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35yo M with nonproductive cough and chest pain worse with inspiration, relieved by sitting up.
pericarditis. +/- friction rub, incr JVP (c inspir = Kussmaul's sx), elevated ESR, CPK-MB nl, diffuse ST elev., pericardial effusion. Coxsackie A/B, TB, staph/strep, amebiasis, actinomycoses, CRF, SLE, scleroderma, RA, CA, MI, trauma.
42yo M with CP, headache and confusion. Has history of HTN.
malignant HTN. Severe diastolic hypertension, papilledema, hematuria, proteinuria, small scarred kidneys. Rx with sodium nitroprusside or IV beta-blockers to prevent end-organ damage due.
60yo M with rash composed of red plaques with scaling and nodules. Has not responded to steroid rx.
Mycosis fungoides. Malignant cutaneous helper T-cell lymphoma; disseminated disease with exfoliative dermatitis and lymphadenopathy = Sezary syndrome. "Red man's disease". CBC shows lymphocytosis.
29yo F recently delivered baby, now with dyspnea and pedal edema.
dilated cardiomyopathy. Systolic dysfunction, decr ejection fraction Peripartum period (3 mo.), alcoholism, hypothyroidism, Freidreich's ataxia, previous myocarditis coxsackie B, adriamycin, tricyclic antidepressants, lithium, cyclophosphamide.
25yo M with jaundice following needle stick two months ago.
HBV. Hyperbili, ALT>AST, +/- AP, HBsAg +, IgM anti-HBc + (window period). Liver biopsy = Councilman bodies. 5% progress to chronic c risk cirrhosis and HCC. Long incubation = 3 months. Enveloped DNA hepadna. HBsAg = chronicity.
25yo M with SOB and ankle edema following severe URI.
viral myocarditis. Cocksackie B > Borrelia burdorferi (Lyme), trypanosome cruzi (Chagas), hypersensitivity rxn in SLE or drug rxn, radiation, sarcoidosis. Echo: dilatation c low EF. ASO titers not elevated. ESR elevated.
37yo M with fatigue and dyspnea with exertion. Pansystolic murmur at the apex with radiation to the axilla.
Mitral insufficiency. Common causes: mitral valve prolapase, ischemic papillary muscle, endocarditis, rheumatic. S3 may be present.
34yo F in 27th week of pregnancy with dyspnea and orthopnea. History of recurrent strep pharyngitis as child.
Mitral stenosis. Opening snap and mid-diastolic murmur at apex. +/- LVH and a-fib.
5yo M with yellow crusty lesions behind the ear and around the mouth.
impetigo. "honey-colored" lesions. Group A strep. Rx with cephalosporin, pcn, or erythromycin. ASO titer negative. Highly communicable. Staph. aureus superinfection may cause bullous impetigo. Group B strep impetigo in newborns.
35yo M develops pruritus and blistering rash over shins following camping trip.
Contact dermatitis = type IV hypersensitivity rxn. Papulovesicular rash c oozing and crusting. Rx c topical and systemic corticosteroids. Also occurs with various irritants, diaper rash.
79yo F with unilateral HA, jaw pain, visual disturbance in ipsilateral eye.
temporal arteritis. Most common vasculitis in US. Often coexists with polymyalgia rheumatica. Ophthalmic artery occlusion --> blindness. Biopsy positive 60%, so treat on clinical picture with steroids before biopsy.
35yo M with cramping in calves with walking, smokes 3 ppd. PE reveals pallor and cyanosis of distal extremities.
thromboangiitis obliterans = occluded small and medium arteries, no atherosclerosis, inflammation of all layers of arterial wall. Smoking cessation critical. Amputation may become necessary of fingers/toes.
31yo M with ankylosing spondylitis develops severe SOB.
aortic insufficiency. Signs include bounding pulse, wide pulse pressure, diastolic decrescendo murmur at left sternal border. Causes include rheumatic, ankylosing spondylitis, marfan's, reiter's, tertiary syphillis.
25yo F with myalgias and low-grade fevers starting one week after a dental extraction.
subacute bact. endocarditis. Ass. c rheumatic dx, mvp, etc. AB prophy prevents. Janeway = periph hemmorhage, Osler's = painful, Splinter hem. = subungal linear, Roth's spots = oval retinal. Strep viridans = most common subacute.
24yo M with angina, DOE, occasional fainting, and systolic ejection murmur to right of sternum.
aortic stenosis. Crescendo-decrescendo SEM, paradoxical splitting. Causes include congenital bicuspid valve, degenerative calcification, rheumatic.
21yo M with DOE and an episode of syncope while playing tennis.
HCM. Signs = S4, SEM incr by valsalva, decr by squatting. EKG shows LVH. Echo: asymmetrical septal hypertrophy, ant. motion of mitral valve. Rx with beta-blockers, avoid sports, amiodarone may prevent fatal arrythymia, surgical myomectomy.
11yo M with jaundice, dark urine, and recent shellfish ingestion.
Hep A. Hyperbilirubinemia, ALT>AST, +/- AP, incr PT, incr. urine urobilinogen and bili, + IgM Ab to HepA. No infectivity in 3wks. Fecal/oral, bad water. Not chronic. HAV = naked, ssRNA, picorna. Prevent with killed vaccine and immune globulins.
30yo M with bilateral circular red eruption in the groin.
tinea corporis = ringworm. Circular papulosquamous eruption. Hyphae on KOH skin scrapings. Rx clotrimazole, miconazole, ketoconazole cream. Also systemic griseofulvin, keto/itraconazole prn. Tinea capitis = children.
44yo F with irritability, easy bruising, weight gain, and glucosuria.
Cushing's (truncal obesity, moon facies, buffalo hump, hirsutism. Elevated plasma cortisol with high ACTH, hypokalemia, leukopenia, osteoporosis, adrenocortical hyperplasia and pituitary adenoma.
28yo M treated for UTI develops raised, red, pruritic rash over trunk and limbs.
urticaria. wheal and flare rxn, "hives". Rx: stop causative agent, H1/2 blockers, calamine lotion, corticosteroids.
30yo homosexual M with skin eruption on upper limbs, trunk, anogenital areas.
molluscum contagiousum. Poxvirus. Opportunistic AIDS infection. Painless, pearly-white, dome-shaped, waxy, umbilicated nodules, 2-5mm, palms and soles not affected.
56yo M with diarrhea for 2 months, arthritis, and weight loss.
Whipple's disease. Increased fecal fat. Macrocytic, hypochromic anemia. Small bowel biopsy c PAS + macrophages. Gram + actinomycete bacilli in macs. Rx with bactrim or ceftriaxone for 1 year. Tropheryma whippellii. Vitamin malabsorption.
24yo F with extensive denuding of skin and recent skin infection.
Scalded skin syndrome. Vesicle fluid is sterile. S. aureus on blood culture. Rx IV methicillin or oxacillin. Phage group 2 staph exotoxin.
19yo F with recurrent episodes of periorbital swelling and dyspnea lasting up to 24hrs.
C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency. Autosomal dominant. Decreased C4= best screening test. Decreased C1 inhibitor (confirmatory test). Decr. C2, but normalC3, normal IgE. Also called hereditary angioedema.
3yo M with albinism and recurrent infections with recurrent staph and strep infections.
Chediak-Higashi. Also nystagmus, photophobia. Decreased neutrophil count. Normal platelet count. Large cytoplasmic granules (Giant Lysosomes) in WBCs. Autosomal recessive, defect in microtubule polymerization in leukocytes. Defective chemotaxis.
16yo M with headache, fever, and rash on the palms and soles. Recent camping in North Carolina. UA demonstrates proteinuria and hematuria.
RMSF. Rash periph. to central, palms/soles, petechial, thrombocytopenia, + Hess' test = Rumpel-Leede phenomena, + Proteus OX19 / OX2 Weil-Felix rxn. Rickettsia rickettsii. Rx tetracycline. Dermacentor wood tick. East coast of US.
50yo M with palpitations and CP. Has had multiple sexual partners. Has diastolic murmur.
Syphilitic aortitis. Signs include collapsing pulse, wide pulse pressure, LVH with strain, mid-diastolic murmur at apex = Austin-Flint, VDRL / FTA-ABS positive. "Tree bark" calcification of arch and ascending aorta on CXR, tertiary stage syphillis.
60yo M with COPD with severe dyspnea at rest, bulging neck veins, and peripheral edema.
cor pulmonale. Right heart failure d/t pulmonary cause, usually COPD. Other causes include pulmonary fibrosis, pneumoconioses, recurrent PE, PPHTN, obesity with sleep apnea, kyposcoliosis.
60yo farmer with skin lesions on forehead, upper lip, dorsum of hands. Scaly rough plaques.
actinic keratosis. Most common precancerous dermatosis --> squamous cell CA. Signs that preceed malignancy include elevation, ulceration, inflammation, and enlargement >1 cm.
68yo outdoor construction worker, raised bleeding lesion over upper lip.
basal cell carcinoma. Most common skin cancer. Light-skinned people. Sun-exposed areas, slow growing, metastatic disease rare. Increased incidence in xeroderma pigmentosum.
30yo M intermittent jaundice for two years following a motorcycle accident.
HCV. Percutaneous transmission = 90% of cases. >50% progress to chronic, leading to cirrhosis in 20%. PCR test.
30yo F with HTN and elevated plasma renin.
Renovascular hypertension. "String-of-pearls" pattern seen on renal angio. +/- renal artery bruit. Mostly fibromuscular dysplasia (young female), atherosclerosis (older male), <5% of all HTN. Rx with ACE-I but contraindicated in bilateral RAS.
50yo alcoholic with fever, abdominal pain, and progressive distention of abdomen.
SBP. Ascites fluid leukocyte count >500/cc; PMNs >250 = diagnostic, low protein and glucose, ascites culture may be negative. Rx empirically, then organism-specific if possible. E. coli = most common.

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