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- teach ins against the war in vietnam
- a from of protest where students and teachers refuse to leave the classroom
- noth vietnam
- comunist controlled part of the country
- napal
- number of flammable liquids used in warfare often jellied gasiline
- domino theory
- the fear that if one country falls all of the will
- war powers act
- a resolution of congress that the president can send troops into action abroad only by authorization of congress or if american troops are already unde attack or serious theat
- free speech movement
- fighting for free speech
- over throw of ngo dinh diem
- the dictator of south vietcong
- hawks
- people who want war
- draft resistance
- people who fought the draft
- students for a democratic society (SDS)
- was a large scale group protesting the govemment
- pentagon paper
- classified information of the war
- henry kissinger
- scretary of state during the nixton presidentc
- gulf of tonkin resolution
- us congrest gives president johnson the rigt to start the war in vietnam
- vietnamization
- nixons plan to force south vietnam to take care of itself
- south vietnam
- US aided part of vietnam
- guerilla warfare
- type of fighting where the combatants are hidden for a supirse attack
- dien bien phu
- was the last battle of france vs the comunist
- incident in the gulf of tonkin
- comunist fired on two us ships
- san francisco protests against huac
- protests hearings tha HUAC was holding
- general william westmoreland
- top US gener at the vietnam war
- weather underground
- aradical leftist student group in the 1960s
- operation rolling thunder
- big air batle during the vietnam war
- tet offensive
- was a noth vietnam attack
- geneva accords
- was a world peace plan
- ho chi minh
- comunist leader of