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Muscular System Tortora Chapter 11 pg 326-348


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Together, the voluntarily controlled muscles of your body comprise the-
Muscular System
Muscles that produce movements do so by
a. exerting force on tendons
b. applying pressure directly to bones
c. conducting heat
d. none of the above
A. Exerting force to tendons, which in turn pull on bones or other structures.
The attachment of a muscles tendon to the stationary bone is called the-
The insertion of a muscle is
a. where the muscle meets the tendon
b. the movement made when the muscle is contracted
c. the attachment of the muscle's tendon to the moveable bone
d. the attachment of the mucle to a stationary bone
C. The attachment of the muscle's tendonto the moveable bone
The fleshy portion of the muscle between the tendons is called the-
An inflammation of the tendons, tendon sheath, and synovial membranes surrounding certain joints
a. Tetanus
b. Tenosynovitis
c. Van's syndrom
d. Tendonitis
B. Tenosynovitis
How many directions of movement is a muscle capable of?
a. 30
b. 14
c. 7
d. 1
d. 1 -Muscles only move in one direction
In the Lever system, what is the fixed point?
a. Lever
b. Load
C. Fulcrum
d. Origin
C. Fulcrum
In the lever system, what does the Load represent?
Resistance, which opposes movement
The muscular system consists of
a. Connective tissue and Skeletal muscle tissue
b. Cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle tissue
c. Skeletal muscle tissue, tendons, and the joints they move
d. Skeletal muscle fibers and the somatic mot
A. Skeletal Muscle tissue and conective tissue
In a first class lever system, where is the fulcrum located in respect to the effort and the load?
a. FEL
b. LEF
c. EFL
d. FLE
The fulcrum is located between the effort and the load in a first class lever system
Skeletal muscles are arranged in bundles known as-
Short fascicles in relation to muscle length; tendon extends nearly entire length of muscle
a. circular
b. fusiform
c. parallel
d. pennate
D. Pennate
Fascicles attatch obliquely from many directions to several tendons
a. fusiform
b. circular
c. multipennate
d. bipennate
c. Multipennate
The muscles power and range of movement are affected by
a. stretching and exercise
b. fascicular arrangement
c. how many fibers a person was born with
d. blood and nerve supply
B. Fascicular arrangement
see page 329 of Tortora
The muscle that streches and yields to the effects of the prime mover is the-
a. antagonist
b. agonist
c. synergist
d. flexalater
A. antagonist
Muscles that contract and stabilize the intermediate joints to prevent unwanted movement or to otherwise aid the prime mover are
a. fixators
b. antagonists
c. Tendons
d. synergists
D. Synergists
Muscles that stabilize the origin of the prime mover and steady the proximal end of a limb while movements occur at the distal end are-
Name the muscle that originates at the epicranius and draws the scalp anteriorly.
What is the nerve innervation for the occipitalus muscle?
Facial nerve VII
Where does orbicularis oris originate?
Muscle fibers surrounding opening of the mouth
What muscle draws the mouth at an angle, superiorly and laterally as in smiling?
a. Orbicularis Oris
b. Zygomaticus Major
c. Risorius
d. Zygomaticus
B. Zygomaticus Major
Name the muscle that raises the upper lip like Elvis
a. Zygomaticus Minor
b. Levator Labii Superioris
c. Depressor labii inferioris
d. Levator Anguli Oris
B. Levator Labii Superioris
What is the action of the Depressor Labii Inferioris?
Depresses the lower lip like Popeye
What is the nerve innervation for the buccinator muscle?
Facial Nerve VII
What muscle draws mouth laterally as in grimacing?
a. Platysma
b. Risorius
c. Pulpatious oris
d. None of the above
B. Risorius
Which muscle is the pouting muscle?
What muscle originates on the clavicle and scapula and inserts on the mandible?
What is the action of the Orbicularis Oculi?
a. Rotates eye laterally and inferiorly
b. Rotates eye medially and inferiorly
c. Opens and closes the eye
d. closes the eye only
D. Closes the eye
What muscle draws the eyebrow inferiorly as in frowning?
a. Orbicularis Oculi
b. Corrugator Supercilii
c. Mentalis
d. Depressor Labii Inferioris
B. Corrugator Supercilii
A unilateral paralysis of the muscles of facial expression due to damage or disease of the facial VII nerve is known as
a. Bell's Syndrome
b. Facial Nervitis
c. Galea Aponerotica
d. Bell's Palsy
D. Bell's Palsy
What is the nerve innervation for the Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle of the face?
Oculomotor Nerve III
What is the name given for muscles that move the eyeballs?
a. extrinsic
b. intrinsic
c. orbicularis oculi
d. oculomotor
a. Extrinsic
All have a nerve innervation of Oculomotor Nerve III except-
a. Superior Rectus
b. Lateral Rectus
c. Inferior Rectus
d. Inferior Oblique
B. Lateral Rectus
(Lateral rectus Nerve innervation is Abducens VI)
What is the action of the Inferior Oblique muscle?
Moves eyeball superiorly and laterally
Which muscles depress the Mandible?
a. Platysma, Lateral pterygoid, and mentalis
b. Mentalis and Platysma
c. Lateral pterygoid and platysma
d. None of them do
C. Lateral pterygoid and platysma
Besides elevating the mandible, what do the Masseter, temporalis and medial pterygoid have in common?
a. They are all considered the strongest muscles of the body
b. They all account for the strength of the bite
c. All three have 20 fascic
B. they all account for the strength of the bite
(see page 342 in tortora)
Where is the insertion of the Temporalis muscle?
Coronoid Process and ramus of the mandible
All of the muscles that elevate and depress the mandible have a nerve innervation of Mandibular division trigeminal V except-
a. Lateral pterygoid
b. Temporalis
c. Masseter
d. Platysma
d. platysma
Which 2 muscles move the mandible from side to side?
a. Medial and Lateral Pterygoid
b. Platysma and Masseter
c. Medial Pterygoid and masseter
d. Medial and lateral Temporalis
A. Medial and lateral Pterygoid
What muscle elevates and retracts the mandible?
What does the word Glossus mean?
a. It is another word for protraction
b. bone
c. muscle
d. tongue
D. Tongue
Which to extrinsic tongue muscles are synergists?
a. genioglossus and styloglossus
b. styloglossus and palatoglossus
c. palatoglossus and hyoglossus
d. hyoglossus and genioglossus
C. Palatoglossus and Hyoglossus
Which tongue muscle sticks the tongue out?
Which tongue muscle retracts the tongue?
Which two muscles elevate the tongue?
a. Genioglossus and Styloglossus
b. Styloglossus and Palatoglossus
c. Palatoglossus and Genioglossus
d. Palatoglossus and Hyoglossus
B. Styloglossus and Palatoglossus
What is the nerve innervation for the Genioglossus, the Styloglossus, and the Hyoglossus muscles?
a. Genioglossal V
b. Facial Nerve VII
c. Hypoglossal XII
d. None of the above
C. Hypoglossal XII
Which muscle inserts on the underside of the tongue and hyoid bone?
What is the action of the Digastric muscle?
a. Elevates the Hyoid bone
b. Contracts the stomach during digestion
c. Flexes abdominals
d. Its purpose is unknown
A. Elevates the hyoid bone
All of these muscles elevate the hyoid bone except-
a. Geniohyoid
b. Mylohyoid
c. Omohyoid
d. Digastric
C. Omohyoid
What is the origin of the Digastric muscle?
Anterior belly from mandible, and posterior belly from mastoid process
Where is the insertion of the Digastric muscle?
Body of hyoid bone
What is the nerve
innervation(s) for the anterior and posterior bellies digastic muscle?
a. Both are Facial Nerve VII
b. The posterior belly is facial nerve VII, and the anterior belly is trigeminal V
c. Both are Thoracic Spinal nerv
B. The posterior belly is facial nerve VII, and the anterior belly is trigeminal V
What does the omohyoid muscle do?
a. elevates the hyoid bone
b. depresses the hyoid bone
c. bothe elevates and depresses the hyoid bone
d. all of the above
B. Depresses the hyoid bone
Is the Omohyoid muscle on the axial skeleton or the appendicular skeleton?
Appendicular Skeleton
The portion of the neck known as the "Endangerment Zone" consists of what important landmarks?
The Anterior and Posterior Triangles
What muscle that moves the head has a nerve innervation of Accessory XI?
a. semispinalis capitis
b. splenius capitis
c. sternocleidomastoid
d. longissimus
C. Sternocleidomastoid
All are actions of the Sternocleidomastoid except-
a. flex vertebral column
b. elevate sternum during forced inhalation
c. depress the mandible
d. Rotate head to side opposite contacting muscle
C. Depress mandible
The insertion of the Semispinalis is found where?
The Occipital bone
Name the muscle that originates ate the transverse process of T1-6 and C7 and inserts on the occipital bone.
Semispinalis Capitis
Name the muscle that originates at the lingamentum nuchae and inserts on the mastoid process.
Splenius Capitis
Name the muscle that originates on the transverse process of the upper four thoracic vertebrae and inserts on the mastoid process.
Longissimus capitis
All of these muscles extend the head except-
a. Sternocleidomastoid
b. Semispinalis capitis
c. Splenius capitis
d. Longissimus capitis
A. Stenocleidomastoid
Which two muscles rotate the head to the side opposite the contacting muscle?
a. Semispinalis capitis and Sternocleidomastoid
b. Semispinalis capitis and Longissimus
c. Splenius and Longissimus
d. Sternocleidomastoid and Splenius capi
A. Semispinalis capitis and sternocleidomastoid
Which two muscles rotate the head to the same side as the contracting muscle?
a. Splenius Capitis and Longissimus capitis
b. Splenius capitis and Sternocleidomastoid
c. Sternocleidomastoid and Splenius Capitis
d. Sternocleidomastoid a
A. Splenius capitis and Longissimus Capitis

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