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a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease.
Gonorrhea ABT
Large amounts of penicillin or tetracycline.
Trichomonas Vaginalis FYI
Both sexual parters must be treated t prevent reinfection.
Chlamydia Treatment
Antibotic- Terracycline or erythromycin
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
HIV cause AIDs
When the virus causes a critical low blood level ( below 200 t-cells) of special leohocytes , opportunistic infection appears AIDS is diagnosed.
Chlamyida facts
Can be introducted into the eye ( causes pink eye), and a more serious condition called trachoma(lead to blindness); silant disease
Herpies treatment
No cure, promote healing
Syphilis Stage 1
Painless chancresore/usually on the penis on the male/vulva or cervix of the female.
Chlamydia how its passed on
By having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex, and mother to baby during vaginal child birth
Opportunistics infection
Occur when the body is weak (HIV). Do not usually occur in individuals with intact immune systems.
Gonorrhea s/s of males
Greenish/yellow discharge burning on urination sore throat, swollen glands.
A common bacterial infection of the genital tract that spreads easily through sexual contact.
Is caused by the virus HIV
Syphilis stage 2
the organisms enters the blood stream and causes a nonitching rash, sore, throat, fever, and swollan glands.
Human Papilloma virus (HPV)
Causes a sexually transmitted infection and causs cervial cancer.
Chlamydia s/s female
A minor increase in vaginal discharge caused by an inflamation cervix, cystitis, the need to urinate more frequently and (pain), mild lower abdominal pain, pain during secual intercourse, or bleeding after.
Individuals infected can remain free from any symptoms for years after infection.
Gonorrhea s/s of Felmales
Asymptomatic but may experience dysuria (pain on urination) pain in the lower abdomen vaginal discharge.
HIV virus attacks the bodyy's immune system, redering th eimmune system unable to fight off certain infections and diseases and eventually causes death.
Opportunistics infection ex.
Kapos's sarcoma(rare type of cancer), Pneumocy
Virial 2, genitalherpes
A bacterial infection which affects the mucous membranes, but it mya also spread to to other parts of the body ( brain and the heart)
A chronic, life threatening condition cause by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Syphilis FYI
both sexual parters must be treated to prevent reinfection ; three stages 1 and 2 can be cured.
Syphilis stage 3
Causes damage to body organs; damage is irreversible and death occurs.Death
Chlamydia s/s males
A white/cloudy discharge from penis,and buring sensation, or pain urine
Trichomonas Vaginalis ABT
Genital herpes
Caused by a strain of the herpes simplex virus (HSV)
Gonorrhea facts
An infected woman can transmit the disease to her infants eyes causing blindness (Tx silver nit rate)
AIDS facts
Aids is not HIV ; There is no cure for AIDS
(After asymptomic period ends) Lack of infection resistance, appettit loss and weight loss, recurrent fever and night sweats, skin rashes diarrhea, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes.
Herpies s/s males and females
Burning sensation blisters filled with fluid, painful urination.
Trichomonas vaginalis s/s
large amount of white or yellow, foul smelling discharge.
Public lince s/s
Intense itching in the peineal areas

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