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Japans 34


undefined, object
copy deck
butsubutsu iu (ぶつぶつ言う)
to grumble, to complain, to mutter, to murmur; to simmer
busshinryōmen ni (物心両面に)
both physically and spiritually
butai o shirizoku (舞台を退く)
to leave the stage, to retire from the stage
busū (部数)
the number of copies
bureini (無礼に)
impolitely, rudely, insolently
buryokukainyū (武力介入)
armed intervention, armed interference
butai ni tatsu (舞台に立つ)
to appear on the stage
butsubutsu (ぶつぶつ)
spots, pimples, rashes
burezākōto (ブレザー・コート)
a blazer
bushō (不精)
hakkōbusū (発行部数)
a circulation
burikaesu (ぶり返す)
[寒さが] to return, [病気が] to have a relapse, to get worse again
bushōhige o hayashiteiru (不精髭を生やしている)
to be unshaven
busahō (無作法)
bad manners, rudeness
buryoku de (武力で)
by force
bushi (武士)
a samurai, a warrior
buryokushōtotsu (武力衝突)
an armed clash
busahōna furumai o suru (無作法な振舞をする)
to be rude (to a person)
burīfu (ブリーフ)
bureikōni suru (無礼講にする)
to abandon all ceremony
busho ni tsuiteiru (部署についている)
to be at one's post
burokkusain (ブロック・サイン)
a blocking sign, a block signal
busho ni tsuku (部署につく)
to take up one's post
burokkukeizai (ブロック経済)
bloc economy
busahōna (無作法な)
ill-mannered, rude
busutto shita (ぶすっとした)
sullen, glum
bussan (物産)
butaniku (豚肉)
burui ni ireru (部類に入れる)
to classify, to group
busshitsushugi (物質主義)
buru (ぶる)
to affect, to put on airs
bureinimo ~ suru (無礼にも~する)
to be rude enough to do
butaigeiko (舞台稽古)
a dress rehearsal
busō shita (武装した)
busshi (物資)
goods, materials, resources
busahōni (無作法に)
ill-mannered, rudely
burēki o yurumeru (ブレーキを緩める)
to take off the brake
butaiura (舞台裏)
the backstage
burokkukenchiku (ブロック建築)
a block building
burujoa (ブルジョア)
a bourgeois; the bourgeoisie
butchōzura (仏頂面)
a sullen face
bureina (無礼な)
impolite, rude, insolent
buryoku (武力)
military power
busō shiteiru (武装している)
to be armed, to be equipped
burīfingu (ブリーフィング)
burūsu (ブルース)
the blues
butsubutsu ga dekiru (ぶつぶつができる)
to have pimples
butaisōchi (舞台装置)
the set, setting
buryoku ni uttaeru (武力に訴える)
to appeal to arms, to use (armed) force
busaikuna (不細工な)
clumsy, awkward, plain-looking
bushōhige (不精髭)
stubble, a three-day beard
butaichō (部隊長)
a commander
butchōzura o suru (仏頂面をする)
to look sullen
buriki (ブリキ)
burei (無礼)
impoliteness, rudeness, insolence
butai (舞台)
the stage, the scene
burokku (ブロック)
a bloc; a block
bushō (武将)
a general
butaikantoku (舞台監督)
a stage director
busō suru (武装する)
to arm, to equip
burēki o kakeru (ブレーキをかける)
to put on the brake
burēn (ブレーン)
buromaido (ブロマイド)
a bromide
bushitsu (部室)
a clubroom, a clubhouse
butsu (打つ)
to strike, to beat, to spank
butsubutsukōkan suru (物々交換する)
to barter
bushidō (武士道)
Bushido, chivalry
buryokukōshi (武力行使)
the use of (armed) force
butaiura ni (舞台裏に/で)
backstage, behind the scenes
busho (部署)
one's post, one's position
bushitsuke desu ga (不躾ですが)
Excuse me, but
jōhinburu (上品ぶる)
to be prudish
busō (武装)
armaments, equipments
butaichūkei (舞台中継)
a stage relay, a direct broadcast/telecast from the theater
bussōna (物騒な)
dangerous, troubled, unsettled
busuina (無粋な)
inelegant, tasteless
busshoku suru (物色する)
to look for
busshitsuteki (物質的)
material, physical
Butsuda (仏陀)
burui (部類)
a class, a group, a category
butsubutsukōkan (物々交換)
buruburu furueru (ぶるぶる震える)
to tremble, to quiver
busōkaijo (武装解除)
butagoya (豚小屋)
a pigsty, a pigpen
busshitsu (物質)
matter, substance
bushōna (不精な)
lazy, untidy
burikikan (ブリキ缶)
a can, a tin
busshitsutekini (物質的に)
materially, physically
bureina koto o suru (無礼なことをする)
to be rude [to a person]
butai (部隊)
a force, a unit
butabako ni irerareru (豚箱に入れられる)
to be detained in a lockup
buta (豚)
a pig, a hog, a piglet

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