healy vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- 362. Brash
- offensively bold
- 274. Husbandman
- A man who tills or cultivates the soil.
- 81. Firmament
- The arch or vault of heaven overhead, in which the clouds and the stars appear; the sky or heavens.
- 45. Indubitably
- That cannot be doubted; patently evident or certain; unquestionable.
- 237. Consternation
- a sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion
- 101. Extenuation
- The action or process of making or becoming thin.
- 137. Inherent
- Existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparable element, quality, or attribute
- 411. Trifling
- of very little importance; trivial; insignificant
- 397. Hue
- the quality of a color as determined by its dominant wavelength
- 224. Florid
- Blooming with flowers; abounding in or covered with flowers; flowery
- 336. Venomous
- full of or containing venom; poisonous
- 98. Importune
- To burden; to be troublesome or wearisome to.
- 80. Latent
- Hidden, concealed; present or existing, but not manifest, exhibited, or developed.
- 25. Arbitrary
- Derived from mere opinion or preference.
- 315. Sedulously
- Diligent in application or attention.
- 146. Transgress
- To go beyond the bounds or limits.
- 243. Inveteracy
- The quality of being inveterate; the state of being strong or deep-seated from long persistence
- 368. Gaudy
- brilliantly or excessively showy; tastelessly showy
- 166. Insurrection
- The action of rising in arms or open resistance against established authority or governmental restraint.
- 84. Affecting
- Moving or exciting the feelings or emotions
- 225. Augmented
- Made greater, increased, intensified
- 216. Plenipotentiary
- a person, esp. a diplomatic agent, invested with full power or authority to transact business on behalf of another
- 313. Demeanor
- Conduct; behavior; deportment
- 340. Decent
- according with custom or propriety
- 391. Bray
- the loud, harsh cry of a donkey
- 250. Alms
- haritable relief of the poor; charity; originally and especially as a religious duty, or good work
- 41. Admonish
- To caution, advise, or counsel against something.
- 141. Inducement
- The action of inducing or moving by persuasion or influence.
- 242. Pugilistic
- a person who fights with the fists
- 171. Ravages
- To bring heavy destruction on; devastate.
- 291. Venerable
- Worthy of being venerated, revered, or highly respected and esteemed,
- 400. Imperative
- absolutely necessary or required
- 162. Elasticity
- The quality of being elastic.
- 142. Gregarious
- Inclined to associate with others, fond of company.
- 11. Continual
- Always going on, incessant, perpetual.
- 383. Cipher
- To calculate, cast in the mind, think out
- 190. Debauch
- to corrupt or pervert
- 20. Waxing
- To undergo the periodical increase in the extent of its visible illuminated portion, characteristic of the first half of the lunation.
- 281. Steed
- A horse, esp. a high-spirited one.
- 74. Remedial
- Affording a remedy, tending to relieve or redress.
- 31. Inconceivable
- That cannot be conceived or realized in the imagination; unthinkable, unimaginable.
- 186. Identity
- The quality or condition of being the same in substance, composition, nature, properties, or in particular qualities under consideration; absolute or essential sameness; oneness
- 201. Indigo
- a blue dye obtained from various plants
- 182. Conspicuous
- easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable: a conspicuous error.
- 229. Reproach
- A source or cause of disgrace or shame. To find fault with (a person, group, etc.); blame
- 232. Obstreperousness
- resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly
- 238. Ignominiously
- Full of ignominy; involving shame, disgrace, or obloquy; shameful, disgraceful, discreditable
- 335. Imbued
- to impregnate or inspire, as with feelings, opinions
- 221. Vanity
- excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements
- 204. Viceroy
- a person appointed to rule a country or province as the deputy of the sovereign
- 145. Gross:
- total, without deductions,
- 418. Embattled
- beset with attackers or controversy or conflict
- 180. Succinctly
- expressed in few words; concise; terse
- 244. Retribution
- Repayment, recompense, return, for some service,merit
- 64. Savant
- Person of profound or extensive learning; learned scholar.
- 131. Frittered
- To break or tear into pieces or fragments; to subdivide minutely
- 404. Indifferent
- marked by a lack of interest
- 256. Inscrutable
- incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized; impenetrable.
- 259. Vagrant
- a person who wanders about idly and has no permanent home or employment; vagabond; tramp
- 153. Profane
- To treat (something sacred) with irreverence, disrespect, or contempt; to desecrate.
- 10. Immoderate
- Not moderate; exceeding usual or proper limits.
- 91. Emphatic
- Uttered, or to be uttered, with emphasis; strongly expressive
- 348. Carcass
- The dead body of man or beast.
- 356. Nabob
- any very wealthy, influential, or powerful person
- 384. Shuck
- A husk, pod, or shell; esp. the outer covering or stripping of Indian corn,
- 48. Impertinent
- Not pertaining to the subject or matter in hand.
- 318. Imbibe
- To consume (liquids) by drinking; drink
- 208. Timorous
- full of fear; fearful
- 364. Varmint
- an objectionable or undesirable animal
- 193. Felicity
- the state of being happy, esp. in a high degree; bliss: marital felicity.
- 265. Melancholy
- Inclined to sadness or gloominess
- 386. Haughty
- having or showing arrogant superiority to
- 293. Lattice
- A window, gate, or the like consisting of such a structure.
- 289. Incantations
- Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect.
- 403. Pluck
- Courage, originally viewed as residing in the heart
- 199. Doleful
- Fraught with, accompanied by, or causing grief, sorrow, etc.; distressful, gloomy, dreary, dismal.
- 277. Writhe
- Something twisted, wreathed, or formed into a circular shape.
- 39. Quenched
- To put out or extinguish the fire or flame of something that burns or gives light.
- 140. Palpitation
- Throbbing, quivering, or contraction of a part of the body
- 27. Feeble
- Of things: Having little strength; weak, frail, fragile; slight, slender.
- 343. Middling
- Of medium or moderate size, strength, quality
- 66. Infallibility
- The quality of never making an error.
- 218. Dissuasive
- Tending to dissuade; characterized by dissuasion
- 413. Cravat
- a cloth, often made of or trimmed with lace, worn about the neck by men
- 251. Cadaverous
- Of or belonging to a corpse; such as characterizes a corpse, corpse-like
- 303. Averred
- To assert or affirm with confidence.
- 28. Despicable
- To be looked down upon or despised; vile, base, contemptible.
- 408. Shoal
- a place where a sea, river, or other body of water is shallow
- 63. Empirical
- Derived from or guided by experience or experiment.
- 228. Gesticulating
- to make or use gestures, esp. in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech.
- 181. Phantasm
- a creation of the imagination or fancy; fantasy
- 333. Guileless
- sincere; honest; straightforward; frank
- 38. Transgressed
- To go beyond limits; to trespass.
- 276. Pious
- Having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.
- 106. Trifle
- A matter, affair, or circumstance of trivial importance or significance
- 226. Anthracite
- a mineral coal containing little of the volatile hydrocarbons and burning almost without flame; hard coal
- 174. Scribes
- A public clerk or secretary, especially in ancient times.
- 325. Wreathed
- Formed by or as by wreathing, wrying, twisting, or twining;
- 378. Decanter
- A vessel used for decanting or receiving decanted liquors:
- 23. Ascribed
- To write into; to add to writing, register, list, etc.
- 138. Fain
- Gladly; willingly.
- 321. Vagaries
- An unpredictable or erratic action, occurrence, course, or instance.
- 278. Bane
- A person or thing that ruins or spoils (wolf's bane).
- 120. Auroral
- Of or pertaining to the dawn, eastern
- 334. Monstrosity
- the state or character of being monstrous
- 83. Sage
- Of a person: Wise, discreet, judicious.
- 8. Carnal
- Of or pertaining to the flesh or body; bodily, corporeal.
- 6. Dominion
- Rule; control; domination.
- 319. Deleterious
- Hurtful or injurious to life or health; noxious.
- 93. Cumber
- To hinder; hamper.
- 352. Numbskull
- a dull-witted or stupid person
- 282. Vex
- To trouble, afflict, or harass (a person, etc.) by aggression, encroachment, or other interference with peace and quiet
- 306. Fiend
- A person or thing that causes mischief or annoyance.
- 305. Enmity
- A feeling or condition of hostility; hatred; ill will; animosity; antagonism.
- 49. Slough
- An area of soft, muddy ground
- 148. Perchance
- By chance.
- 284. Heathen
- Applied to persons or races whose religion is neither Christian, Jewish, nor Muslim; pagan.
- 347. Skiff
- A small sea-going boat, adapted for rowing and sailing
- 165. Constable
- The chief officer of the household, court, administration, or military forces of a ruler.
- 54. Ineffable
- Incapable of being expressed or described in words
- 328. Ominous
- Portending evil or harm.
- 381. Pommel
- handgrip formed by the raised front part of a saddle
- 168. Dissipation
- The action of dissipating or dispersing.
- 255. Choleric
- extremely irritable or easily angered
- 121. Nocturnal
- Of or relating to the night; done, held, or occurring at night.
- 239. Dyspeptic
- Difficult of digestion; causing dyspepsia; indigestible
- 290. Proselytes
- A new convert to a doctrine or religion.
- 155. Pious
- Having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations
- 215. Halter
- A device made of rope or leather straps that fits around the head or neck of an animal
- 254. Abode
- a place in which a person resides; residence; dwelling; habitation; home
- 331. Apothecary
- a druggist; a pharmacist
- 304. Abominable
- Exciting disgust and hatred, generally by evident ill qualities,
- 67. Indisputable
- That cannot be disputed; unquestionable.
- 329. Haughtiness
- The quality of being haughty; loftiness of demeanour; pride, arrogance,
- 110. Symmetrical
- Characterized by or exhibiting symmetry.
- 73. Minute (adj.)
- Very small in size, extent, amount, or degree
- 35. Raiment
- That with or in which a person is arrayed or attired; ornament, adornment.
- 95. Formidable
- Causing fear, apprehension, or dread.
- 292. Anathema
- Anything accursed, or consigned to damnation.
- 330. Evanescent
- vanishing; fading away; fleeting
- 217. Supernal
- That is above or on high; existing or dwelling in the heavens
- 50. Perennial
- Lasting for a long time. Of plants or their leaves: remaining green or leafy throughout the year; evergreen.
- 302. Vogue
- Popular currency, acceptance, or favor; popularity.
- 55. Disparity
- Lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference: a disparity in age; disparity in rank.
- 389. Muse
- the divinity that acts as the source of an artist's inspiration
- 234. Paroxysms
- A sudden outburst of emotion or action: a paroxysm of laughter.
- 212. Smit
- to strike or hit hard; smite?
- 111. Pedigree
- An ancestral line; line of descent; lineage; ancestry
- 241. Vagary
- an unpredictable or erratic action, occurrence, course,or instance
- 118. Aboriginal
- First or earliest so far as history or science gives record; primitive; strictly native, indigenous.
- 183. Sagacious
- having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd: a sagacious lawyer.
- 167. Appalling
- Causing dismay or horror.
- 338. Upshot
- the final issue, the conclusion, or the result
- 370. Aggravate
- to make worse or more severe; intensify
- 367. Plunder
- to rob of goods or valuables by open force. The goods themselves
- 236. Compliance
- the act of conforming, acquiescing, or yielding
- 161. Discordant
- Not in accord, not harmoniously connected or related.
- 350. Ingots
- A mass of metal, such as a bar or block
- 77. Volatile
- Evaporating rapidly; passing off readily in the form of vapor: Acetone is a volatile solvent.
- 160. Pernicious
- Causing harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful.
- 79. Instill
- To introduce (some immaterial principle, notion, feeling, or quality) little by little into the mind, soul, heart, etc
- 380. Junket
- a pleasure excursion, as a picnic or outing
- 143. Virile
- Of, belonging to, or characteristic of a man
- 287. Benign
- Of a kind disposition, gracious, kindly.
- 52. Blithe
- Exhibiting kindly feeling to others. Exhibiting gladness: jocund, merry, sprightly, gay, mirthful.
- 40. Abhorring
- Abhorrent, repulsive, repugnant. That which causes abhorrence or horror; an object of disgust.
- 71. Strata
- A layer of material, naturally or artificially formed, often one of a number of parallel layers one upon another
- 4. Brandished
- To wave or flourish (a weapon, for example) menacingly.
- 189. Malevolence
- The quality of being malevolent; the wishing or the disposition to wish evil to others; ill will
- 62. Degenerate
- to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate: The morale of the soldiers degenerated, and they were unable to fight.
- 51. Calamity
- A great misfortune or disaster
- 151. Deference
- Respectful submission or yielding to the judgment, opinion of another.
- 374. Pensive
- More generally: full of thought; meditative, reflective; sorrowfully thoughtful
- 203. Gilt
- a coating of gold or of something that looks like gold
- 401. Lanky
- tall and thin and having long slender limbs
- 263. Threshold
- The piece of timber or stone which lies below the bottom of a door, and has to be crossed in entering a house.
- 379. Sideboard
- A piece of dining-room furniture for holding side-dishes, wine, plate, etc
- 61. Inviolable
- Prohibiting violation; secure from destruction, violence, infringement, or desecration: an inviolable sanctuary; an inviolable promise.
- 337. Torpid
- inactive or sluggish.
- 2. Vengeance
- The desire for revenge
- 353. Highfaluting
- Absurdly pompous speech or writing
- 210. Desist
- to cease, as from some action or proceeding
- 76. Invariable
- Not subject to variation or alteration; unchangeable, unalterable.
- 392. Soliloquy
- uttering one's thoughts aloud without addressing any person
- 407. Stealthy
- characterized, or acting by stealth; furtive: stealthy footsteps.
- 246. Dishabille
- The state of being partly undressed, or dressed in a negligent or careless style; undress
- 300. Grisly
- Causing a shudder or feeling of horror; horrible; gruesome.
- 75. Permeate
- To pass, spread, or diffuse throughout; to penetrate, pervade, or saturate.
- 21. Omnipotent
- All-powerful, having absolute power.
- 273. Abide
- To put up with; tolerate; stand.
- 172. Desolate
- Barren or lay waste.
- 147. Excommunicate
- To cut off from communion with a church or exclude from the sacraments of a church by ecclesiastical sentence.
- 152. Ply
- To bend, bow; to fold.
- 85. Spontaneous
- Arising or proceeding entirely from natural impulse, without any external stimulus or constraint.
- 132. Founder (v)
- To burst or smash (something) in; to force a passage through.
- 230. Execrable
- utterly detestable; abominable; abhorrent
- 205. Portentously
- of the nature of a portent; momentous
- 377. Frivolous
- not serious in content or attitude or behavior
- 117. Comely
- Pleasing in appearance; attractive; fair: a comely face.
- 144. Garb
- A fashion or mode of dress.
- 249. Succor
- help; relief; aid; assistance
- 264. Tarry
- To delay, retard, defer, put off (a thing, an action); to protract, prolong.
- 88. Oracles
- a person who delivers authoritative, wise, or highly regarded and influential pronouncements.
- 394. Bodkin
- a dagger with a slender blade
- 43. Kindred
- The being of kin; relationship by blood or descent
- 415. Audacious
- extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless; an audacious explorer.
- 129. Resignation
- The action of resigning an office
- 170. Maxim
- An expression of a general truth or principle, esp. an aphoristic or sententious one.
- 280. Catechism
- An elementary book containing a summary of the principles of the Christian religion.
- 253. Diligence
- constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken
- 268. Discern
- To recognize as distinct; to distinguish or separate mentally.
- 285. Lamentations
- The act of lamenting or expressing grief.
- 283. Ecclesiastical
- Of or pertaining to the church or the clergy.
- 127. Transpire
- pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas.
- 240. Oaf
- a clumsy, stupid person; lout
- 16. Mediator
- A person who intervenes between two parties.
- 213. Furrow
- a narrow groove made in the ground
- 157. Conversion
- Change in character, form, or function.
- 115. Mendicant
- Begging; practicing begging; living on alms.
- 417. Putrefied
- in an advanced state of decomposition
- 222. Remunerative
- That brings reward; profitable
- 194. Inscrutability
- incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized; impenetrable.
- 198. Irradiations
- The action of irradiating, or emitting rays or beams of light; shining. Intellectual enlightenment; illumination of the mind
- 324. Vacuity
- Absolute emptiness of space; complete absence of matter.
- 248. Austere
- severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising
- 191. Consummate
- to bring to a state of perfection; fulfill
- 59. Hypothesis
- A proposition, or set of propositions, set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of phenomena
- 197. Hearth
- the floor of a fireplace, usually of stone, brick
- 346. Broad
- having great (or a certain) extent
- 97. Suffrage
- The right to vote, esp. in a political election.
- 3. Implied
- Involved, indicated, or suggested without being directly or explicitly stated
- 26. Potentates
- Rulers
- 359. Abreast
- side by side; beside each other in a line: They walked two abreast down the street
- 261. Indignant
- provoked to wrath by something regarded as unworthy, unjust, or ungrateful
- 149. Disposed
- Having a certain inclination or disposition.
- 365. Starboard
- the right-hand side of or direction from a vessel or aircraft, facing forward
- 179. Pharisaical
- Strict in matters of doctrine and ritual observance but lacking in charity or inner devotion.
- 288. Chaste
- Refraining from sexual intercourse that is regarded as contrary to religion;
- 214. Offal
- the parts of a butchered animal that are considered inedible by human beings
- 311. Resplendent
- Shining brilliantly; gleaming; splendid.
- 361. Haggled
- to bargain in a petty, quibbling, and often contentious manner
- 188. Intemperance
- Excessive or immoderate indulgence in alcoholic beverages.
- 196. Anomalous
- Unconformable to the common order; deviating from rule, irregular; abnormal
- 46. Integrate
- To bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.
- 12. Prudence
- The ability to recognize and follow the most suitable or sensible course of action the ability to recognize; discretion.
- 409. Coarse
- composed of relatively large parts or particles
- 119. Exude
- To ooze out like sweat; to pass off in bead-like drops through the pores
- 372. Blubbering
- The action of weeping profusely and noisily
- 402. Acquit
- to relieve from a charge of fault or crime; declare not guilty
- 78. Eminent
- High in station, rank, or repute; prominent; distinguished:
- 405. Obsequies
- A funeral rite or ceremony; a funeral.
- 202. Innocuous
- Not hurtful or injurious; harmless
- 70. Tyrannize
- To exercise absolute power or control, esp. cruelly or oppressively.
- 320. Ardor
- Great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion.
- 57. Balk
- To stop, as at an obstacle, and refuse to proceed or to do something specified
- 90. Piquancy
- A pleasant or invigorating sharpness or pungency of taste or smell; zest, tang; an appetizing flavor.
- 176. Extortion
- The crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value by the abuse of one's office or authority.
- 100. Capitulate
- To agree or surrender according to arranged or proposed terms.
- 65. Sally
- A going forth, setting out, excursion, expedition.
- 390. Brazen
- shameless or impudent
- 412. Fagged
- to tire or weary by labor; exhaust
- 309. Indefatigable
- Incapable of being tired out; not yielding to fatigue.
- 192. Conflagration
- a destructive fire, usually an extensive one.
- 33. Indignation
- The action of counting or treating (a person or thing) as unworthy of regard or notice.
- 270. Ocular
- Of, pertaining to, or for the eyes
- 296. Portentous
- Having the nature or quality of a portent; ominous, threatening.
- 271. Scruples
- An uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action
- 207. Imperceptibly
- something not capable of being perceived by the senses. very slight, gradual, or subtle
- 114. Obsequious
- Compliant with the will or wishes of another, esp. a superior; prompt to serve, please, or follow directions.
- 187. Allusion
- a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication: an allusion to Shakespeare.
- 123. Insular
- Of or pertaining to an island; inhabiting or situated on an island.
- 37. Carcasses
- The dead body of man or beast.
- 175. Synagogue
- The regular assembly or congregation of the Jews for religious instruction and worship.
- 344. Fidgety
- restless; impatient; uneasy
- 393. Recollection
- The act of recalling to the memory
- 341. Commenced
- take the first step or steps in carrying out an action
- 299. Steadfastly
- In physical sense: Steadily, firmly, so as not to be shaken or displaced.
- 47. Intercourse
- Dealings or communication between individuals, groups, countries
- 399. Ponderous
- slow and laborious because of weight
- 209. Sash
- a long band or scarf worn over one shoulder or around the waist
- 139. Whit
- A very small, or the least, portion or amount
- 102. Arduous
- Requiring great exertion; laborious; difficult: an arduous undertaking..
- 184. Derivable
- Able to receive or obtain from a source or origin
- 416. Impudent
- shamelessly forward, insolently disrespectful.
- 245. Tacit
- understood without being openly expressed; implied
- 108. Hobgoblin
- A mischievous, tricksy imp or sprite.
- 252. Ruminating
- Chewing the cud; ruminant
- 34. Doleful
- Of persons, their state, etc.: Full of pain, grief, or suffering; sorrowful, sad.
- 260. Quiescent
- being at rest; quiet; still; inactive or motionless: a quiescent mind.
- 150. Compelled
- To force or drive, esp. to a course of action.
- 267. Boughs
- A tree branch, especially a large or main branch.
- 18. Righteousness
- Justice, uprightness, rectitude; conformity of life to the requirements of the divine or moral law.
- 279. Cognizance
- Knowledge, understanding; recognition.
- 220. Scrivener
- A professional penman; a scribe, copyist
- 354. Frills
- a trimming, as a strip of cloth or lace, gathered at one edge and left loose
- 275. Mirth
- Pleasurable feeling; enjoyment, gratification; joy, happiness.
- 126. Cessation
- Ceasing, discontinuance, stoppage; either permanent or temporary.
- 206. Heedless
- Paying no heed or attention; careless, inattentive, regardless
- 178. Iniquity
- Gross injustice or wickedness.
- 231. Doff
- To remove or take off, as clothing.
- 104. Prudent
- Wise or judicious in practical affairs.
- 295. Unpardonable
- That cannot be pardoned.
- 159. Exhorter
- To urge, advise, or caution earnestly.
- 382. Temperance
- The practice or habit of restraining oneself in provocation, passion, desire,
- 109. Contrite
- Feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses.
- 56. Labyrinth
- An intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit
- 13. Contrivance
- The bringing to pass by planning, scheming, or stratagem.
- 223. Abrogation
- to abolish by formal or official means
- 376. Impaired
- weakened, diminished, or damaged: impaired hearing
- 322. Vanquishing
- The action of overcoming or subduing.
- 312. Assiduous
- Constant; unremitting
- 32. Dolorous
- Causing or giving rise to grief or sorrow; grievous, distressful; doleful, dismal.
- 269. Thither
- To or towards that place.
- 89. Disconcerted
- to disturb the self-possession of; perturb; ruffle: Her angry reply disconcerted me completely
- 351. Lath
- a narrow thin strip of wood used as backing for plaster
- 130. Superfluous
- That exceeds what is sufficient; of which there is more than enough; excessively abundant or numerous
- 1. Void
- Without contents; empty.
- 388. Histrionic
- Of or belonging to stage-players, or to play-acting; theatrical;
- 82. Bard
- a person who composed and recited epic or heroic poems, often while playing the harp, lyre, or the like.
- 92. Disdain
- To think unworthy of oneself.
- 326. Tendrils
- A twisting, threadlike structure by which a twining plant, such as a grape
- 360. Quicksilver
- the metallic element mercury
- 420. Fret
- to feel or express worry
- 342. Victuals
- A stock or supply of foods
- 53. Egotism
- Selfishness; self-centeredness; egoism.
- 195. Bravado
- pretentious, swaggering display of courage
- 103. Usurp
- To use without authority or right; employ wrongfully: The magazine usurped copyrighted material.
- 24. Wrath
- Vehement or violent anger; intense exasperation or resentment.
- 396. Contagion
- the communication of disease by direct or indirect contact
- 314. Portal
- A door, gate, doorway, or gateway, of stately or elaborate construction.
- 72. Tranquil
- Free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm: a tranquil country place.
- 19. Subserve
- To be instrumental in furthering the purpose, interest, or function of.
- 286. Pendent
- Hanging; suspended from or as from the point of attachment
- 135. Din
- Loud, confused noise; a continued loud or tumultuous sound; noisy clamor
- 373. Slouch
- An awkward, slovenly, or ungainly man; a lubber, lout, and clown; also, a lazy,
- 94. Éclat
- Brilliancy, radiance, dazzling effect.
- 44. Manifold
- Of many kinds; numerous and varied
- 262. Vile
- highly offensive, unpleasant, or objectionable: vile slander
- 134. Integrity
- adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
- 419. Addle
- to muddle; to confuse (the brain); to spoil
- 125. Undulations
- The action of moving in a wave-like manner
- 422. Huffy
- easily offended; touchy
- 112. Squalid
- Naturally foul and repulsive by the presence of slime, mud, etc.
- 307. Spires
- a tall tower that forms the superstructure of a building to a point at the top,
- 17. Forbearance
- The action or habit of dispensing with, refraining or abstaining from.
- 227. Admonitions
- cautionary advice
- 375. Rack
- to torture; distress acutely; torment: His body was racked with pain.
- 113. Interloper
- Someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission.
- 154. Commence
- To begin (an action).
- 310. Vicissitudes
- A change or variation occurring in the course of something.
- 355. Chinks
- a crack, cleft, or fissure
- 363. Craw
- a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resemble a stomach for storage
- 406. Pallet
- a bed or mattress of straw
- 60. Apprise
- To give notice to; inform; advise.
- 297. Delectable
- Delightful; highly pleasing; enjoyable.
- 339. Dismal
- depressing in character or appearance
- 15. Covenant
- a compact, contract, bargain; sometimes, the undertaking, pledge, or promise of one of the parties.
- 317. Genial
- Diffusing warmth and friendliness.
- 116. Sycophantic
- Attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery.
- 349. Ornery
- having a difficult and contrary disposition; stubborn
- 87. Transcendent
- Going beyond ordinary limits; surpassing; exceeding
- 410. Nigh
- near in space, time, or relation: The time draws nigh
- 163. Embers
- A small live piece of coal, wood, etc., as in a dying fire.
- 316. Consigned
- Committed, delivered, given in trust.
- 107. Metaphysics
- He branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things or reality, including questions about being, substance, time and space, causation, change, and identity.
- 5. Immutable
- Not mutable; unchangeable; changeless.
- 185. Gossamer
- a fine, filmy cobweb seen on grass or bushes or floating in the air in calm weather, esp. in autumn
- 42. Inaccessible
- That cannot be reached, entered, or got to.
- 156. Fretful
- Corrosive, irritating.
- 105. Magnanimity
- Well-founded high regard for oneself manifesting as generosity of spirit and equanimity in the face of trouble.
- 177. Sepulchers
- A tomb or burial-place, a building, vault, or excavation, made for the interment of a human body.
- 173. Fetters
- A chain or shackle placed on the feet.
- 345. Considerable
- rather large or great in size, distance, extent
- 30. Manifestation
- One of the forms in which someone or something, such as a person, a divine being, or an idea, is revealed.
- 272. Verily
- In truth or verity; as a matter of truth or fact
- 164. Gratification
- The state of being gratified; great satisfaction.
- 122. Tarn
- A small mountain lake, having no significant tributaries.
- 200. Impelled
- to drive or urge forward; press on; incite or constrain to action.
- 371. Abolitionist
- Applied specially, and probably originally, to persons seeking the abolition
- 96. Aversion
- The action of turning away oneself.
- 414. Hew
- to strike forcibly with an ax, sword, or other cutting instrument
- 99. Ephemeral
- Lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory: the ephemeral joys of childhood.
- 7. Gaping
- To open the mouth wide, esp. in order to bite or swallow anything.
- 58. Consanguinity
- Relationship by descent from a common ancestor.
- 169. Infernal
- Hellish; fiendish; diabolical.
- 421. Rummage
- to search thoroughly or actively through
- 257. Despondency
- The state or condition of being despondent; depression or dejection of spirits through loss of resolution or hope
- 266. Wretch
- A person of despicable or base character.
- 158. Pretensions
- A claim or title to something.
- 357. Palaver
- to talk profusely and idly
- 36. Ineffable
- That cannot be expressed or described in language; too great for words.
- 395. Calamity
- a great misfortune or disaster
- 235. Pallid
- pale; faint or deficient in color; wan
- 366. Careen
- to lean, sway, or tip to one side while in motion: The car careened along
- 124. Somnolence
- Inclination to sleep; sleepiness, drowsiness.
- 14. Secure
- To free from doubt, to satisfy, convince.
- 298. Wayfarer
- A traveler by road, esp. one who journeys on foot.
- 211. Globular
- Having the form of a globe: spherical, round
- 308. Clique
- A small, exclusive group of people.
- 69. Concerted
- Contrived or arranged by agreement; planned or devised together: a concerted effort.
- 369. Dauphin
- The title of the eldest son of the King of France
- 133. Expedient
- speed up
- 323. Assuage
- To make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate.
- 398. Consummation
- to bring to a state of perfection; fulfill
- 233. Pernicious
- causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful
- 128. Endeavor
- a strenuous attempt or enterprise
- 258. Apparition
- a supernatural appearance of a person or thing
- 9. Enmity
- The disposition or the feelings characteristic of an enemy.
- 22. Venomous
- Morally or spiritually hurtful or injurious; pernicious.
- 358. Roust
- to rouse or stir up, to raise or arouse
- 301. Recompense
- To repay; remunerate; reward, as for service, aid, etc
- 294. Kiln
- A furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying something, esp. one for pottery.
- 68. Affirmation
- The action of confirming anything established; confirmation, ratification.
- 247. Chimeras
- a mythological, fire-breathing monster, commonly represented with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.
- 387. Dissipate
- to scatter in various directions; disperse; dispel
- 385. Oppression
- he feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles,
- 29. Exerted
- Roused to effort; brought into vigorous action; strained.
- 332. Innocuous
- not harmful or injurious
- 219. Avocations
- Something that calls away or withdraws from an employment; diversion of the thoughts.
- 327. Depraved
- Rendered bad or worse; perverted, vitiated, debased, corrupt.
- 86. Impart
- To make known; tell; relate; disclose: to impart a secret.
- 136. Alacrity
- Cheerful readiness, liveliness, promptitude, sprightliness.