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Child Psychology Chapter 3


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One reason baby would do this before birth is presence of drugs
Fused and created about an hour after conception
Monozygotic Twins
Cells spilt completely apart in first part of conception, each implants and grows
Stess or Anxiety
Causes adrenaline which leads to low birthweight
Teratogen Types
Virus, drugs, chemicals, cleaning supplys, radiation, strong fumes, lead/oil based paints, age, more pregnancies, stress, inadequate nutrition
Person with a mixture of cells, some with 46 chromosomes and some without
Affected by many factors both genetic and environmental
No physical abnormalities, go through withdrawl, Methodone (legal replacement) look same as heroine babies, given morphine at first to ween off
Developmentalists Assumptions
Genes affect every aspect of human's lives, most environmental influences on children reared together are not shared, genes elicit responses from other people that shape each childs development
Additive Genes
Effects combine to make the phenotype, trait reflect combination of all genes involved
Huntington's disease
Dominant, Miscode is inactive until middle adulthood
Turner Syndrome
Girl with underdeveloped sex organs, girl with only one X
Prior Pregnancies
Hard for mom's body to keep making placenta
Nicotine, Alcohol, Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroine, Antibiotics
Rubella (german measals) can cause miscarriage or retardation, Chicken Pox can cause miscarriage (shingles not as bad), Toxoplasmosis seen in cat litter, Cytomeglovirus (cold symptoms) can cause retardation and fetal deafness, STDs
Depends when ingested, can cause abortion early or preterm labor late, in utero babies will have brain bleeds, urinary tract malformation common, big difference is stigma, irritability can be prevalent, do well if with non-drug abusing parents
Part of basic foundation affecting many aspects of life but determining none
Spontaneous Abortion
More likely zygotes with XY will do this, naturally occurring termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is fully deveolped
Believed to raise chance for miscarriage, in lots of pain meds
Affected by many genes
Lowers baby's weight, risk of preterm labor, problems regulating body temp and soothing, deprives blood of O2 and releases adrenaline raising baby's metabolism and not letting them grow, artificially raise levels and cause withdrawl in baby
X - linked
Dominant recessive pattern of genes located on the female sex chromosome
Addiction in Genes
Genetic makeup creates an addictive pull, alcholoism is polygenic and psychological, tied to genes and personality traits
Duplication, division and specialization of cells at about the eight cell stage
Dads Teratogens
Cigarettes, marijuana and alcohol lower sperm count, Hepatitus C (can cause liver failure and diabetes) medicine riboverum causes sperm to mutate, hair loss drugs touching mom
Drug given to mom to offset morning sickness, showed critical periods, affected different things on baby depending when taken, same deformaties as accutane
Schizophrenia in Twins
Identical genes 66%, 30 genes predispose for this dysfunction, family interaction cause predisposition to relapse, most with disease born in winter
Needed while pregnant, yoga positions help with positions of labor, taylor positions butterfly widens vaginal area, keagels, squats, stretch
Dizygotic Twins, Fraternal Twins
Two seperate zygotes created by fertilization of two ova by two sperm
Has exactly the same genotype as one other organism already alive, artificially created by removing a cell from one creature and making it develop into another
Fragile X Syndrome
Not dominant or recessive, one third of girls with it show mental deficiency, cognitive deficits are most common form of inherited mental retardation,
Hard to determine effects cause hardly done alone, Study in Jamaica showed smoke made babies laid back, confound is no smoking means poor, still deprives baby of O2 meaning low birth weight,
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome looks like downs with hyperactivity and stunted growth, no filtrum(crease on upper lip), Fetal Alcohol Effects looks normal but has cognitive effects of FAS, drinking excess at beginning may cause spinal bifida
Hazards of Multiple Births
Pregnancy complications of high blood pressure, toxemia, multiples have higher rates of death, disease and disabilities (many doctors recommend selective abortion if multiple embryos)
Aids/Hiv only has 2% transmission rate with treatment, Herpes only affects if open lesions present but can kill thim or run risk of blindness (medicine won't hurt), Syphillis can cause preterm labor and mental disorders, clymidia and Ghonorrea can be passed if born vaginally, Hepatitis C can pass though breast milk
Genetic counsling
Provides facts and issues for prospective parents, recommended for people with close relative with genetic disorder, couples with history of spontaneous abortion, couple from same ethnic group, women older than 35
Inadequate Nutrition
Especially in 3rd trimester, vitamens important in 1st two, lost of lean protien really important, takes two generations to relieve effects, eat lean meat (fish is good cause of omega 3), also need calcium (greens, peppers), Iron (red meat, spinach, broccli), folic acid (greens, almonds), Vitamen C, Carbs
Visual Acuity in Genes
Age is a high developing factor, could be caused by physical illness or trauma, poor nutrition, could be amount of time reading, shows strong environmental impact
Klinefelter Syndrome
Boy whose penis will not grow, fat begins to accumulate around his chest, boy with XXY
Tetracycline is huge one, urinary tract infection tested for, can be given less harmful macrodanton, bone abnormalities and teeth darkened, aspirine can cause miscarriage (vasodialator) but not tylenol, Quinine affects ear development (purifies water), Antidepressents cause withdrawl symptoms
Below 16 at risk cause moms body still developing and wins out, over 35
Down Syndrome, trisomy 21
Most have certain facial features (thick tongue, round face, slanted eyes), distingtive hands, feet and fingerprints, hearing problems, heart abnormalities, mental slowness, reach old age by 30
Dominant Recessive Genes
Pair of alleles interact is such a way that one is expressed and one isn't
Tourette Syndrome
Dominant, not disabling, effect vary, recurrent uncontrollable tics
Healthy Weight Gain during pregnancy
25-35 lbs
Lead/Oil based paint
Noxious fumes can hurt mom

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