant (to sth)
- whimsical
- adj. full of whimsy; fanciful, playful or capricious
- inchoate
- adj. just begun and therefore not fully formed or developed
- approbation
- n. approval; consent
- rescind v.
- cancel or repeal (a law, contract, etc); annul
- undermine
- v. make a hollow or tunnel beneath (sth); weaken at the base
- precursor
- n. ~(of sth) person or thing that comes before sth; forerunner
- erratic adj.
- irregular or uneven in movement, quality or behaviour; unreliable
- superficial
- adj. of or on the surface only
- accessible
- adj. ~ that can be reached, used, etc
- placid
- adj. calm and peaceful; undisturbed
- sterile adj.
- not producing or not able to produce seeds, young or children
- scrutinize
- examine closely and critically
- antiquated
- adj. (of things) out of date, obsolete ,
- stratagem
- n. trick, plan or scheme to deceive sb (esp an enemy)
- audacious
- adj. showing a willingness to take risks; daring; fearless
- apathetic
- adj. showing or feeling apathy
- hyperbole
- n. exaggeratedstatement that is made for special effect and is not meant to be taken literally, eg I've invited millions of people to my party ,
- pragmatic
- adj. treating things in a sensible and realistic way; concerned with practical results
- recalcitrant adj.
- resisting authority or discipline; disobedient
- plausible
- adj. seeming to be right or reasonable; believable
- sanction
- n. permission or approval for an action, a change, etc
- discredit
- v. damage the good reputation of
- desiccate
- v. remove all the moisture from to preserve it
- obdurate
- adj. impossible to change; stubborn
- aberrant
- adj. not following the normal or correct way
- espouse v.
- give one's support to (a cause, theory, etc)
- luminous
- adj. giving out light; bright
- promote to
- contribute to the growth or prosperity of:FURTHER
- initiate
- v. put (a scheme, etc) into operation; cause (sth) to begin
- vigor
- active bodily or mental strength or force
- inconsequential
- adj. trivial or irrelevant; not important
- valid
- adj. legally effective because made or done with the correct formalities
- assert
- v. make others recognize (sth) by behaving firmly and confidently
- implacable
- adj. that cannot be changed or satisfied
- hostility
- n. ~ being hostile (to sb/sth); antagonism; enmity
- reserve v.
- ~ sth put aside or keep sth for a later occasion or special use
- subside v.
- sink to a lower or to the normal level
- substantiate v.
- give facts to support (a claim, statement, etc); prove
- verbose adj.
- using or containing more words than are needed
- random
- adj. done, chosen, etc without method or conscious choice; haphazard
- peremptory
- adj. (esp derog ) (of a person, his manner, etc) insisting on immediate obedience or submission; domineering
- score
- n. number of points, goals, etc made by a player or team in a game, or gained in a competition, etc
- apprise v.
- ~ sb of sth inform sb of sth
- embellish
- v. ~ sth make sth beautiful by adding ornaments, etc
- timid
- adj. easily frightened; shy
- perpetual
- adj. continuing indefinitely; permanent
- abridge v.
- make shorter, esp by using fewer words; condense
- lampoon n.
- piece of writing that attacks and ridicules a person, a book, an institution, etc
- subjective
- adj. existing in the mind and not produced by things outside the mind
- beneficial
- adj. ~ having a helpful or useful effect; advantageous
- esoteric
- adj. likely to be understood by only those with a special knowledge or interest; mysterious; obscure
- disparage
- v. suggest, esp unfairly, that is of little value or importance
- mediocre
- adj. not very good; second-rate
- acute
- adj. very great; severe
- waver
- v. be or become weak or unsteady; falter
- renounce
- v. agree to give up ownership or possession of (sth), esp formally
- spurious
- adj. not genuine or authentic; false or fake
- facilitate
- v. (of an object, a process, etc but not of a person) make (sth) easy or less difficult
- epic
- n. long poem about the deeds of one or more great heroes, or a nation's past history
- propensity
- n. ~ (for doing/to do sth) (fml ) inclination or tendency
- allegiance
- n. ~ (to sb/sth) support of or loyalty to a government, ruler, cause, etc
- exculpate
- v. ~ sb (fml ) free sb from blame; say that sb is not guilty
- reinstate
- v. ~ sb restore sb to a previous (esp important) position
- scale
- n. any of the thin overlapping plates of hard material covering the skin of many fish and reptiles
- opportune
- adj. (of time) suitable or favourable for a purpose
- cynical adj.
- of or like a cynic
- obstinate
- adj. refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action; stubborn
- discrimination
- n. good judgement and perception
- flag
- n. piece of cloth with a particular design, that can be attached by one edge to a rope, pole, etc and used as a symbol of a country, party, etc or as a signal
- incite
- v. ~ sb urge or persuade sb to do sth by making him very angry or excited
- innocuous
- adj. causing no harm
- insipid adj.
- having almost no taste or flavour
- decipher
- v. succeed in understanding
- rectify v.
- put (sth) right; correct
- retrospective
- adj. looking back on the past
- flourish
- v. be successful, very active, or widespread; prosper
- withhold
- v. (fml )~ sth (from sb/sth) (fml ) refuse to give sth; keep sth back
- foster
- v. help the growth or development of (sth); encourage or promote
- effrontery
- n. boldness or rudeness without shame; impertinence
- cacophony
- n. loud unpleasant mixture of discordant sounds
- contest
- dispute
- impede
- v. hinder or obstruct the progress or movement of
- champion
- n. person, team, animal or plant that has defeated or excelled all others in a competition
- caustic adj.
- that can burn or destroy things by chemical action
- disparate
- adj. so different in kind or degree that they cannot be compared
- inept
- adj. ~ (at sth/doing sth) completely unskilful (at sth)
- peripheral
- adj. ~ of secondary or minor importance (to sth)
- quarantine
- n. isolation for people or animals that may carry an infectious disease, until it is known that there is no danger of the disease being passed on to others
- prone
- adj. lying flat, esp face downwards
- arduous adj.
- needing much effort or energy; laborious
- qualified
- adj. having completed the relevant training or examination
- bent
- n. ~ (for sth/doing sth) natural skill (at sth); liking or inclination (for sth/doing sth)
- eclectic
- adj. (of people, beliefs, etc) not restricted to one source of ideas, etc, but choosing from or using a wide range
- indolence
- laziness
- endorse v.
- write one's name on the back of
- pacify
- v. calm or soothe the anger or distress of (sb)
- sonnet
- n. type of poem containing 14 lines, each of 10 syllables, and with a formal pattern of rhymes
- mute
- adj. silent; making no sound
- denigrate
- v. claim that (sb/sth) is inferior, worthless, etc; belittle
- selective
- adj. using or based on selection
- tirade
- n. long angry speech of criticism or accusation
- anomalous
- adj. different from what is normal; irregular
- disabuse
- v. ~ sb of sth free sb of (false ideas)
- resilient
- adj. springing back to its original form after being bent, stretched, crushed, etc; springy ,
- antiseptic
- n. substance that prevents a wound, etc from becoming septic, esp by destroying bacteria
- manifest
- adj. ~ (fml ) clear and obvious
- embrace close
- encircling with the arms and pressure to the bosom especially as a sign of affection:HUG
- congenial
- adj. pleasing because of similarities in temperament, interests,etc
- tempo
- n. speed or rhythm of a piece of music
- quibble n.
- objection or criticism, esp atrivial one
- consistency
- n. (approv ) quality of being consistent(1)
- renovate
- v. restore to good condition
- tentative
- adj. done, said, etc to test sth; hesitant or exploratory; not definite or decisive
- ruthless
- adj. having or showing no pity or compassion; cruel
- cogent
- adj. convincing; strong
- disdain n.
- feeling that sb/sth is not good enough to deserve one's respect; contempt
- ephemeral
- adj. living, lasting, etc for a very short time
- distinction
- n. ~ difference or contrast between one person or thing and another
- indecisive
- adj. not final or conclusive
- choir
- n. organized group of singers, esp one that performs in church services
- banal
- adj. commonplace; uninteresting
- elegy
- n. poem or song expressing sorrow, esp for the dead; lament ;
- immune
- adj. ~ that cannot be harmed by a disease or illness, either because of inoculation or through natural resistance
- frustrate
- v. prevent (sb) from doing or achieving sth
- hierarchy
- n. system with grades of authority or status from the lowest to the highest
- explicit
- adj. (of a statement, etc) clearly and fully expressed
- probity n.
- quality of being honest and trustworthy; integrity ;
- swerve
- v. change direction suddenly
- obviate v.
- remove (sth); get rid of
- prosaic adj.
- uninspired; unimaginative
- emulate v.
- ~ sb (fml ) try to do as well as or better than sb
- exacerbate
- v. make (pain, disease, a situation) worse; aggravate
- render
- v. ~ sth (for sth); ~ sth (to sb) give sth in return or exchange, or as sth which is due
- slur
- v. run (sounds, words) into each other so that they are indistinct
- enduring
- adj. continuing in existence; lasting
- brittle adj.
- hard but easily broken; fragile
- coercion
- n. coercing or being coerced
- haphazard
- adj. without plan or order; random
- persist v.
- ~ continue to do sth, esp in an obstinate and determined way and in spite of opposition, argument or failure
- discourse
- n. lengthy and serious treatment of a subject in speech or writing
- morose
- adj. very unhappy, bad-tempered and silent; sullen
- authoritative
- adj. having authority; that can be trusted; reliable
- conciliatory adj.
- intended or likely to conciliate
- relevant
- adj. ~ (to sth/sb)connected with what is being discussed, what is happening,what is being done, etc
- nondescript
- n, adj without a distinctive character and so not easily classified
- fetter
- n. chain put round the feet of a person or animal to limit movement
- supposition
- n. supposing
- devoid
- adj. ~ of sth without sth; completely lacking in sth
- coax
- v. (~ sb sth) persuade sb gently or gradually
- composure
- n. state of being calm in mind or behaviour
- bombast n.
- pompous and meaningless words
- pertinent
- adj. ~ (fml ) relevant (to sth); to the point
- generate
- v. cause to exist or occur; produce
- contempt
- n. ~ (for sb/sth) feeling that sb/sth is completely worthless and cannot be respected
- curtail v.
- make shorter or less; reduce
- rational
- adj. able to reason
- replicate
- v. be or make a copy of (sth); reproduce
- antipathy
- settled aversion or dislike:DISTASTE
- exposure
- n. action of exposing or state of being exposed
- viscous adj.
- not pouringeasily; thick and sticky
- betray
- v. ~ sb/sth hand over or show sb/sth disloyally (to an enemy)
- weary
- adj. very tired, esp as a result of effort or endurance; exhausted
- deference
- n. giving way to the views, wishes, etc of others, usu out of respect; respect
- impromptu
- adj. adv without preparation, rehearsal or thought in advance
- glib
- adj. (derog ) speaking or spoken fluently and without hesitation, but not sincerely or trustworthily
- arbitrary
- adj. based on personal opinion or impulse, not on reason
- tact
- n. skill at not offending people or at gaining goodwill by saying or doing the right thing
- uniformity
- sameness; consistency; monotony
- menace
- n. threatening quality, tone, feeling, etc
- inevitable
- adj. that cannot be avoided; that is sure to happen
- diverse adj.
- of different kinds; varied
- enervate
- v. cause to lose strength or energy
- denounce
- v. ~ sb (to sb) (as sth) give information (to the authorities) against sb
- imminent
- adj. about to happen; likely to happen very soon
- sustain v.
- bear (weight) without breaking or falling
- impetuous
- adj. acting or done quickly and with little thought or care; rash or impulsive
- defer
- v. ~ sth (to sth) delay sth until a later time; postpone sth
- implicit
- adj. ~ implied, but not expressed directly; not explicit
- profound
- adj. deep, intense or far-reaching; verygreat
- zealot
- n. person who is extremely enthusiastic about sth, esp religion or politics; fanatic , ;
- evanescent
- adj. quickly fading; soon disappearing from memory
- symmetry
- n. exact match in size and shape between the two halves of sth
- hamper
- n. large basket with a hinged lid, esp one containing food, wine, etc
- illusory
- based on or producing illusion:DECEPTIVE
- conviction
- n. ~ the convicting of a person for a crime
- termination
- n. point at which or way in which sth ends
- equivocal
- adj. having a double or doubtful meaning; ambiguous
- ossify
- v. (fml ) (cause sth to) become hard like bone; change into bone ;
- austere adj.
- severely and strictly moral; having no pleasures or comforts
- unwieldy
- adj. awkward to move or control because of its shape, size or weight
- precise adj.
- stated clearly andaccurately
- sophistication
- n. quality of being sophisticated
- mundane adj.
- ordinary and typically unexciting
- loquacious
- adj. fondof talking; talkative ;
- implicate
- v. ~ sb show that sb is involved in sth, esp a crime
- reconcile
- to make consistent or congruous
- comprehensive
- adj. that includes everything
- futile
- adj. producing no result; useless; pointless
- ambiguous
- adj. having more than one possible meaning
- astringent
- n. substance, used medically or in cosmetics, that makes skin or body tissue contract and so stops bleeding
- conformity
- n. ~ (fml ) (behaviour, etc) conforming to established rules, customs, etc ,
- avert
- v. ~ sth turn sth away
- compromise
- n. giving up of certain demands by each side in a dispute, so that an agreement may be reached which satisfies both to some extent
- lucid
- adj. clearly expressed; easy to understand
- lull
- v. ~ sb/sth (to sth) make (a person or an animal) quiet or less active; soothe sb/sth
- ambivalence
- the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes
- inclined
- adj. ~ wanting to behave in a particular way; disposed
- profligate
- adj. recklessly extravagant or wasteful
- elusive adj.
- tending to escape or disappear; difficult to capture
- synthetic
- adj. made by synthesis(
- cower
- v. crouch down or move backwards in fear or distress
- presumptuous adj.
- (of a person or his behaviour) too bold or self-confident
- compound
- n. thing made up of two or more separate things combined together
- mitigate
- v. make (sth) less severe, violent or painful; moderate
- gullible
- adj. willing to believe anything or anyone; easily deceived
- immutable
- adj. that cannot be changed; that will never change
- dominate
- v. have control of or a very strong influence on (people, events, etc)
- burnish v.
- make smooth and shiny by rubbing; polish
- foment
- v. arouse or increase
- aversion
- n. ~ strong dislike
- tarnish v.
- lose its brightness by being exposed to air or damp
- superfluous
- adj. more than is needed or wanted
- subtlety
- n. quality of being subtle
- mollify v.
- lessen the anger of (sb); make calmer; soothe
- condone v.
- treat or regard as if it were not serious or wrong; overlook; forgive
- repress v.
- restrain or suppress (an impulse); check
- partisan
- n. enthusiastic and often uncritical supporter of a person, group or cause
- discretion
- n. quality of being discreet; good judgement
- impenetrable adj.
- ~ that cannot be entered, passed through, etc
- remorse n.
- ~ sense of deep and bitter regret for having done sth wrong
- idiosyncratic
- a peculiarity of constitution or temperament:an individualizingcharacteristic or quality
- reproach
- v. ~ sb/oneself (for sth) criticize sb/oneself, esp for failing to do sth
- adhere
- v. ~ (to sth) remain attached (to sth); stick (as if) by means of glue or suction
- distinct
- adj. easily heard, seen, felt or understood; definite
- agenda
- n. matters of business to be discussed at a meeting, etc
- inquisitive
- adj. fond of inquiring into other people's affairs
- insightful
- adj. showing insight
- tranquillity n.
- tranquil condition
- deflect v.
- ~ (from sth) (cause sth to) turn from its direction of movement
- diffuse v.
- spread all around; send out in all directions
- confidence
- n. ~ (in sb/sth) firm trust (in sb, in sb's ability, or in what is said, reported, etc)
- sporadic
- adj. happening or seen only occasionally or in a few places; occurring irregularly
- censure v.
- ~ sb criticize sb severely; rebuke sb formally
- plummet n.
- plumb-line
- misanthrope
- a person who hates or distrusts mankind
- tenuous adj.
- thin; slender
- duration
- n. time during which sth lasts or continues
- capricious
- adj. characterized by sudden changes in attitude or behaviour; unpredictable; impulsive
- pestle
- n. heavy round-ended tool used for crushing and grinding things to powder, esp in a special bowl
- belittle
- v. make seem unimportant or of little value
- confound
- v. puzzle and surprise (sb); perplex
- perjury n.
- action of perjuring oneself
- connoisseur
- n. person with good judgement on matters in which appreciation of fineness or beauty is needed, esp the fine arts
- bolster n.
- long pillow, usu shaped like a roll, across the head of a bed
- liability
- n. ~state of being liable
- penetrate
- v. ~ sth make a way into or through sth
- eccentric
- adj. unusual; peculiar; not conventional or normal
- empathy n.
- ability to imagine and share another person's feelings, experience, etc
- component
- n. any of the parts of which sth is made
- repeal
- v. withdraw officially; revoke ;
- cunning adj.
- clever at deceiving people
- dispel
- v. drive (sth) away; cause to vanish
- indulge v.
- ~ oneself/sb (with sth) allow oneself/sb to have whatever one/he likes or wants
- yield
- v. bear, produce or provide
- elaborate
- adj. very detailed and complicated; carefully prepared and finished
- disinterested
- adj. not influenced by personal feelings or interests; unbiased
- nonchalance
- indifference; lack of interest
- acknowledge
- v. accept the truth of admit (sth)
- caulk
- v. make (esp a boat) watertight by filling the seams or joints with waterproof material
- extol
- v. ~sb (as sth) (fml ) praise (sb/sth) highly
- compliant
- adj. ~ (usu derog ) (too) willing to comply (with other people, with rules, etc)
- prodigy n.
- person with unusual or remarkable qualities or abilities
- skeptic =
- sceptic
- rhetoric
- n. using language impressively or persuasively, esp in public speaking
- inimical
- adj. ~ (fml ) unfriendly; hostile
- stereotype
- n. image,idea, character, etc that has become fixed or standardizedin a conventional form without individuality
- temper
- n. state of the mind as regards anger or calmness
- decorum n.
- dignified and socially acceptable behaviour
- arbitrate
- v. ~ (between A and B) make a judgement about or settle (a dispute) between two parties (usu when asked by them to do so)
- dirge
- n. song sung at a burial or for a dead person
- satire
- n. attacking foolish or wicked behaviour by making fun of it, often by using sarcasm and parody
- taciturn
- adj. saying very little; uncommunicative ;
- objective
- adj. not influenced by personal feelings or opinions; unbiased; fair
- stanza
- n. group of lines forming a unit in some types of poem; verse of poetry
- subpoena
- n. written order requiring a person to appear in a lawcourt
- authoritarian
- adj. favouring complete obedience to authority before personal freedom
- nutrient
- n, adj (substance) serving as or providing nourishment, esp for plants or animals
- medium
- n. (pl usu media) means by which sth is expressed or communicated
- blithe
- adj. happy and carefree; casual
- erroneous
- adj. incorrect; mistaken
- prolixity
- n.
- euphemism
- n. use of pleasant, mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones
- exonerate
- to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship
- prudent adj.
- acting with or showing care and foresight; showing good judgement
- ironic
- adj. using or expressing irony; full of irony
- sophisticated
- adj. having or showing much worldly experience and knowledge of fashionable life
- eccentricity n.
- quality of being eccentric; strangeness of behaviour, etc
- erode
- v. destroy or wear (sth) away gradually
- curb
- n. ~ thing that restrains or controls
- inhibit v.
- ~ sb prevent sb from doing sth that should be natural or easy to do
- penury
- n. extreme poverty
- assuage v.
- make (sth) less severe; soothe
- dilemma n.
- situation in which one has to choose between two undesirable things or courses of action
- equivocate
- v. speak in an ambiguous way to hide the truth or mislead people
- facetious
- adj. intended to be amusing, often inappropriately
- onerous adj.
- needing effort; burdensome
- exploit n.
- brave or adventurous deed or action
- enigmatic
- adj. difficult to understand; mysterious
- pedestrian
- n. person walking in the street
- atrophy n.
- wasting away of the body or part of it through lack of nourishment or use
- saturate
- v. ~ sth make sth very wet; soak sth
- inherent
- adj. ~ existing as a natural or permanent feature or quality of sb/sth